• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: Jan 26, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43
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  1. Jul 23, 2022
    Amazing piece of art, great music from start to finish. the closing song is such a hypnotizing, psychedelic journey. This album is one of my all-time favorites.
  2. Mar 28, 2022
    Personally, I believe that this album really has it’s name shine through here. With its fantastic, unique, and trippy songs, this album has a real space-ish feel if that makes sense. To out it into other words, it feels floaty (‘Holding Out For You’ and ‘Man It Feels Like Space Again’ for sure). Though it’s rather unimportant when compared to the tracks themselves, I feel like thisPersonally, I believe that this album really has it’s name shine through here. With its fantastic, unique, and trippy songs, this album has a real space-ish feel if that makes sense. To out it into other words, it feels floaty (‘Holding Out For You’ and ‘Man It Feels Like Space Again’ for sure). Though it’s rather unimportant when compared to the tracks themselves, I feel like this important name and creative name choice was for sure the way to go. The tracks were not only space-ish (and all those other random adjectives I used up there), but also, in my opinion, awesome. With its great interpretation of the psychedelic genre, this album really sells its whole idea well. It does great in the many genres its going for, combining into one sorta… super genre? Super album? Not sure how to describe it but I hope I come out as understandable. Expand
  3. Jun 11, 2015
    Up there with Grenadiers' latest effort for my favourite album of 2015 at the moment. Man, It Feels Like Space Again is so well constructed and so well produced. Each song flows into one another so well, and they've managed to keep core elements of their signature psych rock sound as well as building on that with electronic, soul, and slightly R&B styled influences. Every song apart from aUp there with Grenadiers' latest effort for my favourite album of 2015 at the moment. Man, It Feels Like Space Again is so well constructed and so well produced. Each song flows into one another so well, and they've managed to keep core elements of their signature psych rock sound as well as building on that with electronic, soul, and slightly R&B styled influences. Every song apart from a couple is very exciting and great to listen to. Cannot wait to see them at Splendour. Expand
  4. May 28, 2015
    A seemingly deliberately disorganized mix of garage and psychedelic rock from the Australian’s sixth full album. The unrelenting rush of retro sources can often make it easy not to recognize some gem like qualities hidden beneath the hippie blur.
  5. Apr 6, 2015
    My favorite rock release so far this year besides the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor album. It's a weird, incredibly trippy and beautifully textured psych rock album, you can see that Kevin Parker (Tame Impala) executive produced the thing. There are really funky starts which lead in completely spaced out segments. Pond keeps the listener on the edge with countless turns and drops. SomeMy favorite rock release so far this year besides the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor album. It's a weird, incredibly trippy and beautifully textured psych rock album, you can see that Kevin Parker (Tame Impala) executive produced the thing. There are really funky starts which lead in completely spaced out segments. Pond keeps the listener on the edge with countless turns and drops. Some of my favorite moments in music this year are actually on this album Expand
  6. Jan 29, 2015
    The leverage weights too much on the album shoving it to across galaxies of gripping metalized sounds that we were used to hear along the best years of psychedelic rock but in no way that special. Yet contains esthetically pleasing passages more often than the albums before failed to secure.
  7. Jan 28, 2015
    For future reference Pond is far off reaching stardom. Still this album offers a build-up of explosive psychadelic textured flavours with each one expressing itself in its own fetished manner spotlighting the incontrovertible best-of volume of the band. Sitting Up On Our Crane is perhaps the greater accomplishment minted in full by a tremendous vocalization by Kevin Parker, from TameFor future reference Pond is far off reaching stardom. Still this album offers a build-up of explosive psychadelic textured flavours with each one expressing itself in its own fetished manner spotlighting the incontrovertible best-of volume of the band. Sitting Up On Our Crane is perhaps the greater accomplishment minted in full by a tremendous vocalization by Kevin Parker, from Tame Impala. May be that Pond has brought quite a few elements from Foxygen together as these ones seem to come up sparkling defined in Man It Feels Like Space Again, the last title of the tracklist. Collapse
  8. Jan 28, 2015
    I love how this album sounds like early psychedelic Pink Floyd. It's full of energy, funky textures, and is absolute sonic bliss. The arrangements are somewhat all over the place, but if anything it makes for an interesting and engaging album start to finish.
  9. Jan 27, 2015
    Pond has a lot of energy and I feel does a better job at focusing it here than on "Hobo Rocket". The new wave of psychedelic rock continues to progress, and innovate despite comparisons to the past.
  10. Jan 26, 2015
    Pond employs numerous musical ideas coined by 1960's psychedelic pop bands, and there are a few songs that utilize them well. Sitting Up on Our Crane is a swirling, melodic, serene piece that evokes more emotion than any other song on the record. I also enjoyed Outside Is the Right Side and Medicine Hat. However, to me, these are the only good songs on the entire album. Man It Feels LikePond employs numerous musical ideas coined by 1960's psychedelic pop bands, and there are a few songs that utilize them well. Sitting Up on Our Crane is a swirling, melodic, serene piece that evokes more emotion than any other song on the record. I also enjoyed Outside Is the Right Side and Medicine Hat. However, to me, these are the only good songs on the entire album. Man It Feels Like Space Again is another record in a recent wave of records more occupied with emulating the Beatles than writing engaging songs. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Mojo
    Mar 19, 2015
    Even if consistency isn't their bag, Pond have genius at their fingertips. [Apr 2015, p.96]
  2. Feb 13, 2015
    Somewhat disorienting, MIFLSA is a messy, incredible collection of damaged pop, and shows a band that's been forming for a while stepping into its full capabilities.
  3. Feb 13, 2015
    Many artists could learn a lot listening to Man It Feels Like Space Again, but for everyone else, it’s just groovy.