• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 22, 2010
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Universal acclaim- based on 3765 Ratings

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  1. Nov 30, 2021
    It's albums like this, that people use as benchmarks in musical history, and it just happens to be fantastically enjoyable, I'm feeling a uh... 10! on this record. tran-
  2. Feb 17, 2022
    kanye genio kanye genio kanye genio kanye genio kanye genio kanye genio kanye genio
  3. Nov 22, 2010
    This is album is simply on fire...Kanye has reinvented the whole hip-hop/rap scene with this record. He takes on different styles of production, and raps on a whole different level and topic. Also people please stop hating artists do change so don't hate because of it.
  4. 7UP
    Nov 22, 2010
    It's been a while since I've heard music this good. Took me quite a few hours to listen to the whole thing because I kept replaying the tracks. I love it! Each and every song. Lost In The World is a really cool way to end the album with the spoken word.
  5. Nov 22, 2010
    One of the best albums of all time. Of all time!

    Seriously though. Can't believe how good he is. His 4th masterpiece. The beat on 'All of the Lights' is insane.
  6. Nov 26, 2010
    Hey "Better Music," if you say you give this album a 1/10, why did you give it a 0/10? Also, if you like Eminem so much, wouldn't you know that he just released a crappy album this year? (which, by the way got a 63 on MC, as opposed to Kanye's 93.) And as far as Dre goes, his partner Big Boi released an amazing disc this year, so shouldn't you be a little satisfied? "You can try and readHey "Better Music," if you say you give this album a 1/10, why did you give it a 0/10? Also, if you like Eminem so much, wouldn't you know that he just released a crappy album this year? (which, by the way got a 63 on MC, as opposed to Kanye's 93.) And as far as Dre goes, his partner Big Boi released an amazing disc this year, so shouldn't you be a little satisfied? "You can try and read these lyrics off this paper before I lay them, but you can't take the sting out these words before I say them." You think those are good lyrics? Those are lyrics about lyrics: they're empty. Kanye's lyrics are about heartbreak, loss of a lover, loss of a mother, an evolved perspective about his image in the public eye and the responsibility he has as a result. Not only are his lyrics more mature than ever before, his music is genre-expanding, having evolved far beyond the typical constraints of hip-hop and pop music in general. This album flows from spoken-word poetry, to improvisational instrumentals, to ballads, to hardcore ciphers, not to mention that ALL of the production is immaculate, not by some amateur (which is a laughable criticism.) I honestly don't understand how you could say that. The sound is complex, crisp, quiet, then loud, then quiet again, not compressed, and perfectly balanced. There are no cheezy synths; auto-tune is used artfully (Runaway, Lost in the World); samples aren't just jacked, but truly made a part of the music (especially with bon iver). And to say that he copped Moby's style is just wrong. He didn't. This doesn't sound like Play at all. But even if he was influenced by it, that's not a bad thing, for all music has some influence. And for those who criticize the language just don't get art. Good art is often evocative (like his cover) and as long as it's done tastefully (which this is), profanity and the like is an essential part of the music and the art (take Cee-Lo's **** You" - who even cares about the radio edit "Forget You"?)

    What impresses me most is how he does so many things with just 1 song. They flip and turn and mutate into some other form of the same track from an alternate genre. The sequencing is perfect, making the songs flow seamlessly into one another. In fact, the songs build on each other and pick up from the previous song's momentum. The album is simple and complex all at once, revealing more and more with each listen - Kanye's chef-d'oevre.
  7. Nov 22, 2010
    This album is exceptional. It is undoubtedly a classic that will appeal to those who like all genres of music, not just hip hop. Those giving this album negative reviews are clearly just concerned with the media's perception of Kanye rather than his exceptional musical talent and creativity.
  8. Nov 22, 2010
    This album appropriates, encompasses, surpasses and even undermines the very notion of popular music. Fantasy reflects the deepest shortcomings of its author while also focusing an analytical lens on society as a whole to challenge the listener to find the same weaknesses in him/herself and his/her community. This album has some of the finest production ever conceived, brilliant guestThis album appropriates, encompasses, surpasses and even undermines the very notion of popular music. Fantasy reflects the deepest shortcomings of its author while also focusing an analytical lens on society as a whole to challenge the listener to find the same weaknesses in him/herself and his/her community. This album has some of the finest production ever conceived, brilliant guest appearances and some of the most interesting/challenging sampling possible.

