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Universal acclaim- based on 200 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 10 out of 200
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  1. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  2. Jul 13, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the most underrated and the best album of 2022,perfect production,writing skill and features with the best extended version of an album. Expand
  3. Jul 4, 2023
    Holy **** this is an amazing album. No skips anywhere on this album, and amazing intro, spectacular storytelling, great lyrics, and insane flow make this album a spectacular work of art. This would be Zel's best album if Taboo didn't exist. What a masterpiece!!!
  4. Apr 29, 2023
    This albums vibes are amazing. There’s deep reflection in there too, it’s the whole package
  5. Jan 24, 2023
    i’ve listened to a lot of music. I’ve listen to a lot of albums. No for this album to be one of my favorite albums of all time means a lot. This album had absolutely zero skips and was flawless. And I mean flawless. This album was beautiful. I discover Denzel Curry because of this album. He’s so unique he’s like a mixture of J. Cole and Polo G. Each track had an argument to be the besti’ve listened to a lot of music. I’ve listen to a lot of albums. No for this album to be one of my favorite albums of all time means a lot. This album had absolutely zero skips and was flawless. And I mean flawless. This album was beautiful. I discover Denzel Curry because of this album. He’s so unique he’s like a mixture of J. Cole and Polo G. Each track had an argument to be the best instrumental beat on the album. Sounds like a Walkin’ had amazing samples. Also songs like X-Wing had extremely catchy beats. This album includes everything you could possibly one in an album from features, all the way to background vocals in samples. Expand
  6. Dec 20, 2022
    Yo so like um this is better than DAMN, btw I'm a Digrider and it's crazy how this album is so good good good
  7. Dec 20, 2022
    amazing project, perfect. would recommend all to give it a listen banber vbvan
  8. Oct 16, 2022
    An introspective an pure project, an amazing listen. Danzel delivers with great hooks amazing flows and thought provoking lyrics, and for me his best album to date.
  9. Sep 22, 2022
    one of my favorite albums right now, theres just one or two tracks that are sorta annoying because of the features.
  10. za1
    Sep 8, 2022
    Denzel brings great flows and lyricism to this album. The production and what is being said makes this his best album.
  11. Aug 13, 2022
    Um álbum incrivelmente consistente, todas as canções do álbum são muito boas, não há falhas, pra mim é o meu 2⁰ álbum favorito do ano (atrás de Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers de Kendrick Lamar) , é uma álbum bem suave e proveitoso, me faz querer explorar mais os trabalhos de Denzel Curry.
  12. Jun 23, 2022
    Immaculate production and flows. I’m not the biggest fan of two songs however. But the rest is absolute heat, especially the intro track
  13. Jun 9, 2022
    Crazy album of the year all killer no filler gg Denzel outdone yourself again bro kendrick disappointed
  14. May 16, 2022
    This is the hip hop album of the year for me and we're not even half way there yet. This album is perfect from start to finish with a blend of just about every style of hip hop you could imagine. The majority of the album feels like a late 90's to early 2000's alternative hip hop album, which is the golden era to me. The production is just perfect on every song, and Denzel just flows soThis is the hip hop album of the year for me and we're not even half way there yet. This album is perfect from start to finish with a blend of just about every style of hip hop you could imagine. The majority of the album feels like a late 90's to early 2000's alternative hip hop album, which is the golden era to me. The production is just perfect on every song, and Denzel just flows so naturally over anything he's presented. Expand
  15. May 13, 2022
    What a masterpiece from Denzel Curry! This albumn shows such a humane, vulnerable side of Curry, by far his best work yet.....
  16. May 13, 2022
    Denzel make a album with amazing lyrics and so many strong topics with great production loving this one
  17. May 12, 2022
    John Wayne and smell of death sucks. The rest of the songs range from okay to great
  18. May 12, 2022
    This is one of the best albums I’ve listened to. Very good consistency. Top 3 album of 2022
  19. May 3, 2022
    This album is possibly the most forgettable album i've heard the only song i remember is zatoichi which i like but the album as a whole falls flat 68/100
  20. Apr 30, 2022
    I liked it a lot but for me it's not better than his previous work, good production but several features didn't really catch my attention, It's an underrated album since maybe they don't care about the charts, but for me it should have debuted higher on the BB200 Chart.
  21. Apr 26, 2022
    Denzel Curry's recent long-awaited album. What a blow. Curry always manages to surprise me. Here he did it in one of the most shining way, by fusing many genres and offering a brand new vision of his art and style.

    There are numerous tracks here that sign a 10 out of 10 record. The single 'Walkin' is a true marvel. Although the production may be a bit repetitive, the song remains
    Denzel Curry's recent long-awaited album. What a blow. Curry always manages to surprise me. Here he did it in one of the most shining way, by fusing many genres and offering a brand new vision of his art and style.

