• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 24, 2023
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 85 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 71 out of 85
  2. Negative: 8 out of 85
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  1. Mar 24, 2023
    Not a single song I haven’t played over and over! This is some good stuff!
  2. Mar 25, 2023
    I smile, I ooh, I breathe a sigh of release after every track. That’s what kind of album this is, the kind that feels like a cohesive whole without being concept, and one that makes me feel urgent disappointment when I see there are only a couple of songs left. It’s a ride you don’t want to end. Looking forward to the tour, I’m already bemoaning the burden of their success that requires soI smile, I ooh, I breathe a sigh of release after every track. That’s what kind of album this is, the kind that feels like a cohesive whole without being concept, and one that makes me feel urgent disappointment when I see there are only a couple of songs left. It’s a ride you don’t want to end. Looking forward to the tour, I’m already bemoaning the burden of their success that requires so much stage time devoted to their standard hits — I’d gladly pay to watch them play this full album alone. Expand
  3. Mar 24, 2023
    one of their absolute best albums, their best since forever perhaps since Songs of Faith and Devotion
  4. Mar 24, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Memento Mori" rivals "Playing the Angel" as the best Depeche Mode album of the 21st century.

    Most of the songs are on another level, they feel well produced and "get to the soul", something that didn't happen to me with their previous album, Spirit.

    Direct songs that move you from the first listen like Ghost Again, My Favorite Stranger, Never Let Me Go.

    Slow, elegant songs: Don't Say You Love Me, Soul With Me, Speak to Me.

    Experimental moments like My Cosmos is Mine, Caroline's Monkey.

    There is everything and for all tastes, even the "weakest" songs are still enjoyable (Waggin Tongue)
  5. May 10, 2023
    Best album of Depeche Modefrom over 20 years by now.
    A mix of what they did in all their career without never been banal or repetitive. Really love it and a must listen to it.
  6. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Trovo il disco bellissimo, ad un profondo ascolto sento echi musicali (slow) qua e la di tutta una carriera come fosse un tributo, compreso una "only you" in Wagging tongue, buon ascolto a tutti. Sicuramente hanno fatto più bella figura degli U2, che hanno stracciato canzoni dove i graffi e la rabbia insostituibili sono stati sminuiti da un ridicolo falsetto e che oltretutto non riesco neanche ad ascoltare fino alla fine anche in modalità shuffle. Expand
  7. Mar 24, 2023
    It might be the firsl DM's album that I listen to over and over again since the Playing the angel!

    It seems like they took all the best from 83-98 era and put it into this LP. The only exception is "My cosmos is mine" that sounds more like "Welcome to my world" from the Delta Machine album. Gahan's voice sounds naturally without any effects that we widely used in a previous LPs. The
    It might be the firsl DM's album that I listen to over and over again since the Playing the angel!

    It seems like they took all the best from 83-98 era and put it into this LP. The only exception is "My cosmos is mine" that sounds more like "Welcome to my world" from the Delta Machine album. Gahan's voice sounds naturally without any effects that we widely used in a previous LPs. The intrumentation relies again much more on synths than guitar. My favorites are "Wagging togue" and "My favorite stranger".

    It MUST to reach #1!
  8. Mar 25, 2023
    This is one of their best works in a long time. I had a huge expectations on this album, but this album succeded!it sounds Gloomy, depressing but with a touch of brightness for some reason. A brilliant album. I can't wait to see them live again!
  9. Mar 24, 2023
    What a nice surprise, a beautiful album that goes up there with their best from the '86-93/97 era. Such a good flow, great lyrics, raw sounds layered with otherworldly synth sounds, a blend of post-punk and past DM eras. And it sounds so fresh, so modern at the same time.

    There's not even one song I dislike, and the good news that most of the songs are still growing on me, but there are
    What a nice surprise, a beautiful album that goes up there with their best from the '86-93/97 era. Such a good flow, great lyrics, raw sounds layered with otherworldly synth sounds, a blend of post-punk and past DM eras. And it sounds so fresh, so modern at the same time.

