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Universal acclaim- based on 173 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 173

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  1. Dec 15, 2014
    Its not the Beatles but this album is really good, if this is what Paul is producing in his Autumn years then carry on producing really great eclectic music like this . I love it !
  2. PamM
    Sep 21, 2007
    First listen I had a few favorites... and kept mentally humming them long afterwards. Second listen, I added a few more faves... now on my umpteenthing listen, I like them all to some degree!
  3. LeonL.
    Sep 15, 2007
    I don't care what you wanna be, I go back so far, I'm in front of me ! Paul is the best singer, musician and songwriter ever !!! Die suckers !!!
  4. WilliamM.
    Sep 9, 2007
    Are you people crazy dissing this album??? There isn't a soul out there that can touch this guy!!! He wrote all the songs, plays all the instruments, sings all the vocals, and no 2 songs sound alike and are catchy as ever and you guys knock this man after he's been doing this for decades????? Jagger could never pull this off or any of the lightweights today!!!!! Hey Rolling Are you people crazy dissing this album??? There isn't a soul out there that can touch this guy!!! He wrote all the songs, plays all the instruments, sings all the vocals, and no 2 songs sound alike and are catchy as ever and you guys knock this man after he's been doing this for decades????? Jagger could never pull this off or any of the lightweights today!!!!! Hey Rolling stone, put Spears on you cover again you useless mag!!!!!! Fresh. Expand
  5. ÒscarL.
    Aug 26, 2007
    Sublime songs from the best song writter.
  6. JimmyN.
    Aug 23, 2007
    Todd W, shut up. Why do you think artists make music just for money? Paul McCartney made this album because he loved music and he wanted to make more. And you are dissing him because he lets Starbucks sell his album??!!!! So are you going to say the same about Sergio Mendes, The Marleys, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, and BB King? Go back to your false messiah John Lennon and cry in his Todd W, shut up. Why do you think artists make music just for money? Paul McCartney made this album because he loved music and he wanted to make more. And you are dissing him because he lets Starbucks sell his album??!!!! So are you going to say the same about Sergio Mendes, The Marleys, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, and BB King? Go back to your false messiah John Lennon and cry in his egotistical cess pit. Oh wait, you cant, hes dead. Expand
  7. RonaldG
    Aug 12, 2007
    Typical McCartney album. Good stuff, weak stuff - and no one will agree on which is which. There are both stronger and weaker McCartney albums
  8. RohitV
    Aug 3, 2007
    This is a decent McCartney album, Chaos was far superior to this one, it may be more commercially pleasing but Paul's creativity on Chaos was much more apparent. Still a great album with some memorable tracks.
  9. JamesS
    Jul 28, 2007
    Much much better than Driving Rain and Chaos and Creation. Put together. Songs actually stick in my mind and play over and over. My favorite track is Mr. Bellamy, which reminds me in a good way of the unreleased song Robber's Ball, and would be almost goofy except for the "suicide" overtones (I'm not coming down off the ledge of this tall building?). A CD I will actual play over Much much better than Driving Rain and Chaos and Creation. Put together. Songs actually stick in my mind and play over and over. My favorite track is Mr. Bellamy, which reminds me in a good way of the unreleased song Robber's Ball, and would be almost goofy except for the "suicide" overtones (I'm not coming down off the ledge of this tall building?). A CD I will actual play over and over. Not in the same ballpark as Flaming Pie, which was a killer album, but a move in the right direction. Expand
  10. MikeF
    Jul 27, 2007
    More commercially pleasing than Chaos and Creation. Mr. Bellamy and House of Wax really surprised me.
  11. sun38
    Jul 27, 2007
    melodic and memorable
  12. DavidO
    Jul 20, 2007
    A good, highly listenable album from an outstandingly versatile musician and songwriter. Not nearly as good as the classic Chaos and Creation in the Backyard, but interesting, nonetheless. Paul still has an amazing voice at age 65, and I really hope he is not planning on retiring anytime soon. After giving the album many listens, my favorite songs are Mr. Bellamy and Gratitude.
  13. GordP.
    Jul 13, 2007
    Great collection of songs. He is still making vital important music. Often not fully understood or appreciated for many years to come. You can sense his love of song. Thanks Paul!
