• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 22, 2010
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Universal acclaim- based on 3765 Ratings

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  1. May 13, 2011
    There are a lot of great tracks on here, "Monster", "Devil in a New Dress" and "Lost in the World" are the best tracks. I could see this years from now still being a good listen but it's not perfect. Tracks "Blame Game" and "Power" are incredibly listenable but are definitely the weakest tracks.
  2. j30
    Aug 15, 2011
    Feels a little overrated, a litte overambitous, but overall probably his best work. Kanye is a very talented artist and all his talents shin on this album. It took me a couple of listens before I got hooked.
  3. Aug 23, 2011
    One of my favourite albums of all time, Kanye West will never cease to rid us of his creative genius. Like his previous albums he's used samples brilliantly and tastefully on almost every track on the album, but does it in a way that it's not blatantly apparent to the listener but still pays homage to the original. I have yet to find a single low point on the album as each song is uniqueOne of my favourite albums of all time, Kanye West will never cease to rid us of his creative genius. Like his previous albums he's used samples brilliantly and tastefully on almost every track on the album, but does it in a way that it's not blatantly apparent to the listener but still pays homage to the original. I have yet to find a single low point on the album as each song is unique in it's own way. Not a song to be skipped on this album purely due to the fact that West has mastered each track to it's peak of perfection. My personal favourites are 'Dark Fantasy' due to it's ostentatious yet elegant nature and to how well it sets the general tone of the album, 'Power' due to how efficaciously it lives up to it's title, 'All of the Lights' because of how well it was put together, 'Monster' for making me feel guilty yet humoured and amazed when listening to it, 'Runaway' for showing us how effective simplicity is (with a few drops of genius) and 'Lost in the World' because not everyone can turn a slow and calming Indie sample into an upbeat and hard hitting piece that ends an opus with a BANG. That being said, every song on the album is worth multiple listens. Kanye has exceedingly fulfilled his primary objective; out-doing himself Expand
  4. Sep 4, 2011
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy has one of my favorite songs! All of the Lights rocks! (reached #18) I hope he makes songs like All of the Lights again!
  5. Sep 6, 2011
    A veritable explosion of creativity--maybe too much creativity (some songs run too long/seem overwrought & over-saturated). The best album of 2010 nonetheless.
  6. Jul 16, 2014
    "Graduation" has more of my favourite Kanye songs, but as an album, this here is probably his finest hour. It has some standout tracks but works best as an album with the collective parts coming together perfectly. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is not only bursting with creativity but with epic tunes and melodies as well. Lyrically, Kanye is on top form and matches the quality of the"Graduation" has more of my favourite Kanye songs, but as an album, this here is probably his finest hour. It has some standout tracks but works best as an album with the collective parts coming together perfectly. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is not only bursting with creativity but with epic tunes and melodies as well. Lyrically, Kanye is on top form and matches the quality of the music. You have to take your hat off to the man when you listen to this - its pure brilliance. Expand
  7. Oct 15, 2011
    This album makes my relize that Yeezy will never make a classics like Late Registration or College Dropout but pretty dam good albums like graduation was. This album is more like a peice of art so it's hard to pick out weak and strong tracks. It's a solid listen but some of the tracks just don't glisten like that others. Hip hop has changed so it's only naturally that the biggest starsThis album makes my relize that Yeezy will never make a classics like Late Registration or College Dropout but pretty dam good albums like graduation was. This album is more like a peice of art so it's hard to pick out weak and strong tracks. It's a solid listen but some of the tracks just don't glisten like that others. Hip hop has changed so it's only naturally that the biggest stars will too. Not a bad album...a solid one but i just wish Kanye could get back into his old stlye but that will probably never happen. While this album was being recorded, Kanye came up with Good Fridays where he would realese new records Every friday and he did untill a month beofre his album was to be realsed and then he released Christmas in Harlem before the album dropped. Some of the tracks from Friday (Chain Heavy, Don't Stop (The seconed Child rebel soldier (Lupe, Pharell and Kanye) song), Christmas In Harlem, Lord Lord Lord) SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE ALBUM. The Joy, another great Friday track was realesd as a bonus track many months after November 22nd. But MBDTF is still a strong album some of my top picks are (Devil in a new dress, Power, Monster, See Me Now, and Gorgeus). So go pick this up if you havn't heard it, it's very inspiring and shows a new Kanye West Expand