    In sum: Absolutely worthy of the coming canonization.
  9. Nov 22, 2010
    Only time will tell if this surpasses The College Dropout as Kanye's best album. Taken in total with the G.O.O.D. Fridays 'Ye has been releasing since August, Fall 2010 has proven that Mr. West is undoubtably one of the most ambitious and talented artists of our time. If only his personality would match the strength of his records... 10/10.
  10. Nov 22, 2010
    This album is unadulterated perfection. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. This is definitely his best album, and it may be the best album of the year, it's just that good. After the VMA incident, he really buckled down to create a masterpiece, it was damaging to his reputation, but it was the best thing that could have happened to improve his art. He produced a true testamentThis album is unadulterated perfection. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. This is definitely his best album, and it may be the best album of the year, it's just that good. After the VMA incident, he really buckled down to create a masterpiece, it was damaging to his reputation, but it was the best thing that could have happened to improve his art. He produced a true testament to his skill and creativity. This is one of the first albums that I can listen to from the first track to the last track multiple times in a row. If this album doesn't debut #1 on Billboard 200, that would be a real tragedy, because this album trumps Taylor Swift's and Rihanna's latest offerings convincingly. Expand
  11. Nov 22, 2010
    A modern classic, I really think in years to come people will look back on this album as one of the best ever made. Anyone who gives this a bad rating, clearly dont have the first clue about anything when it comes to music. I feel privileged to be alive at the time of this album being released. Kanye West is an absolute genius and a living legend!
  12. Nov 22, 2010
    Kanye is niet altijd leuk om naar te luisteren, omdat hij altijd zegt wat hij vindt en niet wat er van hem wordt verwacht. Maar de zojuist genoemde eigenschap zorgt er voor dat dit misschien wel zijn beste album tot nu toe is. Na het incident op de VMA's vorig jaar heeft hij zich afgesloten van de wereld en de keuze gemaakt zich te richten op het enige wat nog niet van hem is afgenomen.Kanye is niet altijd leuk om naar te luisteren, omdat hij altijd zegt wat hij vindt en niet wat er van hem wordt verwacht. Maar de zojuist genoemde eigenschap zorgt er voor dat dit misschien wel zijn beste album tot nu toe is. Na het incident op de VMA's vorig jaar heeft hij zich afgesloten van de wereld en de keuze gemaakt zich te richten op het enige wat nog niet van hem is afgenomen. Muziek.

    Op Hawaï heeft hij samen met een hechte groep vrienden, zangers en producers een album gemaakt dat weer echt rap en hiphop moest worden. Daarbij heeft die de ervaring van 808's and heartbreak niet naast zich neer gelegd maar gebruikt om een unieke sfeer met melodiën en beats te creëeren. Maar rap is het zeker geworden. Van "Power", met de bombastische beat waarmee hij zijn rentree maakte tot "Dark Fantasy", de pure hiphop beats van "Monster", "So Appalled" en "Hell of a Life", Kanye is weer terug met scherpe teksten en zelfreflectie. Dat laatste komt het beste naar boven in "Runaway" en "Blame Game" waarin de meest gevoelige onderwerpen zitten. De verschillende stijlen op dit album liggen zo ver uit elkaar en toch passen ze heel goed bij elkaar. Net zoals "All of the lights", waar maar liefst 11 artiesten op mee doen. Ondanks dit grote aantal zorgt Kanye er voor dat het allemaal vloeiend in elkaar over gaat en nooit het gevoel geeft dat het "te druk" is. Het is samen met "Los in the World" (1 van de beste album afsluiters ooit) de 2 twee nummers die een episch stadion gevoel met zich meebrengen. Het werd als Kanye fan de laatste tijd steeds moeilijker om uit te leggen waarom, waarom blijven geloven in een persoon die altijd alles eruit gooit wanneer hem iets niet zint. Fans vergeven hun artiest de fouten die ze maken buiten de muziek om en beoordelen hem/haar door middel van de muziek die ze uit brengen. Michael Jackson en Amy Winehouse hebben ook zo hun fouten en moeilijke tijden doorgemaakt maar de muziek die door hun is gemaakt blijft fantastisch.

