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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 573 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 93 out of 573
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  1. May 15, 2017
    Literally 12 versions of Closer. The lyrics try to be deep but are only chessy and corny, most of the songs talk about nothing - are just random words used to rhyme in random phrases about random things. To summe up: This is utter trash.
    Congratz Chainsmokers, you guys managed to release an album worse than Ed Sheeran's Divide and now claim the worst album of 2017.
    Also, this guy can't
    Literally 12 versions of Closer. The lyrics try to be deep but are only chessy and corny, most of the songs talk about nothing - are just random words used to rhyme in random phrases about random things. To summe up: This is utter trash.
    Congratz Chainsmokers, you guys managed to release an album worse than Ed Sheeran's Divide and now claim the worst album of 2017.

    Also, this guy can't sing, he should stick to being a DJ.
  2. Apr 10, 2017
    This is trash from the start to the end. I'd rather cut my ears than listening again to this whole piece of garbage. Outdated, predictable tropical-house dance instrumentals, basic lyrics no one but a 12-year-old girl would appreciate... LEAVE THE MUSIC SCENE AND GO BACK TO FLOP CITY WHERE YOU BELONG.
  3. May 1, 2017
    BOOOOOOOOO! These are are so bad they make me hurt. I have to go now. I'm dying from this bad music. Some body get me a doctor. These tunes are bad juju
  4. Jun 20, 2017
    Sabendo da má qualidade de seu album, a banda diz logo em seu titulo "Do not Open"(Não abra), com um aviso, pelo menos eles avisaram! O album é simplismente varios remixes da musica "Closer" que foi sem duvidas a pior de 2016. Então imagine o album cheio so com essa musica, não precisa imaginar porque The chainsmokers já o fez. Nenhuma criatividade, pessimas mixagens, letras pioresSabendo da má qualidade de seu album, a banda diz logo em seu titulo "Do not Open"(Não abra), com um aviso, pelo menos eles avisaram! O album é simplismente varios remixes da musica "Closer" que foi sem duvidas a pior de 2016. Então imagine o album cheio so com essa musica, não precisa imaginar porque The chainsmokers já o fez. Nenhuma criatividade, pessimas mixagens, letras piores ainda.Uma banda desnecessaria que alem de ter musicas horriveis, são pessoas horriveis. Expand
  5. Apr 17, 2017
    Okay what is going on with these user scores? Lol this is by no means a "good" album, but it wasn't terrible either. It's just fine honestly. The Chainsmokers' songs are decent enough by themselves, but they pretty much all sound the same and are not very musically adventurous, so listening to them all together on the same album gets wearisome.

    Standout track: Something Just Like This
  6. Jun 23, 2017
    The whole album is just same **** pressed on over and over and over again ;D
    Literally only song considered "good" is "Something Just like this". The Chainsmokers is just big pile of crap who are just full of themselves. Repetitive crap. Like the album said... DO NOT OPEN, because it's so bad!
  7. Jun 16, 2017
    You scrapped Closer, Don't Let Me Down and All We Know for this crap. Seriously.

    Best Song(s):