  8. Nov 17, 2011
    I'm a huge kanye west fan, but this album does not deserve anything above an 8. Yes it has brilliant beats, fantastic features from the likes of Rick Ross and even the unexpected bon iver. But a classic implies that every single song was perfect, you can't honestly tell me that songs like hell of a life are perfect. You can't give me a reason why "who will survive in america" is good orI'm a huge kanye west fan, but this album does not deserve anything above an 8. Yes it has brilliant beats, fantastic features from the likes of Rick Ross and even the unexpected bon iver. But a classic implies that every single song was perfect, you can't honestly tell me that songs like hell of a life are perfect. You can't give me a reason why "who will survive in america" is good or interesting, or what even the purpose of it is? If you overlook kanye's lyricism, or lack thereof on this particular record then maybe its a 10, but for me its just a very good album that has been overrated. Expand
  9. Jan 6, 2012
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy crawls into Kanye's psyche and shows his deepest emotions through beautiful soul, well-executed rap, and most importantly killer production.
  10. Aug 11, 2016
    MBDTF is just a dynamite album from start to finish. Typical ridiculous raps by Kanye sprinkled in with political points and whatever else is going on in Yeezy's head. Beats are phenomenal, and lots of great samples. **** Yeezy yeezy yeezy, it's yo boy Mark and this is a fire album.
  11. Feb 20, 2012
    Not over-rated at all and deserving its recognition as one of the best mainstream hip-hop releases of the decade. My Beautiful... is complex, satisfying and overcooked in every possible way but its a natural progression to Kanye's swaggery and boastfulness in lyrical content to what essentially is one of the most epic releases of our generation while expanding the genre boundaries.
  12. Jun 17, 2021
    Kanye is a musical genius, with this album as probably his best if not one of his best albums to date. The production is top notch, and the songs are haunting and riveting at the same time. All of the Lights, Power, and Runaway are all classic anthems. This album is going to be timeless.
  13. Aug 19, 2014
    Woww. This is really good. He has a lot of different elements,transparent themes. And the subject matter is explored. The music ranges alot which is really awesome. Songs got a funky rythm with some occasionly raunchy (in a bad way rthyms). But all in all Kanye has done a good job.
  14. Feb 27, 2013
    If this album was weird to you at first, listen to it again. And again, until you understand that this is epic as hell. Epic as hell in every sense possible.
  15. Mar 4, 2013
    To put this in a few words, 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' is the Greatest Hip-Hop Album of the 21st Century. Take this into account, 'The College Dropout' and 'Late Registration' are two influential hip-hop Masterpieces that live on though music forever, and this album (My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy) is better than both of them... That's got to mean something...
  16. Apr 17, 2013
    This is both Kanye West's best album and the joint best album of 2010 (with Arcade Fire's The Suburbs). Each song on the album deals with fame, power, money and can be seen as Kanye's autobiography, he relies on autotune for most of the album which, despite its annoyance in certain cases, works for the album since it relies heavily on some impressive synthesiser work. If you like hip-hop,This is both Kanye West's best album and the joint best album of 2010 (with Arcade Fire's The Suburbs). Each song on the album deals with fame, power, money and can be seen as Kanye's autobiography, he relies on autotune for most of the album which, despite its annoyance in certain cases, works for the album since it relies heavily on some impressive synthesiser work. If you like hip-hop, this is a must have; if you don't then buy Arcade Fire, and then this. Expand
  17. Mar 31, 2014
    I am not the biggest rap fan, but Kanye West always seems to know what he's doing. MBDTF, at the time of it's release, was like a revelation to the rap world. It wasn't a rap album, it was music. It was beautiful. It was intense, and it was a hell of a lot to take on. Now four years later, the album still holds strong. It's still Kanye's most mature effort, with ideas that span along MoneyI am not the biggest rap fan, but Kanye West always seems to know what he's doing. MBDTF, at the time of it's release, was like a revelation to the rap world. It wasn't a rap album, it was music. It was beautiful. It was intense, and it was a hell of a lot to take on. Now four years later, the album still holds strong. It's still Kanye's most mature effort, with ideas that span along Money and Power, to Lost Love, to people's destruction of our country. The title of the album describes it better than anything else. Though it doesn't have the longevity that would be liked. Some of the songs are a bit tedious to listen to now. And thus is why it takes some marks off.

