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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 573 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 93 out of 573
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  1. Jul 25, 2017
    This is one of the worst things I have ever heard in my entire life. It is extremely hard to get through not even 5 seconds of one song without having to throw up. Please. If your life is dear to you DO NOT listen to this trash.
  2. Apr 22, 2017
    This is my fav debut album
    The songs are all though out, it has catchy songs and song with great meaning
    Young should be a single. I am really proud of the chainsmokers for delivering this amazing album
  3. Apr 16, 2017
    Okay so it's pretty clear how much The Chainsmokers are selling out for the chance at Billboard Hot 100 chart toppers, so much so, that it doesn't translate well. The lyrics are cliché and overdone along with extremely surface level. Drew's voice is ass and it doesn't take a vocal professional to figure that out, however he does do a better job masking the issues than previouslyOkay so it's pretty clear how much The Chainsmokers are selling out for the chance at Billboard Hot 100 chart toppers, so much so, that it doesn't translate well. The lyrics are cliché and overdone along with extremely surface level. Drew's voice is ass and it doesn't take a vocal professional to figure that out, however he does do a better job masking the issues than previously anticipated. The beats and flows on most songs I like but some are just repetitive and obnoxious. I think they thrive when they leave most of the singing (if not all of it) to someone else. I'm a huge fan of The Chainsmokers and seeing them live put them up as one of my favorites, but I was hoping for more hard songs like Don't Let Me Down, and all we got was It Won't Kill Ya (don't get me wrong I love the song, it's my favorite on the album). I like most of the songs just for their way of being easy to listen to and play in a social setting, but talent-wise they could have done better. Expand
  4. May 4, 2017
    Amazing album! Magical sound very subtly echoes the text of each song. This album The Chainsmokers gives you the opportunity to experience some of the major components of your life: love, separation, friendship, growing up.. a Very sincere and dear to the heart of the album.
  5. Apr 11, 2017
    If you're not a fan of the Chainsmokers, you won't be of this album; let's get that out of the way. If you like the Chainsmokers for their popped-up EDM sound, "I'm drunk" party music, or a guilty pleasure, then this is perfect. There's the slower ballads, which don't add a whole lot, but there is a lot worse music out there. Taggert's vocals aren't as dreadful as the popular sentimentIf you're not a fan of the Chainsmokers, you won't be of this album; let's get that out of the way. If you like the Chainsmokers for their popped-up EDM sound, "I'm drunk" party music, or a guilty pleasure, then this is perfect. There's the slower ballads, which don't add a whole lot, but there is a lot worse music out there. Taggert's vocals aren't as dreadful as the popular sentiment would lead you to believe. Nobody should be expecting these guys to WOW us with their vocals, lyrical substance, or depth. The Chainsmokers have a trick, they know it well, and if you listen this album expecting something outside of their realm, then you're wasting your time.