    Worst Song(s):
    Something Just Like This
    Break Up Every Night
    It Won't Kill Ya
    The One
    Wake Up Alone
  8. Jun 17, 2017
    The only "good" tracks have already been released as singles. Most of the album is unbearable and closely resembles the cookie cutter EDM/Pop vibe that they've been using. Once you watch "How Every Chainsmokers Song is Written" by John Fassold, your outlook and perception of the album changes negatively, dramatically.
  9. May 8, 2017
    Creo que The Chainsmokers ya se les acabo la inspiración. No hay mucho que decir de este álbum más que es demasió repetitivo, usan el mismo beat en cada canción, solo 2 canciones son rescatables de este disco monótono. Les quedo muy grande el pasar haciendo EP’s a un disco completo, las canciones son igual repetitivas con letras que se repite y repite el coro más de 10 veces, si en unaCreo que The Chainsmokers ya se les acabo la inspiración. No hay mucho que decir de este álbum más que es demasió repetitivo, usan el mismo beat en cada canción, solo 2 canciones son rescatables de este disco monótono. Les quedo muy grande el pasar haciendo EP’s a un disco completo, las canciones son igual repetitivas con letras que se repite y repite el coro más de 10 veces, si en una canción a veces eso enfada, ahora imagínense todo un disco, ese es el problema con la música electrónica y sus artistas cuando se vuelve mainstream y tienen la oportunidad de hacer un LP, simplemente no les sale, como DJ Snake. Les queda mejor hacer sencillos y a ver si pega. Lo peor de todo es, el auto-tune que es infernal. Expand
  10. Jul 2, 2018
    This was totally trashy. Literally just 12 remix versions of Closer. Even featuring Coldplay on "Something Just Like This" can't save the album and the song itself. And Andrew should stop singing because his vocal ruins every song that features his singing in this album lol
  11. Apr 10, 2017
    I pay 12 $ for this , is just like they remix the same song over over im so mad. im gonna give this record to the dumber person in the world, yes is for u mister trump. I wanna my money back ¡
  12. Apr 10, 2017
    I will not take more than 10 seconds to criticize something that only took me 1 minute to listen.
    All, absolutely ALL songs have exactly the same repetitive and monotonous rhythm. All I heard was a version after version of "Close" and "Roses". Why do all of your songs sound exactly the same?
    To call this an album "Dance" is a blasphemy and an insult, nor does David Guetta make music so
    I will not take more than 10 seconds to criticize something that only took me 1 minute to listen.
    All, absolutely ALL songs have exactly the same repetitive and monotonous rhythm. All I heard was a version after version of "Close" and "Roses". Why do all of your songs sound exactly the same?
    To call this an album "Dance" is a blasphemy and an insult, nor does David Guetta make music so bad.
    And do not get me started on the horrible "Break Up Every Night"
  13. Apr 11, 2017
    pure trash
    terrible lyrics
    terrible vocals
    terrible sound
    everything from this album is terrible and trashy
    sh!tty album
    music for 13 year old kids with trashy taste
    raw sawage
    worst album of 2017
  14. Apr 12, 2017
    the album is just the same rhythm in each song , it just saves Young and Paris, the can't say they are better than Lady Gaga, and this album prove it .
  15. Apr 10, 2017
    So The Chainsmokers have more than one song? I'm surprised. Some tracks are really catchy, but only if you're a teen on puberty. Did I mention that Andrew can't sing? I need to wash my ears.
  16. Apr 11, 2017
    Sorry, I think this album is the worst of the century.
    R.I.P EDM.
    They should retire
    The chainsmoker are over party
  17. Apr 12, 2017
    Só encontrei bombas. Um álbum com músicas como Closer, Don't Let Me Down, All We Know e Setting Fires seria bem melhor. Os vocais do Drew Taggart estão horríveis, nem auto-tune salva. A produção do álbum está péssima. Não é um álbum dance como deveria ser, já que é uma "dupla de DJs". Something Just Like This (o único ponto alto do álbum) e Young (se tirar a voz do Drew) são as únicas queSó encontrei bombas. Um álbum com músicas como Closer, Don't Let Me Down, All We Know e Setting Fires seria bem melhor. Os vocais do Drew Taggart estão horríveis, nem auto-tune salva. A produção do álbum está péssima. Não é um álbum dance como deveria ser, já que é uma "dupla de DJs". Something Just Like This (o único ponto alto do álbum) e Young (se tirar a voz do Drew) são as únicas que chegam a ser boas. Essa dupla ainda precisa melhorar em muita coisa. Expand
  18. Apr 14, 2017
    It sucks, i hope they give up. They are so full of themselves and disgusting, but when it comes to making good and feelingly music, the only thing we can see is how unprepared they are.
  19. Apr 11, 2017
    They shouldn't have labelled this album as dance/electronic. It is a pop album, and none of the songs is a real EDM. And please don't ruin other singers next time.
  20. Apr 11, 2017
    This album is a complete disappointment since I like pre Closer era TC (Roses and Don't Let Me Down). I can't stand post Closer era TC because it really sucks (Singles being really formulaic & generic as a whole, complete with Andrew flat chanting vocal.) and M: DNO is the big showcase on that. I'm really struggled to fully listen the album because most of the album tracks are reallyThis album is a complete disappointment since I like pre Closer era TC (Roses and Don't Let Me Down). I can't stand post Closer era TC because it really sucks (Singles being really formulaic & generic as a whole, complete with Andrew flat chanting vocal.) and M: DNO is the big showcase on that. I'm really struggled to fully listen the album because most of the album tracks are really boring and slow at some point where I didn't feel energetic and passionate enough to continue listen anymore. I think EW was right this time, most of the tracks are basically ballads with beats and it kinda remind me I was listen to Charlie Puth Nine Track Mind again but in a Dance/Electronic sense. Speaking of it, I think this album should reclassifies as pop album instead because my perception on Dance/Electronic should be at least have soul or energetic that made your mood fresh and delight or passionate enough to start groove your body and M: DNO didn't brought my expectation on Dance/Electronic genre product. It just sad to see the general public and even some of the user here ate this s**t up and defend the album it's not that bad.