    Met dit album laat Kanye West zien dat hij de lat voor zichzelf zo hoog legt dat elk nummer weer iets nieuws brengt van ongekende klasse. Koop dit album, volume op 10 en ga mee in Kanye's Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.
  13. Nov 22, 2010
    Without doubt one of the greatest albums of all time. An absolute must buy for any music fan! Oh and all of the people on hear who are giving it 0, are clearly just trolling.
  14. Nov 22, 2010
    Too many rap albums fall into the same trap: too many tracks, too few good ones, lack of variation and originality. This album not only avoids these pitfalls, but hurdles, nay, flies over them. At a cool 13 tracks (one of them being an interlude) that hover around an ambitious five-minute song length, the album is kept concise. Oh, yeah, and every single one of these tracks is pure frigginâ
  15. Nov 23, 2010
    His 5th album blends pop and rap even better than his past attempts. These are some of the best verses we've seen from Kanye. The instrumentation is so futuristic it's hard to call this the best album of the year. It feels as universal as any all-time classic.
  16. Dec 19, 2010
    Is he the best rapper alive? Maybe. Is he the best producer right now? You bet. (sorry Dre, you gotta put out more stuff) But the question is... Is he really and truly the voice of this generation? Well.... no.
    Kanye is somewhat outlandish to be a representative of a generation. Sure, he spits some truth but musically he is on a different level. He is on level infinity (aka the Kanye
    Is he the best rapper alive? Maybe. Is he the best producer right now? You bet. (sorry Dre, you gotta put out more stuff) But the question is... Is he really and truly the voice of this generation? Well.... no.
    Kanye is somewhat outlandish to be a representative of a generation. Sure, he spits some truth but musically he is on a different level. He is on level infinity (aka the Kanye level). But the fact that he isn't a voice of a generation does not diminish the significance of his role in pop music today. He is the freshest, most innovative, and most daring of all pop stars. And MBDTF is yet another testament to his genius.

    While it does seem like a culmination of his first four albums in terms of sound, lyrically it is a pumped up Kanye taking on various victims like the government, South Park, and SNL. But MBDTF also features the more vulnerable side of Kanye while also promoting the man through brilliant braggadocio. The thumping POWER features Kanye spitting "I guess every superhero needs his theme music" at the same time saying "No one man should have all that power" as if he is aware of both sides to the argument.

    The production is Kanye at his killer best. A song that could be another multiple guest bloated collabo turns out to be a truly majestic track (All Of the Lights) that retains ambition while also feeling fit without any corny elements. There is the buzzy Hell Of A Life featuring Kanye proudly saying, "I think I just fell in love with a porn star". But the real apex of Kanye's career is Runaway. It is a simple piano plinkering beat accompanied by bass and later some violins, all supporting a chorus that gives toast to the **** douchebags, scumbags, and jerk-offs in the world. The song gets even weirder when an auto-tuned Kanye sings unintelligible lines as the song's coda. Yet it all magically works.