    Favorite songs: Paris, The One, Break Up Every Night, Bloodstream
  6. Apr 10, 2017
    album of the year 2017. loved every song on it to the point where i can't pick a favourite because they are all so flawless and i get the lyrics on most of the songs aren't too deep ( even though its obvious that they're trying which most edm acts don't ) but in my opinion every song here is an extremely fun listen. i really don't see why everybodys hating on the chainsmokers the mainalbum of the year 2017. loved every song on it to the point where i can't pick a favourite because they are all so flawless and i get the lyrics on most of the songs aren't too deep ( even though its obvious that they're trying which most edm acts don't ) but in my opinion every song here is an extremely fun listen. i really don't see why everybodys hating on the chainsmokers the main complaint i hear is all their songs sound the same but sorry i just don't hear every song sounds different enough to me to be distinct. i'll be definitely coming back to this all year great album Expand
  7. Apr 16, 2017
    Todas as músicas trazem batidas legais, um pop eletrônico bem satisfatório, o álbum combina em sua estrutura geral e é tudo bem encaixado. Orgulho deles!
  8. Apr 15, 2017
    Cheio de hits, lirous n venham gongar os outros so pq disseram q perfeita ilusão é ruim, bando de embutes se eles tivessem mentido tudo bem
    The Chainsmokers brilhem, arrasaram
  9. Apr 12, 2017
    Beat and sound so great ! , this guys are so talented, brilliant and intelligent to make smash hits over and over again.
    This album it's a good debut.
  10. Nov 2, 2018
    People seem to love hating on the chainsmokers but this is an amazing album. With catchy lyrics, great vocals and a wide variety of styles in production throughout the album is very consistent and very memorable. Favourites include Bloodstream, My Type, Young, The One and Paris.
  11. Apr 10, 2017
  12. Apr 26, 2017
    Tal vez la mayoría de las canciones suenen igual, pero las letras no tanto, es cierto que su personalidad no es la mejor pero no tenemos que criticar su música basándonos en eso, monsters borren su comentario si no es sobre el álbum
  13. Apr 11, 2017
    Amazing! Lyrics ok but good songs and great pop/new EDM sounding. "Young" is the best song and it succeeds being even better than "Closer". Loved it!!
  14. Apr 13, 2017
    Dizer que o álbum é ruim apenas por ter um bom desempenho nas paradas musicais enquanto seus favs não conseguem o mesmo é muito feio. Excelente trabalho, The Chainsmokers. Album ótimo
  15. Apr 14, 2017
    I work in the music industry and have had the pleasure of working with The Chainsmokers before so I'm gonna look at this from a objective point of view: I don't think the album is that bad, but it's not great... it's ok at best, but this album could of been amazing. I feel like they should of kept their heavier EDM sound, but I know why they chose this more dance pop direction that theyI work in the music industry and have had the pleasure of working with The Chainsmokers before so I'm gonna look at this from a objective point of view: I don't think the album is that bad, but it's not great... it's ok at best, but this album could of been amazing. I feel like they should of kept their heavier EDM sound, but I know why they chose this more dance pop direction that they decided to go on. They want to be more radio friendly, (hell my radio station plays 5 of their songs on air every day because they do really strong) because the more airplay they get the better, I mean it's more money in their pocket , but I feel like they let go of their genius, uniqueness and personality that created songs like Roses, New York, Kanye and Don't Let Me Down..... don't get me wrong, I'm all for artists trying new things but let's face it, a lot of the songs on MDNO sound the same and Taggart's vocal abilities aren't exactly the most impressive, but I think he has the potential to be a good singer. I will say, I think the lyrics to the songs in MDNO aren't bad, they're decent and you can tell that Taggart wrote these himself. 'Bloodstream' to me is their best song and it shows off a vulnerable side to them if you pay attention to the lyrics. Overall it's an 'ok' album... it's not terrible, but it's not mind blowing amazing. They had the chance to make the most amazing album but they didn't and that's too bad because I think a lot of people were highly anticipating for this album to be a complete knockout however I don't think it's the worst album of 2017. Katy Perry hasn't released her album yet which I'm not too hopeful about because "Chained to the Rhythm" is a lackluster and a terrible single and if the album is anything like "Chained to the Rhythm" then it doesn't look promising... at least MNDO looked promising with songs like 'Paris' and 'Something Just Like This' as their singles. Expand
  16. Apr 15, 2017
    adoreiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, amooooooo so hits da baladaaaaaaaaa
    viadooooooooooos harraraaaaaam amoooooooo
    pisem mais nos haters fudidoooossssss
    continuem no lacre
  17. Apr 15, 2017
    muito bom, um trabalho muito interessante, ma pena te sido massacrado pela critica
    muitos hits, do jeito bom q eles sabem fazer, parabens pela estreia
  18. Apr 16, 2017
    I honestly loved the album. I love all the songs, especially after listening to it on repeat . They are different, more personal, have the usual catchy lines and melodies – something that I would want to hear at the radio and sing with. I get that it is not too EDM but more of a pop, however, artists nowadays try new direction. I feel that some songs which were not released as singlesI honestly loved the album. I love all the songs, especially after listening to it on repeat . They are different, more personal, have the usual catchy lines and melodies – something that I would want to hear at the radio and sing with. I get that it is not too EDM but more of a pop, however, artists nowadays try new direction. I feel that some songs which were not released as singles would have been so popular internationally knowing how well The Chainsmokers songs perform at the Worldwide charts are i.e. Honest, Bloodstream (sans the swearing) and Young. The songs by the ladies would have done well as singles too as they have enjoyable danceable beats i.e. Wake Up Alone, It Won’t Kill Ya, Don’t Say. Love the intro of Last Day Alive. And of course Something Like This & Paris have just been enormous hits globally coming off from the album. I guess the low rating from critics is possibly due to EDM expectations. However, an album can’t be on top of the worldwide charts if it is that bad (mind you it was number 1 in 80 countries on the first day of release). So at the end of the day, the worldwide album buyers are the best critics! It’s a 10 for me and most of the world!!! Expand