    There's not even one song I dislike, and the good news that most of the songs are still growing on me, but there are a few which are already in my best of collection:

    - Always You is currently my favorite song from the album, it is truly going places. It is the one that I would go back to again and again. While simple in structure and with straightforward lyrics, the chorus is truly other-worldly: a desperate, intense and heartbreaking plea to the only thing providing some solid ground in an otherwise completely absurd existence. It gives me shivers and that doesn't happen very often nowadays.

    - My Cosmos is mine: I love how the song is structured: monotonous comatose verses fully anchored in a B minor chord which doesn't change for the duration of the song, EXCEPT for THAT moment. It's a spacious trip inside oneself, centered, and trying to avoid any outside contact, running further inside, but the subdued anger is there building up and THEN the **** reality irrupts violently, shockingly, dissonant, with no stable ground, always morphing into impossible chord progressions, while the self chants against the trespassing. And then it falls further inside, with little to no communication with the outside world, a choir of ghostly voices echoing and keeping themselves company.

    - Don't say you love me - love it, strings and all, it is just beautiful! After just three listens I felt like I've been knowing this song all my life. There's a lot of familiarity to it, in a very good way. I don't know why, but it reminds me (mood and thematic) of this other song that is a favourite of mine, "Nothing Really Ends" by dEUS

    - People are good - An updated, more mature version of People are people, wonderful lyrics, great beat and vocal delivery.
  10. Mar 24, 2023
    Time after time the band comes through. Thank you boys for another addition to the soundtrack of my life and helping my contemplate my own mortality
  11. Mar 24, 2023
    Feeling this Album right away. Listening the whole day already, and it gets better and better.
  12. Mar 24, 2023
    I'm absolutely loving this album, i've had it on repeat since it came out...
  13. Mar 24, 2023
    Excelente regreso a lo grande con Memento Mori! la producción es genial y la voz de Dave Gahan suena fresca como nunca. Disco con sonido propio. El mejor desde Playing the Angel, o quizás desde Ultra.
  14. Mar 25, 2023
    This has everything that once hooked me to DM, all these years after they preserve the spirit and create more magic. Every song here is special!!
  15. Mar 25, 2023
    Very powerfull peace of music! Gahan in good vocal shape, very fresh composition of sounds
  16. Mar 25, 2023
    An utterly cohesive, magnificent electronic masterpiece that references Kraftwerk, Bowie and Moby, while self-referential to the best creations in Depeche Mode history, of which Memento Mori definitely ranks. The best tracks are People Are Good, Never Let Me Go, Before We Drown, Speak To Me, My Cosmos Is Mine, Don't Say You Love Me and My Favourite Stranger.
  17. Apr 2, 2023
    This is their best record since "Ultra" (1997). The boys from Basildon did it yet again. Well done, lads.
  18. Mar 29, 2023
    Memento Mori this is the highest form of music for the soul, not for the masses. Dave and Martin have created a specific concept and stuck to it for the entire fifty minutes of Memento Mori. The specter of death lurks around every corner, but it is not an image that inspires fear but rather hope. This whole album is a hope, above all, that such a legend is able to observe the world soMemento Mori this is the highest form of music for the soul, not for the masses. Dave and Martin have created a specific concept and stuck to it for the entire fifty minutes of Memento Mori. The specter of death lurks around every corner, but it is not an image that inspires fear but rather hope. This whole album is a hope, above all, that such a legend is able to observe the world so closely that they can respond to some of its ills with his songs. Expand
  19. Mar 30, 2023
    It took 3 days to grow fully on me and now it feels like the best album since PTA, I can listen to the whole thing without skipping a bit, Awesome comeback!
  20. Mar 31, 2023
    Impressive. Memento Mori is an album that could have been released in the first 20 years of the band's existence. Being a very, very long time fan, this is the first album to give me the chills in a long time. Definitely at the top of the list with their best albums and their best of the 2000s.
  21. Apr 13, 2023
    After 40+ years of making a name for themselves, most would expect Depeche Mode to have dried out completely from their talent at this point in their careers. However on this album, it is exactly the opposite. The group continues to thrive in the genre that they pioneered in, while continuing to put their own twist on it and also create an oddly melancholic and dark musical experience.After 40+ years of making a name for themselves, most would expect Depeche Mode to have dried out completely from their talent at this point in their careers. However on this album, it is exactly the opposite. The group continues to thrive in the genre that they pioneered in, while continuing to put their own twist on it and also create an oddly melancholic and dark musical experience. It's not only impressive, but also extremely satisfying and pleasant. Expand
  22. Apr 20, 2023
    “’Memento Mori’ is a major return to form and then some. Everything about this era feels draped in the gothic majesty of yesteryear, soaring down the synthetic highway with an existisitential crisis riding shotgun. The synth pop meets alt rock style is executed flawlessly, but what’s even more impressive is the amount of album tracks that actually rival (‘Ghosts Again’) excellence.

