• Record Label: A
  • Release Date: Apr 15, 2008

Mixed or average reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. World-weary and introspective, frequently discordant, this is the sound of a man pondering where it all went wrong.
  2. Under The Radar
    This must be what they call a bad trip. [Spring 2008, p.74]
  3. 50
    My Bloody Underground emphasizes the band's trippy side, often at the expense of Newcombe's undervalued tunecraft. [May 2008, p.96]
  4. Q Magazine
    His band's 13th album won't bring him the stardom he craves, consisting of amorphous drones in which the creative energy has been reserved for the titles. [May 2008, p.126]
  5. Where Newcombe’s music once sounded fresh and lively, his political message both controversial and effectual, on My Bloody Underground his music is neither fascinating nor engaging.
  6. Uncut
    My Bloody Underground is the sound of someone geting My Bloody Valentine about two-thirds right, which is to say that while BJM can certainly conjure interminable, feedback-slathered drones, they lack Kevin Shields' gift for sonic invention or melody. [June 2008, p.83]
  7. For most of My Bloody Underground, Newcombe vocalizes like a decaffeinated Kevin Shields, barely audible under the weight of reverb that blankets just about every track.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 3 out of 15
  1. CharlieQ
    Jul 17, 2008
    I've been a big fan for years and own everything they've released to date. This is the 1st album by them that I thought was a total I've been a big fan for years and own everything they've released to date. This is the 1st album by them that I thought was a total waste of time. Disappointingly uninspired. Full Review »
  2. BrendanW.
    Jun 18, 2008
    A storming mess of an album. Awash with psychedelia and drone. A fitting tribute to both bands names colliding in the album title A storming mess of an album. Awash with psychedelia and drone. A fitting tribute to both bands names colliding in the album title portmanteau. Another under-appreciated and under-rated world class act! Full Review »
  3. DylanC
    Jun 8, 2008
    Not something that will blow you away on first few plays. But put it on some night when you can't sleep and it's 2am and it's Not something that will blow you away on first few plays. But put it on some night when you can't sleep and it's 2am and it's just you, this CD and your headphones. Then you'll get it. I just hope BJM is able to keep going apace, releasing new stuff like this, taking risks. Full Review »