  19. Apr 22, 2017
    All the rest of the reviews are just Gaga stans /haters.It is Perhaps one of the best EDM albums ever & packs all the feeling & dedication of The Chainsmokers.. They put in tons of efforts into this album & and each and every track is a masterpiece. Clearly deserved the #1 spot on HOT 200 charts that it got.
    Best tracks - Young, Breakup every night
    Least enjoyable - The One
  20. May 28, 2017
    This is gonna be down-voted by pretty much everyone, but i don't care. This album is honestly great. I have no idea why The Chainsmokers get so much hate. People say stupid things like: "EVERY SINGLE SONG SOUNDS THE SAME" or "THESE GUYS HAVE NO CREATIVITY." Are you KIDDING me? First off, if you don't like the music, why the hell are you listening to it? Second off, if you think every songThis is gonna be down-voted by pretty much everyone, but i don't care. This album is honestly great. I have no idea why The Chainsmokers get so much hate. People say stupid things like: "EVERY SINGLE SONG SOUNDS THE SAME" or "THESE GUYS HAVE NO CREATIVITY." Are you KIDDING me? First off, if you don't like the music, why the hell are you listening to it? Second off, if you think every song sounds the same, I'm convinced that you are deaf. If you think it's basic and repetitive, why are you even listening to the album? I think this album is honestly amazing, every song has a different feel to it and I love that. I can understand the lyrics from each song and I can relate to a lot of the songs. People are so stupid and ignorant that they just find a reason to hate on something that's actually amazing. Like I said, I know this is gonna get down-voted, but i don't care. This album is honestly so amazing, but most people are too idiotic to realize that. Expand
  21. Dec 22, 2019
    In electing to produce songs which sound similar to their greatest hits instead of innovating, The Chainsmokers find themselves treading the same beaten path to abandon. Besides several catchy pre-released singles, no track is memorable, with lyrics that do not resonate, and the same ‘Rozes’ style beat drop used repeatedly. In the end, it simply feels hollow, bland and empty. 3.5/10
  22. Jan 29, 2018
    If someone ever comes up to you on the street and asks what "safe" means, answer "Memories...Do Not Open". Because this album is basically one or two songs just made over and over again with a slightly different sound. Sure it might sound alright if you just click one of the songs on Youtube and listen to that one song only, but I listened to this whole album and all the drops and lyricsIf someone ever comes up to you on the street and asks what "safe" means, answer "Memories...Do Not Open". Because this album is basically one or two songs just made over and over again with a slightly different sound. Sure it might sound alright if you just click one of the songs on Youtube and listen to that one song only, but I listened to this whole album and all the drops and lyrics were so samey or straight up identical to each other that I was able to predict and lip sync some of the lyrics without even knowing beforehand. The sound or lyrics aren't exactly the main problem though. I was completely alright with the lyrics being about drinking, being young and being in love even though they're generic. The problem is the fact that this is not an album. It's a one song remixed 12 times masquerading as an album. Expand
  23. Jul 1, 2018
    Instável é a palavra certa pra esse album.
    Eu curto o som dos Chainsmokers e vi em algumas entrevistas que eles realmente tentam mostrar algo em suas musicas. Mas não da pra mostrar algo ao mesmo tempo em que se é um duo de EDM genérica, não é mesmo?
    Os garotos não chegam nem perto das emoções que True e Stories de Avicii combinados chegam a transmitir. Confesso que eu gostei de talvez
    Instável é a palavra certa pra esse album.
    Eu curto o som dos Chainsmokers e vi em algumas entrevistas que eles realmente tentam mostrar algo em suas musicas. Mas não da pra mostrar algo ao mesmo tempo em que se é um duo de EDM genérica, não é mesmo?
    Os garotos não chegam nem perto das emoções que True e Stories de Avicii combinados chegam a transmitir.
    Confesso que eu gostei de talvez maioria das musicas, ignorando basicamente tudo de ruim nelas (o que são quase 80% delas), mas sim, é totalmente perceptível o quanto a letra brinca com a nossa paciência e talvez a nossa inteligência ao ser tão rasa e banal e ainda por cima querer ousar tentar algo, soando mais como uma brincadeira de mal gosto (estou olhando para você Last Day Alive).
    Acredito que o The Chainsmokers tem potencial, principalmente com esses dois singles novos lançados (Sick Boy/You Owe Me) que são completamente o oposto desse album, dando um bom passo na direção certa. O que resta é tentar abandonar o romance e o clima de nostalgia, porque cara... Isso vocês são HORRIVEIS em fazer.
  24. Sep 8, 2017
    The Chainsmokers' first full length album, "Memories: Do Not Open" is Overwhelming and empty, and you know it is the second the last song "Last Day Alive" ends. It is almost like they took their commercially honored (and good, i'm not going to lie) hit "Closer" and changed the words. There you have it. I really hope that the chainsmokers' career ends fast, before they can manage to put outThe Chainsmokers' first full length album, "Memories: Do Not Open" is Overwhelming and empty, and you know it is the second the last song "Last Day Alive" ends. It is almost like they took their commercially honored (and good, i'm not going to lie) hit "Closer" and changed the words. There you have it. I really hope that the chainsmokers' career ends fast, before they can manage to put out another song because i, and many others believe that their short time should be over. All they provide are heartless synths and one note choruses (Maybe one highlight here or there, but do not count on it). I should have taken their and advice before i Opened up that CD case. Expand
  25. Jun 12, 2018
    Debo decir que las criticas han sido muy duras con el duo de djs, sere breve, soy conciente que esto es musica comercial, no aporta en nada al arte de la musica, pero esta creada para vender,

