• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Dec 6, 2019
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1585 Ratings

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  1. Dec 13, 2019
    falou que demorou 3 anos para compor o álbum porém só fez parte da composição de três sendo que uma saiu a anos e foi ele e mais 14.
  2. Dec 9, 2019
    I'm sorry but seeing those critics reviews Makes me LMFAOO this album is literally terrible but I want to point out that this man is actually so talented he needs to stop chasing quick money and take his time to make a body of work next time
  3. Dec 9, 2019
    Letras horríveis e com produção datada poupem os ouvidos dessa lástima, além de tee várias musicas antigas e feats
  4. Nov 24, 2020
    Um álbum incrível mesmo com todos os empecilhos entregou um trabalho impecável que merece muito mais reconhecimento
  5. Dec 9, 2019
    What a wonderful album! He did it pretty amazing! The sounds are soooo good so do the lyrics. My favorite songs are Bedroom Floor, Familiar, live forever, and weekend, but I really enjoyed the whole album. Good Job Liam!
  6. Dec 9, 2019
    me encantó, después de muchos años esperando el álbum porfin llegó y lo ame, tiene sus clásicos y fue una gran estrategia colocar std en su tracklist
  7. Dec 9, 2019
    Es increíble como tiene diferentes tipos de genero en el mismo álbum y una gran variedad
  8. Dec 9, 2019
    Good album, I really didn’t know what to expect but I really liked this album. Proud of you!
  9. Dec 9, 2019
    It is a beauty of an album and whoever says otherwise we find ourselves in the mother.
  10. Dec 9, 2019
    this is the album of the decade
    Liam Payne is so talented, love him so much.
  11. Dec 13, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lo amo, las letras, el ritmo, sus baladas dulces y también las canciones picantes son una excelente mezcla, gracias liam por este álbum es justo lo que pensé que sería Expand
  12. Dec 9, 2019
    liam is very beautiful, is art
  13. Dec 9, 2019
    It's obvious that if you do not like this genre, you are going to leave a bad review, but everyone should take the time to listen to his songs and stop comparing them with other artists, it's unfair that he receives so much hate just because stupid people think it's fun to cancel artists without justification
  14. Dec 9, 2019
    Los sonidos cambian constantemente, en un momento la melodia puede ser dulce, en otro más movida para terminar en un pequeño rap. Me sorprende la calidad vocal y el como Liam Payne supo jugar con su voz. Además podemos notar el crecimiento el cuanto a su composición en letras. Un buen primer álbum debut
  15. Dec 10, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. amei o álbum toda a dinâmica dele é muito boa, todo o conteúdo das músicas sobre o que aconteceu com ele é bom Expand
  16. Dec 10, 2019
    Álbum simplesmente maravilhoso, liam payne dono da indústria musical. Não tem uma música que seja ruim. Ícone.
  17. Dec 10, 2019
    This album have everything, from ballads to songs that will make you dance. Songs such as all i want, weekend and remeber have amazings lyrics and the vocals are on point in every single song.
  18. Dec 10, 2019
    His vocals are on fleek, his songs are really good and sticky and his lyrics are way to good
  19. Dec 10, 2019
    So disappointed... it feels like a compilation of his previous singles that was rushed just to be released. There’s no soul behind these tracks.
  20. Dec 10, 2019
    o álbum é muito rude, me senti desconfortável ouvindo as letras apesar de gostar muito do Liam, o álbum ficou muito ruim, muito sexualizado e pesou na mão, não consigo imaginar nem os funkeiros br cantando certas coisas. Também não entendi pq as músicas saturadas estão no álbum! Horrível, dei três porque gostei de Uma música e gosto dele.
