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Universal acclaim- based on 245 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 18 out of 245

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  1. JalenC
    Nov 29, 2004
    Super kawaii!
  2. MumblesH
    Nov 29, 2004
    Call me biased since I already love Gwen and am a huge fan of No Doubt, but this album lived up to my expectations, that it would be awesome! I hope to be hearing it in dance clubs!
  3. LauraR
    Nov 28, 2004
    I expected so much more from this album, especially the Andre 3000 tracks. The song "We Got a Long Way To Go" by the two of them sounds like it was thrown together in about 5 minutes and is musically and lyrically flaccid. The slower songs on the album (Crash) are snoozers and the whole album rings of a commercial in the sneakiest way for her fashion line LAMB. She couldn't even come I expected so much more from this album, especially the Andre 3000 tracks. The song "We Got a Long Way To Go" by the two of them sounds like it was thrown together in about 5 minutes and is musically and lyrically flaccid. The slower songs on the album (Crash) are snoozers and the whole album rings of a commercial in the sneakiest way for her fashion line LAMB. She couldn't even come up with an original album title. Sorry Gwen, you have not fooled us all. Expand
  4. RandyB
    Nov 28, 2004
    A great listen that takes you back to the 80's sounds but with today's style and flare.
  5. BradleyM
    Nov 27, 2004
    Great listening a fantastic departure for Gwen
  6. flips
    Nov 27, 2004
    Some of the cuts are okay musically, but the lyrical content is horrid - it sounds like a 13 year old wrote it. Isn't Stefani in her mid-30's? I was embarrassed to listen to this album.
  7. EvanS
    Nov 26, 2004
    Only Gwen could pull something like this off, and if anyone else attempted it, it would be laughable. But my grl Gwen has a certain cool factor that is unmatched by anyone, from her army of Harajuku grls to her off the wall music. Definitely one of the greatest creative songwriters of our time!
  8. rhidas
    Nov 23, 2004
  9. DustinW
    Nov 23, 2004
    AMAZING!!!!! once again Gwen Stefani proves she is the Queen of pop/rock!!!!
  10. CherylB.
    Nov 23, 2004
    This album clearly defines why I am a fan of Gwen S. She has a style all her own, and marches to the beat of a different drummer. Her album is unlike any other's. I have bought many CD's this year, but Angel Love Music Baby is definitely ahead of the class. A non stop party, Love it!
  11. AlanR
    Nov 23, 2004
    The first track is kinda catchy but her lyrics, once emotional and confessional, are all about f**king and fashion now. She no longer exists.
  12. BrettR
    Nov 23, 2004
    Makes her mark on the industry by revamping 80's decadence and combining wit and energy with the world's dream production team
  13. JimS
    Nov 23, 2004
    Gwen certainly created the "guilty pleasure" CD of the year with L.A.M.B. Every track bears a resemblace to some song you've heard before, and I spent the 20 minutes after listening to the CD trying to piece which samples came from where. The sound ranges from new wave to early 90's dance to current astro-funk. There is definitely a Prince/Cyndi Lauper/Cathy Dennis/New Order Gwen certainly created the "guilty pleasure" CD of the year with L.A.M.B. Every track bears a resemblace to some song you've heard before, and I spent the 20 minutes after listening to the CD trying to piece which samples came from where. The sound ranges from new wave to early 90's dance to current astro-funk. There is definitely a Prince/Cyndi Lauper/Cathy Dennis/New Order meets the Neptunes featuring OutKast kinda vibe on it. There are no arty love songs on this CD and that is a good thing. Every track on this album could be a single and it is very listenable straight through. Many might think that the CD is too varied, and it certainly doesn't sound like No Doubt. Once again, it is pretty clear that this is not the intent of the artist. The sass quotient is at a 10, and for a queer like me, this is one of the top cd's of the year, and the most interesting since Scissor Sisters' debut. L.A.M.B. is the album Kylie wishes she made. Expand
  14. MichaelM
    Nov 23, 2004
    AWESOME! Can't stop listening to it.....
  15. Amzalltheway
    Nov 23, 2004
    great 80/90's electro pop songs mixed with good blend of hip tracks. Reminds me alot of Kylie Minogue, but aimed at a maturer audience.
  16. LocoTino
    Nov 23, 2004
    This album is dizzily insane and 100% entertaining. I only wish Gwen came with the album :(
  17. DaveS
    Nov 22, 2004
    This is some great 80's/90's pop, like Madonna at her best.
  18. RichW
    Nov 22, 2004
    Every time she makes something, it's about 3 years ahead of everyone else - While the world is only just catching up with No Doubt's Rocksteady, she goes and kicks music forward another aeon or two. Madonna, your time is up.
  19. Tiff
    Nov 21, 2004
    Most No Doubt albums play out like kids with severe ADD... but Gwen's obsesion with Japanese school girls leads to a common focal point, and therefore a much more cohesive album... this is an extremely strong solo album. The songs are easily weird and fantastic, easy to pick up on upon first listen
  20. JoseD
    Nov 21, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 22
  2. Negative: 3 out of 22
  1. LAMB has one mega-hit, one okay song, three stillborns, and seven full-fledged embarrassments.
  2. An ultra sleek and, it has to be said, generally impressive, 80s-inspired party record.
  3. The subject matter on the indistinguishably titled Love, Angel, Music, Baby is painfully mainstream throughout.