    Paris para mi es el ejemplo de como una cancion simple puede generar un increible hit, si es que se sabe usar la melodia adecuada, esto es algo que estos chicos saben muy bien. Decir que esta de
    Debo decir que las criticas han sido muy duras con el duo de djs, sere breve, soy conciente que esto es musica comercial, no aporta en nada al arte de la musica, pero esta creada para vender,

    Paris para mi es el ejemplo de como una cancion simple puede generar un increible hit, si es que se sabe usar la melodia adecuada, esto es algo que estos chicos saben muy bien. Decir que esta de mas mencionar que es una sorpresa la colaboracion que han realizado con Coldplay, something just like this, se siente mas como de coldplay que de the chanismokers, la verdad es que esto es un indicador del impacto que generaron desde que lanzaron roses y closer, han crecido como la espuma, me alegra eso, es de la poca musica comercial que me gusta.

    Pero siendo sincero que de todo el album solo existan 3 canciones buenas, no es una buena señal, no niego que hay un ritmo buenisimo en las mezclas pero no es algo que te pueda gustar como para escucharla todos los dias.
  26. Jul 18, 2017
  27. Mar 9, 2018
    This album is terrible. Normally i write a small introduction before i talk about the album, but here it doesn't fit. This album is awful. I listened to it last night and it got worse overtime. There are no redeeming qualities on this record. It's one repetitive, bland, dumb listen.

    The first three songs just destroy any sort-of-hopes you could have. What really shines through here, and
    This album is terrible. Normally i write a small introduction before i talk about the album, but here it doesn't fit. This album is awful. I listened to it last night and it got worse overtime. There are no redeeming qualities on this record. It's one repetitive, bland, dumb listen.