    “’Memento Mori’ is a major return to form and then some. Everything about this era feels draped in the gothic majesty of yesteryear, soaring down the synthetic highway with an existisitential crisis riding shotgun. The synth pop meets alt rock style is executed flawlessly, but what’s even more impressive is the amount of album tracks that actually rival (‘Ghosts Again’) excellence.

    God tier cuts are pulled off with expertise and ease, 50 minutes zoom by thanks to the beautiful attention to detail. So, even if you’re vaguely familiar with them…’Memento Mori’ is a perfect place to start.”
  23. Mar 27, 2023
    Memento Mori is a definite step up from the last three albums, sound production wise. Textured, layered, reverb(ed)... Glad the distortion on Dave Gahan's voice was finally dialed back for this record. The presence of Marta Salogni as sound engineer -- who had experience working with electronic artists such as Björk and Goldfrapp -- likely played a huge part in this renewed Depeche ModeMemento Mori is a definite step up from the last three albums, sound production wise. Textured, layered, reverb(ed)... Glad the distortion on Dave Gahan's voice was finally dialed back for this record. The presence of Marta Salogni as sound engineer -- who had experience working with electronic artists such as Björk and Goldfrapp -- likely played a huge part in this renewed Depeche Mode sound. (Quality headphones, people!)

    If Black Celebration, Ultra and Sounds of the Universe had a threesome baby, this might be the result. SOTU's B-side "Ghost" would've been a good fit for this record for the similarity in sound to some of the tracks. No songs are immediate crowd pleasers such as Enjoy the Silence (Violator), I Feel You (SOFAD) or It's No Good (Ultra), and Martin's guitar gets little action here, but most songs do hold your attention and bring you inside their dark, gloomy world... with hints of hope and warmth.

    Favorites: My Cosmos is Mine, Ghosts Again, Before We Drown, Always You, People Are Good, Speak to Me
  24. Mar 25, 2023
    The electronica is the usual clean, crisp and actual electronica that we expect from a DM release. It is the song lyrics, the melodies and the pacing that makes this outing stand out from all of the others since 1997's ULTRA. There is a heartfelt, at times almost lisping pathos in Gahan's vocals that keeps you coming back for more. The opener is a steaming, pulsing filmic soundscape of theThe electronica is the usual clean, crisp and actual electronica that we expect from a DM release. It is the song lyrics, the melodies and the pacing that makes this outing stand out from all of the others since 1997's ULTRA. There is a heartfelt, at times almost lisping pathos in Gahan's vocals that keeps you coming back for more. The opener is a steaming, pulsing filmic soundscape of the state of Gahan's self-worldstation. The singular Gore-fronted angelic number "Soul With Me" might be a single with Gore re-exhibiting the kind of habitual vocals that place him on a legendary par with an Elvis. And the band closes this whole œuvre with a dreamlike bittersweet number that slowly builds to an electronic crescendo that leads to the utmost end.

    Sadly there are no instrumental between-track pieces on this album that we have come to expect of a DM album to link up some of the songs, but perhaps the quality and the state of what was already there did not warrant them adding any of this.

