• Record Label: Decca
  • Release Date: Oct 2, 2007
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 22
  2. Negative: 4 out of 22

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  1. alexanderh.
    Nov 5, 2007
    Powerful, haunting, Siouxsie is in top form. She is uncompromising, focused, and stronger than any other female in music today.
  2. cholets.
    Oct 30, 2007
  3. JyotirmayaD.
    Oct 23, 2007
    Years and years of listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees, well, I thought I'd had enough... Then this solo gem comes out, and being the Siouxsie fan that I am, and reading a couple of good reviews -- good, not sensational -- I decided to buy it. At first I noticed Siouxsie's voice had taken on a deeper huskiness, if you will, and I noticed that the songs were also good. So I Years and years of listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees, well, I thought I'd had enough... Then this solo gem comes out, and being the Siouxsie fan that I am, and reading a couple of good reviews -- good, not sensational -- I decided to buy it. At first I noticed Siouxsie's voice had taken on a deeper huskiness, if you will, and I noticed that the songs were also good. So I played it at least once a day - Happy to have Siouxsie back with new material - and somewhere along the way, I found myself enjoying every song on the album. Not a one where I went "ugh." Siouxsie has come a long way, to say the least, and she is still at the top of her musical game! Buy it, don't try it!!! Expand
  4. JonJ.
    Oct 15, 2007
    Yeah! Really great voice and material. Should make Karen O realize she will never be on Siouxsie's level no matter how many times she steals from her!
  5. JenS
    Oct 15, 2007
    Great mix of the Creatures and Siouxsie.. dynamic, layered, great lyrics. Very Very well done! My fav CD this year!
  6. JorgeB.
    Oct 10, 2007
    I really can't understand how a good critic as Q magazine is transformed to a 60 score...The album is perfect!
  7. TimtopusC.
    Oct 8, 2007
    I don't understand this: the really great blurb but with the really lousy "60" score. How is it determined??? I mean, every single review is glowing! This album is incredible!
  8. Jason
    Oct 7, 2007
    The Ice Queen Melts....sort of. Strident but triumphant...Siouxsie blasts back with the industrial stomp of "Into a Swan," chills to the bone with "Loveless," glammily slinks up on the dance floor in "About to Happen," and infuses heartfelt emotion into "Sea of Tranquility" and "If It Doesn't Kill You." The worst thing about the album is that it is far too short but when Siouxsie is The Ice Queen Melts....sort of. Strident but triumphant...Siouxsie blasts back with the industrial stomp of "Into a Swan," chills to the bone with "Loveless," glammily slinks up on the dance floor in "About to Happen," and infuses heartfelt emotion into "Sea of Tranquility" and "If It Doesn't Kill You." The worst thing about the album is that it is far too short but when Siouxsie is at her best, and in _Mantaray_ she has recaptured that form, she leaves you wanting for more. Expand
  9. AdamA.
    Oct 7, 2007
    Fierce! Siouxsie looks hot as hell, and really goes after the brass ring with this one. Good for her! I have always been wowed with her consistently creative and cutting edge work. Everything she does is unique, from cover art to the way she sings notes that aren't really fixed to an actual key. She rocks! And what is up with her looking younger, tighter, and hotter than she was 25 Fierce! Siouxsie looks hot as hell, and really goes after the brass ring with this one. Good for her! I have always been wowed with her consistently creative and cutting edge work. Everything she does is unique, from cover art to the way she sings notes that aren't really fixed to an actual key. She rocks! And what is up with her looking younger, tighter, and hotter than she was 25 years ago? She is on fire right now. Expand
  10. KitT.
    Oct 4, 2007
    A solid release, modern yet all Siouxsie.
  11. FrancisM.
    Oct 3, 2007
    Not as good as her best, but she's still charismatic.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Nearly thirty years after her debut with the Banshees, Siouxsie can still sneer and storm as fiercely as ever.
  2. Mojo
    Mantaray, however, displays a passion and conviction that shows an artist unhappy to rest on her numerous laurels. [Sep 2007, p.102]
  3. An album filled with singles that should be instant hits.