  18. Feb 14, 2016
    Truly an absolute classic. This is the definition of Kanye, by far his best album and one of the best albums for an entire genre. If you are looking to start listening to hip-hop or have loved hip-hop for your whole life it is a must listen.
  19. Feb 4, 2014
    MBDTF is masterful work of art. Every track fits together perfectly, enabling Kanye to show the public what's inside his mind. This album ranks among the best hip-hop albums of all time.

    Best track: "Runaway"
    Other tracks that stand out: "Power", "Monster", and well.. everything else
  20. Jun 25, 2014
    A controversial artist makes an album studying himself as an artist, and creates the Illmatic of the 21st century. It's something we've never heard before, with every single featured artist making the most of their time to shine. Kanye even spits some of his best verses in his career (gone off lr is still his best). The album features incredible production, which, in my opinion surpassesA controversial artist makes an album studying himself as an artist, and creates the Illmatic of the 21st century. It's something we've never heard before, with every single featured artist making the most of their time to shine. Kanye even spits some of his best verses in his career (gone off lr is still his best). The album features incredible production, which, in my opinion surpasses most production from the golden era of 90's rap. Is it the best hip hop album ever as Kanye claims it to be? Not quite.. but it's pretty damn close.

    Edit 2014: This is definitely my favourite hip hop album of all time now.
  21. Dec 22, 2015
    This is, without a doubt, Kanye's most complete, defined and breathtaking album to date. Everything on this record has a purpose and reason. A wild array of sounds from so many directions crash into one another and somehow, through sheer genius, come out as near to perfection as possible.

    There are some weaker moments, with some tracks that stand out a little less than others, but
    This is, without a doubt, Kanye's most complete, defined and breathtaking album to date. Everything on this record has a purpose and reason. A wild array of sounds from so many directions crash into one another and somehow, through sheer genius, come out as near to perfection as possible.

    There are some weaker moments, with some tracks that stand out a little less than others, but overall this album is a package of extraordinary songs that is both forward-thinking and compelling to listen to. "POWER", "All of the Lights", "Runaway", and "Lost in the World" are particular highlights, with synthetic sounds, orchestras and beats that blend into one another in spectacular style.

    There are moments of honesty, gloating, pain and regret. Throughout its 13 tracks, My Dark Twisted Fantasy is proof of extraordinary talent and ideas. Five years on and this album continues to delight. Whatever you may think of Kanye West, you cannot deny his talent as a producer and navigator of creative thinking.
  22. Feb 6, 2020
    No doubt MBDTF is a mark in hip-hop's history. It's a truly class of sampling and textures. Tracks are granious and has a pop appeal necessary to be acessible
  23. Feb 22, 2016
    I love this album to death. Not a big fan of rap or Kanye's personal affairs but I really enjoyed listening to the songs on this track. From its sound to the lyrics, this is easily one of my favorite albums of all time.
  24. Feb 24, 2016
    I can't say anything about this album that hasn't been said before.

    This is the culmination of Rap music. It is 2016 and 6 years later every song still feels fresh and current.
    Each song meticulously places, start to finish, this is an album.
  25. Jun 4, 2014
    When this album came out in 2010 i only heard a few songs from it and they where catchy, so i decided to give this album a listen, and wasn't disappointed. kanye did most of the production on this, it was very well done. kanye flow changes throughout the tracks. I'm really liking the tracks gorgeous,power and runaway all of the lights is catchy too. each track on this has its own uniqueWhen this album came out in 2010 i only heard a few songs from it and they where catchy, so i decided to give this album a listen, and wasn't disappointed. kanye did most of the production on this, it was very well done. kanye flow changes throughout the tracks. I'm really liking the tracks gorgeous,power and runaway all of the lights is catchy too. each track on this has its own unique feel to it like on the track runaway the instrumental is really nice, along with a few verses from Kanye, Pusha T verse was a stand for sure. the track blame game is Kanye telling a story about a relationship which he does well with John Legend signing the chorus fits in with the theme of the song. the guests singers/rappers on this are good they seem to fit in alright, especially on the track so appalled with a group of rappers delivering hard hitting verses. the rest of the track on this are good. definitely check this album out. Expand
  26. Mar 22, 2015
  27. Sep 28, 2018
    Not only is this one of Kanye's best albums, or one of the best hip-hop albums around... this is one of the best albums of all time.
  28. Mar 18, 2015
    You don't even have to be a hip hop fan to like this album. His ability to mix so many elements into his music is powerful. He even manages to have great guest appearances and substantial and honest lyrics. Kanye West has achieved his greatest work with "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy". It is truly a MASTERPIECE!!!
  29. Jan 17, 2015
    Kanye West does it again and this album shows that after the Taylor Swift incident and made a big comeback. The production on the album showcased Kanye's ability to outshine on the boards and it also showed me that Kanye is truly great
  30. Dec 19, 2019
    Fabulous. The best rap/ hip-hop album of de last decade. Kanye mixed everything that doesn't had nothing with hip-hop and turned into it.

Universal acclaim - based on 45 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 45
  2. Negative: 0 out of 45
  1. Uncut
    Sep 19, 2012
    West is far from rap's deftest lyricist but his neurotic grandstanding is compelling and often pretty funny to boot. [Feb 2011, p.84]
  2. Sep 17, 2012
    There is no question that this album is a game changer. It's Kanye West's greatest work.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 20, 2011
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is genuinely a great record. [Feb. 2011, p. 108]