  21. Dec 10, 2019
    Minha avaliação baseia-se de acordo com os meus sentimentos em relação ao álbum. Eu gostei de todas as faixas inéditas, em especial de "Remember" e "Say It All". A voz do Liam é impecável e os vocais estão perfeitos. Em relação as letras, eu acehei ok, pra mim ele tem todo o direito de abordar qualquer assunto nas músicas, seja algo mais sentimental ou algo mais carnal. O único ponto queMinha avaliação baseia-se de acordo com os meus sentimentos em relação ao álbum. Eu gostei de todas as faixas inéditas, em especial de "Remember" e "Say It All". A voz do Liam é impecável e os vocais estão perfeitos. Em relação as letras, eu acehei ok, pra mim ele tem todo o direito de abordar qualquer assunto nas músicas, seja algo mais sentimental ou algo mais carnal. O único ponto que me incomodou um pouco foi ele ter adicionado os singles antigos no álbum, mas de qualquer forma, pra mim houve sim uma evolução em relação ao que ele já havia apresentado até aqui. Acho que ele sai mais preparado para a próxima era. Expand
  22. Dec 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Liam had so much potential that he unfortunately has not used. The album contains a bunch of old singles ans collaborations that contribute to the album feeling more like a "bravo hits" or "best of" than a debut project. The album has a few good moments like Remember and a few of those singles but disappoints severely with songs like "rude hours" and "both ways" lyrically. The first may can be regarded as being purely shocking and provocative while both ways is just a no-go in this day and age. The production value is good though not existing. His sound definitely fits well on the radio and I hope he will have his moment. However, it is forgettable and his sound is not distinct nor unique which might be his downfall. Liam is an amazing vocalist and great life. His solo debut album failed to show what a great artist he could've been and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. He might has put too much of his energy into other project and or has not found his own identity. Truly hope that he will find himself in the future and deliver a sophomore project that shows his talent and abilities. Expand
  23. Dec 11, 2019
    O album é bom pra quem quer ouvir um pop dançante, creio que Liam ainda está se encontrando no mundo da música.
  24. Dec 11, 2019
    This álbum is amazing, love this! Liam Payne is great, i love himmm !!!! Argentina loves you
  25. Dec 11, 2019
    LP1 is one of the biggest and most fantastic albums, I love how liam put many rhythms on the album, from songs like strip that down or both ways, to remember, before it ends or all i want (for xmas), really incredible!! Such amazing, Liam.
  26. Dec 12, 2019
    I’ve been waiting for this album for soooo long and i’m enjoying it sooo much!! His vocals and the eclectic sound ❤️
  27. Jue
    Dec 12, 2019
    The album was a mess. There's no visible direction of the album in itself. Wouldn't recommend
  28. Dec 12, 2019
    Definitely the worst album of the year. No lyrics, music, or anything in the songs. His voice could be great but the lyrics are making if bad; he's sexualizing women all along the album, he is also sexualizing bisexual women. Whatever, this album is just about having sex and comparing women to sport cars. I was waiting for something else, something good, but it didn't happen.
  29. Dec 12, 2019
    i really loved this album♡, I was not disappointed after waiting three years, the wait was worth it because I really enjoyed it
  30. r23
    Dec 12, 2019
    the blandest member of one direction. the music was so bland and uninspiring. only one track remember was worth "remembering" pun intended. he needs to retire from making music and just be a host or something. even members Louis Tomlinson's music is better

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Dec 16, 2019
    He relies on inane songwriting concepts, rote misogyny, and feelingless flexing. The lyrics are puerile and half-baked.
  2. 40
    Spread over 17 songs that tick off genres with all the flair of an automated Spotify playlist, Payne’s anonymity remains the album’s default through line. Occasionally painful yet weirdly Payne-less.
  3. Dec 6, 2019
    Ultimately, a few things come from repeated listenings of “LP1″: First off, the writing and singing aren’t strong enough and come across as C-level Timberlake material. Two, without being surrounded by 1D, he shouldn’t sing high, flightily and airily, but rather stick to slow, low groovers. Three, Payno should find one or two styles that work best for him — and not put a host of other singers before him, male or female — and stick to them.