    The first three songs just destroy any sort-of-hopes you could have. What really shines through here, and as well as the rest of the album, is the target for this record: teenagers. This should be relateble to teens or whatever. Maybe it is for some teens. A teen myself, these songs are so far distanced from reality, it feels like a fantasy world. The worst of these three is probably break up every night.

    'She wants to break up every night. Then tries to **** me back to life'. I rest my case. The vocals are also very weak. It seems like this guy can't sing very well. This album also isn't very original. It feels like I'm listening for 42 minutes to weak EDM songs. The drops also are awful. The drops should be like a big moment and here it just feels like a small fart.

    You know what? I should just stop here. I wanna forget this album and stop projecting negativity into the world

    Overall consensus: Pandering to teens, but reaching no one, do not open sums this album up quiet nice
  28. Oct 2, 2017
    Well. i think The Chainsmokers have improved since "SELFIE"!... thats not saying much. Cheap production, just AWFUL vocals from Andrew Taggart, and some of the most unbearably simple lyrics I've ever heard. Don't buy this, its not worth your time. 1/10
  29. Nov 26, 2019
    1/10 only for something just like this, coldplay saved this mediocre from total failure
  30. Nov 12, 2017
    After the remarkable songs of Bouquet and Collage, it is common sense that we expected a lot more from the group. Something more shocking than songs that can be easily forgotten easily.
  31. Oct 3, 2018
    This would have been a decent catchy pop album, if it weren't crude and filled with frat boy debauchery.
  32. Sep 14, 2019
    Beet album of 2017. i just love every song on this great great album. i really recommend it as a second listen.
  33. Feb 25, 2020





    Um álbum cativante, batidas criativas e muito boas.
  34. Jun 14, 2020
    Okay, this album is bad. I don't even think this is an EDM album, I think it's more than a plain pop album rather than an EDM album, and are The Chainsmokers DJs? Why did they make a pop album rather than an EDM album? It's mediocre and unmemorable. I am bored.
  35. May 7, 2021
    Ok, this is not a stupidly horrible album, the musics are "ok", but do they need to sound EXACTLY THE SAME? The musics in this album are acceptable, but they def don't have personality enough to be memorable or even distinguishable, it's even exaustive to listen to this album, but the last track "Last Day Alive" gets to be a nice surprise in the middle of such a messy album.
  36. Sep 1, 2020
    this is horrific. this is horrificthis is horrificthis is horrificthis is horrificthis is horrific hh
  37. Aug 27, 2021
    Самый недооценённый альбом столетия! Полно биомусора, ставивших нули, и не выкупившие троллинг от действительно талантливого дуэта.
    Со временем критика оборегенов сменится на восторг и сие творение будут считать очень хорошей шуткой))))
    Самый недооценённый альбом столетия! Полно биомусора, ставивших нули, и не выкупившие троллинг от действительно талантливого дуэта.
    Со временем критика оборегенов сменится на восторг и сие творение будут считать очень хорошей шуткой))))
  38. Jun 21, 2022
    Better than I expected it to be at the very least. It still made me want to leave this mortal plane in a bad way.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Apr 21, 2017
    This certainly is not one of the worst albums ever recorded; indeed, it has its moments of merit that hit the proper spots and deliver the intended dose of dopamine. However, as a cohesive statement worthy of an album's length of the listener's attention, Memories is lacking.
  2. Apr 13, 2017
    Riddled with resentment and lyrics that land with a self-serious thud, Memories is a stunningly drab record. For the most part songs plod along at a strenuously mid-tempo pace, and are mostly lacking in any sonic detail that would reward closer listening.
  3. Apr 12, 2017
    Mr. Taggart is a capable but unexciting singer. And he has shockingly few lyrical ideas, less of a concern for performers more adept with melody. ... Two back-to-back songs, the impressive “Honest” and “Wake Up Alone,” parse the weight that fame exacts on emotional relationships--they’re among the most credible on the album.