  21. Apr 13, 2017
    An album without concept and without originality. Created only for the charts and for a portion of the audience that does not care about quality, causing this material to be briefly forgotten.
  22. Apr 14, 2017
    Worst pop/electronic/EDM album I´ve ever heard! How can anyone buy something like this? Full of repetitive songs that turned into a headache! I had such a big expectation.. Pity!
  23. Apr 12, 2017
    As The Observer said, meaningless trump-pop trash. Really, do not open nor listen to this or you can damage your eardrums with 12 versions of Closer (to payola).
  24. Apr 12, 2017
    pure trash
    terrible lyrics
    terrible vocals
    terrible sound
    everything from this album is terrible and trashy
    sh!tty album
    music for 13 year old kids with trashy taste
    raw sawage
    worst album of 2017
  25. Apr 10, 2017
    Couldn't make it till the end. I don't think I can ever listen to it again. It's just tiring listening to the full thing, felt like it was one song repeating itself. why tf is he singin tho
  26. Apr 11, 2017
    "Perfect Illusion sucks." Are you sure? I would rather be deaf that listen to this damn album ever again. Let's pretend this album never happened. Stay away from Memories: Do Not Open. Thank me later.
  27. Apr 14, 2017
    The Chainsmokers are wayy too over rated and this album clearly shows how over rated they are. No lyrical content. No good features. no good beat. Kygo and Zedd produce way better songs than these guys but unfortunately dont get much recognition. Out of the entire album It Wont Kill Ya is the only bearable song. They need to improve. These guys just play along with one beat and put it inThe Chainsmokers are wayy too over rated and this album clearly shows how over rated they are. No lyrical content. No good features. no good beat. Kygo and Zedd produce way better songs than these guys but unfortunately dont get much recognition. Out of the entire album It Wont Kill Ya is the only bearable song. They need to improve. These guys just play along with one beat and put it in different songs remixing them. They need collaborations with mainstream artists such as Ariana, Selena, Demi or Miley. The most disappointing album ive ever heard. Thats not it. It does not deserve to go number 1 which it is. Expand
  28. Apr 14, 2017
    I just wanted to get in on this. The album is pretty bad tho, bad singing, uninspired/untruthful/just terrible writing. The production is so remarkably cheap and plastic I can't believe this is produced by 2 edm guys. It is impressive how consistently not good this album is, I thought they might have a few decent peaks like DLMD or Roses.
  29. Apr 12, 2017
    Won't ever listen to it again worst album ever it's awful and not worth my money at all. A waste of time and money. I don't know why these people are so famous bc their music is **** and so is "closer".
  30. Apr 13, 2017
    Without doubt, this album sucks. 12 songs are all the same and DREW CAN NOT SING! What makes me sad is that a lot of people spend their time on this shadow and empty stuff, which reflect the condition of presence or reality, this shadow and empty lifetime.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Apr 21, 2017
    This certainly is not one of the worst albums ever recorded; indeed, it has its moments of merit that hit the proper spots and deliver the intended dose of dopamine. However, as a cohesive statement worthy of an album's length of the listener's attention, Memories is lacking.
  2. Apr 13, 2017
    Riddled with resentment and lyrics that land with a self-serious thud, Memories is a stunningly drab record. For the most part songs plod along at a strenuously mid-tempo pace, and are mostly lacking in any sonic detail that would reward closer listening.
  3. Apr 12, 2017
    Mr. Taggart is a capable but unexciting singer. And he has shockingly few lyrical ideas, less of a concern for performers more adept with melody. ... Two back-to-back songs, the impressive “Honest” and “Wake Up Alone,” parse the weight that fame exacts on emotional relationships--they’re among the most credible on the album.