    If you are one of those Kanye fans who simply loved College Dropout so much that they could not feel the same for his other albums, then you are not a Kanye fan and chances are you won't appreciate this album like the crackheads at Dot Music and Guardian (though the website surprisingly also gave a 80 to this same album). MBDTF is definitely the album of the year (even if it didn't make it into 2010 Grammy season). It's a dark fantasy. It's a twisted fantasy. It's a beautiful fantasy. But best of all, it's Kanye's beautiful dark twisted fantasy.
  17. Nov 23, 2010
    Kanye West is officially back. One of his best pieces of work ever. No one is currently in his league. The album is well crafted and it is ART. Art, like only Kanye can do it. The production is superb and on point. The masterpiece, classic and Kanye's Thriller!!!! Well done!
  18. Nov 22, 2010
    haha its funny how Ye Haters are writing the same thing about being a former fan and not liking it now. If you do not like this album you are either not a fan of music or you are not a fan of music. Period!! this is music for the soul, for the club, for the heartbroken, for the arrogant, this is music for LIFE I was skeptical before because I did not really like 808s but I have to admithaha its funny how Ye Haters are writing the same thing about being a former fan and not liking it now. If you do not like this album you are either not a fan of music or you are not a fan of music. Period!! this is music for the soul, for the club, for the heartbroken, for the arrogant, this is music for LIFE I was skeptical before because I did not really like 808s but I have to admit Yeezy did G.O.OD Expand
  19. Nov 22, 2010
    Wow. I've never been into rap, nor do I think I ever will be, but this album is an absolute masterpiece and is one for the ages. Deserves to be in the hall of fame of greatest albums of all time right next to kid a, funeral, abbey road, dark side of the moon etc.
  20. Nov 22, 2010
    Wauw. That is the first word that comes to mind, when I listen to this album. Before this album (and the tracks released in the period before the release) I wasn't exactly a fan of Kanye West. I despised 808s & Heartbreak.
    However, this album... Wauw. Brilliant all the way through.
    I knew something good was going to happen, when Kanye West released "Lord Lord Lord", but this is
    Wauw. That is the first word that comes to mind, when I listen to this album. Before this album (and the tracks released in the period before the release) I wasn't exactly a fan of Kanye West. I despised 808s & Heartbreak.
    However, this album... Wauw. Brilliant all the way through.
    I knew something good was going to happen, when Kanye West released "Lord Lord Lord", but this is absolutely mind-blowing...
    Excellent production, amazing texts, wonderful cast of featured artists... and just the definition of music as an art. Definitely the album of 2010, and maybe even one of the best ever. It's definitely up there with the all time greats. A must have for everyone who enjoys music.
  21. Nov 22, 2010
  22. Nov 22, 2010
    Unbelievably catchy and awesome at the same time. Lyrics are awesome, I love that he recognizes his douchebaggery, yet still tells us how awesome he is. Monster and POWER are the two best songs by far.
  23. Nov 22, 2010
    this album has everything, it is honestly just a masterpiece. To say this album sucks because of Kanye's personality is utterly stupid. You're not judging the music, but the person. I call this album a masterpiece because of the collaborations, the deliveries, and also how it was put together. When you listen to this album you just hear how amazing it is, and how much effort it took tothis album has everything, it is honestly just a masterpiece. To say this album sucks because of Kanye's personality is utterly stupid. You're not judging the music, but the person. I call this album a masterpiece because of the collaborations, the deliveries, and also how it was put together. When you listen to this album you just hear how amazing it is, and how much effort it took to put together. Every beat is amazing. Thank god this album came out because I'm tired of hearing the stuff on the radio where it's just the same beat and crap. Kanye is back, and better than ever Expand
  24. Nov 22, 2010
    I approached the album with a great deal of skepticism, but give it a chance. I did, and what can I say the album itself is full of win both lyrically and melodically.
  25. Nov 23, 2010
    Beautiful. Dark. Twisted.....and an Amazing Reality. Not many albums like this one come across in one's lifetime. A superb blend of genres along with the deeply personal lyrical content delivered bi-polarly from start to finish. This is the most definitive progressive rap album to hit the mainstream pop world. Kanye continually redefines the rules of the rap/pop genre while making aBeautiful. Dark. Twisted.....and an Amazing Reality. Not many albums like this one come across in one's lifetime. A superb blend of genres along with the deeply personal lyrical content delivered bi-polarly from start to finish. This is the most definitive progressive rap album to hit the mainstream pop world. Kanye continually redefines the rules of the rap/pop genre while making a classic that ranks up there with Illmatic and 36 Chambers. Kanye's ability to express the travels and emotions that have occurred through his Hell Of A Life(the highlight of the album for me) is the reason that combined with extravagant yet sublime production ....that this is one Hell Of An Album. Expand
  26. Nov 23, 2010
    Everybody's favorite a--hole is back and better than ever. "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" without a doubt will stand as his masterpiece. I don't want to reveal too much as this album is better to be experienced first hand. His lyricism is masterful and his beats are immaculate. Somehow he is able to carry the theme of his album so effortlessly throughout each song. The album standsEverybody's favorite a--hole is back and better than ever. "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" without a doubt will stand as his masterpiece. I don't want to reveal too much as this album is better to be experienced first hand. His lyricism is masterful and his beats are immaculate. Somehow he is able to carry the theme of his album so effortlessly throughout each song. The album stands alone as a work of art, rather than the usual single driven albums we are all too used to hearing. Maybe now we can see the real Kanye when he finally gets the recognition he's been craving. Even the Kanye haters will find this album hard to ignore. Expand
  27. Nov 24, 2010
    Welcome the new king of pop! A completely different breed from 808. Tracks such as power and lost in the world show that kanye is back in career best jesus walks territory. This really is an artist who is willing to take risks and evolve. hate him or love him but lets be honest the man is a genius.
  28. Nov 24, 2010
    why the hell include dot music's (or yahoo music) review they gave take 6that's new album 8/10 and kanye's 6/10 douchebags. speaking of douchebags, let's have a toast.
  29. Dec 1, 2010
    Kanye West even with his high ignorance showed everyone that bad attitude has nothing to do with making good music.

Universal acclaim - based on 45 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 45
  2. Negative: 0 out of 45
  1. Uncut
    Sep 19, 2012
    West is far from rap's deftest lyricist but his neurotic grandstanding is compelling and often pretty funny to boot. [Feb 2011, p.84]
  2. Sep 17, 2012
    There is no question that this album is a game changer. It's Kanye West's greatest work.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 20, 2011
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is genuinely a great record. [Feb. 2011, p. 108]