    There are numerous tracks here that sign a 10 out of 10 record. The single 'Walkin' is a true marvel. Although the production may be a bit repetitive, the song remains noticeable by its beat switch and Denzel's raw and powerful confidence from start to beginning. It is definitely the track that made me so impatient to listen to the rest of the LP. 'Melt Session' is a terrific intro as it allows Glasper to do what he does the best. The fusion between the two artists is amazing. Surprisingly, 'The Ills' is to me another unavoidable track on 'Melt My Eyez See Your Future'. Before that I couldn't even imagine Denzel on such a jazzy track, and the result is ground-breaking. And it goes in a similar way for the song 'Angelz'. This particular track also brings the most powerful bars of the LP in my opinion. In the end it definitely taught us how terrific Denzel could be on lighter, jazzier and piano-driven productions. 'X-Wing' appears as one of the most highlighted piece of this stunning effort. In fact such an instrumental can easily be heard in a Lil Durk or Gunna discography. Denzel also showcases his abilities to surpass them in their own field. 'Sanjuro' sees a bit of an older Denzel coming back to the front of the scene with his rough lyrics and super-heavy presence. Still was a bit disappointed by the one-dimensional presence of 454.

    Unfortunately there are what I consider to be several let-downs... On the paper I was awaiting a lot from 'Zatoichi' with slowthai but this tracks ended up being one of the one I kept on skipping over and over. I can't get why they compressed their voices that much. Slowthai is well known for his lyrics and flexible vocals, why would ruin such a potential ? I also recently saw on 'Gram that JPEGMAFIA, Denzel & him were ready to form a 'super-group'. Can't wait to listen to their iconic strength together. 'The Smell of Death' also is completely not my type. In general, I am totally not a fan of Thundercat's work and I felt like here he was given way too much room. I mean his vocals are mind-numbing and terrible. Add this with the drafty production and this is how you almost ruin Denzel's presence ! 'Ain't No Way' is honestly worth being on the album. But come on... Why so many (great) artists on just one track ? It feels like Denzel is totally eclipsed of his own project here. His verse, the last, is iconic but I can't wait that long to have decent lyrics and powerful charisma. However he injects clever lines in it, but it was just not enough for me. 'John Wayne' is way too repetitive and off-the-screen to me. Sorry but I disliked (like I rarely do) Denzel's performance on here.

    In conclusion we can see Denzel Curry shared many parts of the 'Melt My Eyez See Your Future' cake with close friends, but also to producers and artists explicitly known for their own talent. This helped him craft this unmissable effort diverging in numerous interesting directions. It clearly is food-for-thoughts and will remain a major monument to artistry and inspiration. Please keep on going dear Denzel.
  22. Apr 20, 2022
    What an absolute vibe through and through, but I get stuck listening to those first two tracks all the time. My man's put something addicting into that beat change in Walkin. It's the kind of song that'll make you change what mood you're in when it shifts in the middle. It'll make you schedule your day around the tempo change so you look cool when it happens.

    I wanna meet this guy so I
    What an absolute vibe through and through, but I get stuck listening to those first two tracks all the time. My man's put something addicting into that beat change in Walkin. It's the kind of song that'll make you change what mood you're in when it shifts in the middle. It'll make you schedule your day around the tempo change so you look cool when it happens.

    I wanna meet this guy so I can give him an approving nod
  23. Apr 20, 2022
    Such a well balanced album with slower, mellow, faster, hard-hitting sections blended beautifully together. With only a couple songs on the less memorable side, the rest of Denzels best project shines through with a mixture of different colors.
  24. Apr 10, 2022
    Denzel Curry's fifth studio album "Melt My Eyez See Your Future" – 8 out of 10.

    My favorites:
    "The Last"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    April 10, 2022
  25. Apr 8, 2022
    Crisp production, introspective lyrics and immaculate flows. Denzel doesn’t seem to miss.
  26. Apr 7, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Really interesting and dynamic album with no fillers at all. Found is very cathartic yet fun and there are bars for days Expand
  27. Apr 6, 2022
    This album is phenomenal. It features some of my favorite bars and flows from Denzel. The features work so well. Love T-pains and Rico’s verse the most. Album been on repeat since it dropped. Overall it’s a great album highly recommend.
  28. Apr 2, 2022
    Great themes, killer performances, beautifully diverse beat selection. You guessed it; this is yet another great Denzel Curry record, and perhaps even his best to date.
  29. Apr 1, 2022
    This is Denzel's best album to date which is saying a lot. Lots of good social commentary mixed in with Zel's excellent cadence & rhythm. Best songs were Walkin, The Last, Troubles, Ain't No Way, X-Wing, Anglez and Zatoichi. 11/10
  30. Mar 31, 2022
    It is a fantastic album that is mellow at parts and also hard-hitting. Denzel has shown us time and time again that he is one of the most consistent rappers in the game.

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Apr 25, 2022
    It’s just a rap album, albeit a very good one, and it shows just how dynamic and forceful Denzel Curry can be when he releases himself from the poisonous burden of perfection.
  2. Apr 11, 2022
    With such a vibrant canvas to rap over, its good to hear Curry come at the project with a refreshed pen game.
  3. Mar 28, 2022
    With this album, Curry wants to let the world know who he is and what he stands for, and the music is all the better for it.