  14. LeonK.
    Jul 13, 2007
    One of the best Paul's solo albums ! Best McCartney's album since 1997. LEGENDARY !!!
  15. billyb
    Jul 11, 2007
    Consider this... as a musician myself I must bow my head to a person who has written all of this album's lyrics as well as play roughly 70% of the instruments by himself and produce a record that I could only imagine.......
  16. JoanieB.
    Jul 8, 2007
    Loved the album!!!
  17. andyr
    Jul 7, 2007
    best mccartney album since 1970
  18. billc.
    Jul 7, 2007
    I find it truly revolting that so called periodicals of import can dis a living legend, whose latest release is spell binding. Paul was afterall, a Beatle...I'll leave all you nay-sayers to Timberlake and Brittany.
  19. AdamC.
    Jul 6, 2007
    Anyone who dislikes this record has no concept of songwriting and doesn't enjoy music. These are wonderful songs.
  20. jaapv.
    Jul 1, 2007
    the best music possible, certainly for an ex beatle of his age...
  21. JordanK.
    Jun 29, 2007
  22. Petert.
    Jun 27, 2007
    I have not yet heard this album but I give it a ten based on the Boston Globes terrible review. It must be the most brilliant work Paul has done since The Beatles if the Globe thinks it's bad. Whatever those Morons say I go with the opposite!!
  23. NomisL
    Jun 26, 2007
    After all these years and at the age of 64, Paul is still capable of surprising with his versatility - Just listen to Mr. Bellamy which sounds like nothing he has ever done before. Both Flaming Pie and Chaos were nominated for Album of the Year grammy but failed to win. This album deserves to go one better as we can wait all year long and not find another as good as this one. For a great After all these years and at the age of 64, Paul is still capable of surprising with his versatility - Just listen to Mr. Bellamy which sounds like nothing he has ever done before. Both Flaming Pie and Chaos were nominated for Album of the Year grammy but failed to win. This album deserves to go one better as we can wait all year long and not find another as good as this one. For a great single, take your pick of any of the 1st 4 songs - yet astonishingly the standard scarcely drops for the remainder of the album. Who would have thought Paul is still capable of making such fine music, eh? Nod your head?! bet! More of the same, please where this came from and let's hope Paul is not thinking of retiring any time soon. Expand
  24. JimW
    Jun 24, 2007
    After epeated listeing..I love this record..Great songs great vocals and his bass playing is amazing and creative!
  25. BillB
    Jun 23, 2007
    Despite starting out with a "sub par" song (that's still catchy), this album is both brilliant and inventively melodic - not quite as good as his last, classic "Chaos and Creation..." album, but "My Ever Present Past", in and of itself, is worth the price of admission.
  26. FayeE
    Jun 21, 2007
    I absolutly loved it.
  27. AlexP
    Jun 21, 2007
    Great album...great music, every track on it is different and meaningful. If you get a chance, buy this one.
  28. GlennD
    Jun 21, 2007
    11 perfect popsongs and 2 that I do not like that much makes this an album to listen over and over again.
  29. johnm
    Jun 20, 2007
    Simply wonderful.
  30. FrankL
    Jun 20, 2007
    This is a "10" for a Paul album. Really, if you like Mccartney, why criticize this album. What more can one expect from MACCA. The album definitely harks back to the albums that we all love. The guys vocal and writing ability is still apparent after all these years. It is hard to compare it to his older Beatles/Wings stuff as times have changed and what the public at large considers This is a "10" for a Paul album. Really, if you like Mccartney, why criticize this album. What more can one expect from MACCA. The album definitely harks back to the albums that we all love. The guys vocal and writing ability is still apparent after all these years. It is hard to compare it to his older Beatles/Wings stuff as times have changed and what the public at large considers "cool" has changed. However, If you love Paul's Beatle stuff and the WIngs, I think this album will appeal to you. Even the instrumentals on the bonus disc are well worth a listen. Ultimately, we should all feel very lucky that the guy is still so able in his sixties. Keep the albums coming! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Missing, thankfully, are the twee Paulie-isms that often insult our intelligence, making Memory Almost Full that rare thing, a modern-day Paul McCartney you can listen to without wincing.
  2. It's a way more focused album than usual.
  3. By McCartney's recent standards, the album justifies the pop eccentricity he pursues so imperturbably.