    Morituri te salutant
  25. Mar 24, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Different than Exciter, PTA, SOTU, Delta & Spirit, every song has something deep inside. A mix of simplicity and depth at the same time. Mature Mode Expand
  26. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Like many reviews here have stated, I feel this is what DM fans have waited for since Playing the Angel. This isn't to discount well-crafted songs like Wrong, Heaven, and a couple other standouts since 2005, but the approach to go back to basics and simplify (in my opinion) really works in so many ways.

    Ghosts Again leads the interest here since it's the first single from Memento Mori, but Always You, Wagging Tongue, People Are Good, and Never Let Go are powerful and amazing in their own right. The beautiful melodies and harmonies that make up Before We Drown, Speak To Me, Soul With Me, and Don't Say You Love Me demonstrate that Martin and Dave still can take us on an emotional journey with every note. Within the darkness lies light.

    So happy to say I feel DM has returned to form and put out an incredible album despite losing the consistent presence and lifelong friendship of Andy Fletcher.

    (Saw them last Thursday in Sacramento to kick off the world tour and the songs they played from the album were just as good, maybe even better live...)
  27. Mar 25, 2023
    Best album since exciter. Got An exciter vibe in the album. Beautyful arranged songs. The band is like wine....better with the years.
  28. Mar 24, 2023
    A great album, it’s impressive they can still take so many risks at this stage of their career. Quality of sounds, voices are top notch. They have also struck the perfect balance between exploring new avenues and honor their sound heritage. Melodies, lyrics will be a question of taste, all the rest is remarkable and indisputable
  29. Mar 24, 2023
    Having been there since the Vince Clarke fuelled Speak and Spell and everything since, I wasn't too sure what to expect after the fairly tepid Spirit album of 2017.

    Mode seemed to be a group calling time on their tenure as pathfinders in various genres of music. With Fletch's unexpected death I was surprised Gore and Gahen colluded on a new album, but I'm ecstatic they did. Gahan's
    Having been there since the Vince Clarke fuelled Speak and Spell and everything since, I wasn't too sure what to expect after the fairly tepid Spirit album of 2017.

    Mode seemed to be a group calling time on their tenure as pathfinders in various genres of music. With Fletch's unexpected death I was surprised Gore and Gahen colluded on a new album, but I'm ecstatic they did. Gahan's mellifluous voice juxtaposed with Gore's obvious expertise leaves them with a fantastic album that Fletch would've been proud of. "Ghosts again" is their best single for years and the ethereal "My cosmos is mine" set the tone for a journey into the macabre but there are elements of" Violator" and" Music for the Masses" in this album, yet Memento Mori still somehow maintains a singular identity. Gahan has co- written a few of the songs and seems be honing his skills in this art form. Memento Mori seems full of angst and pragmatic life lessons and within this lie gems such as "My favourite stranger", a song which harks back to the group's halcyon days. Gore's still seemingly youthful tones massage sentiment on "Soul with me" and "Caroline's Monkey" is unique and may be viewed as the weakest track on the album but gets better after a few listens. Every song invites you in, making this the best Depeche Mode album for a long while and well worth the wait. I only hope it isn't their swansong.
  30. Mar 26, 2023
    Deep, dark and ecletic. There are some nostalgic elements in the album that makes this album so special. It derives deep messages about life & death. The death that is part of our lives, that shouldn't be forgotten. This is the Memento mori.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Mar 31, 2023
    While much of Memento Mori is thoughtful, and some of it visits the dark side, there is a great deal of positivity underpinning Depeche Mode’s work as a duo.
  2. Mar 30, 2023
    Like the Seventh Seal, Memento Mori raises questions but never brings resolution. ... I It is a testament to their continued relevance and the unexpected wonder in remembering our shared condition.
  3. 70
    Lavish production disguises thin songwriting on a few tracks, but overall this voluptuous sonic feast feels like a fitting epitaph to departed friends. [Jun 2023, p.72]