• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2014
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1494 Ratings

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  1. Sep 21, 2015
    Sonoriedade, composições e vocais, todos acabaram por ser uma mistura perfeita, se tornando um só. Sua mistura arriscada de músicas sensuais e músicas depressão-pós-namoro acabara por dar certo, obviamente, sua variação de tons em cada música, fora inacreditavelmente bom.
  2. Sep 18, 2015
    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh que delíciaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
  3. Sep 18, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a great pop/r&b album.It has really good production and sweet vocal delivery.But lyrics and songs are too generic.Especially the ballads of this album(My everything for example) are too boring she could have done it better. Expand
  4. Sep 15, 2015
    My Everything é um álbum agradável, porém mediano. Não trouxe nada de novo, mas para uma artista "teen" está "tudo bem". Se não fosse pelas músicas mainstream que contém nesse álbum talvez ele tivesse conseguido uma nota especializada um pouco mais alta. Nesse álbum, infelizmente, vemos o regresso da Ariana em relação à qualidade, pois ela focou muito em músicas pop chicletes e esqueceuMy Everything é um álbum agradável, porém mediano. Não trouxe nada de novo, mas para uma artista "teen" está "tudo bem". Se não fosse pelas músicas mainstream que contém nesse álbum talvez ele tivesse conseguido uma nota especializada um pouco mais alta. Nesse álbum, infelizmente, vemos o regresso da Ariana em relação à qualidade, pois ela focou muito em músicas pop chicletes e esqueceu quase que totalmete suas raízes R&B. Quase totalmente pois, mesmo sendo um álbum mainstream ela conseguiu pôr músicas de seu antigo gênero e justamente elas são os destaques do álbum. O maravilhoso dueto com o hitmaker The Weeknd "Love Me Harder", "Be My Baby" e Best Mistake. Há também as músicas pop que não são tão ruins como as ótimas "One Last Time" e "Why Try". Expand
  5. Sep 9, 2015
    Although My Everything does have a few memorable songs, the rest are simply filler songs, vapid and bland. Her vocal talent is undeniable, but these commercial tracks do not showcase it. The whole album feels artificial and fragmented, like Grande tried to cram everything into one album, resulting in a forgettable, messy album. Her ballads and her commercial hits are really what's holdingAlthough My Everything does have a few memorable songs, the rest are simply filler songs, vapid and bland. Her vocal talent is undeniable, but these commercial tracks do not showcase it. The whole album feels artificial and fragmented, like Grande tried to cram everything into one album, resulting in a forgettable, messy album. Her ballads and her commercial hits are really what's holding the whole album together, which still does not washes out the nasty aftertaste of the other songs. Despite the album's mediocrity, My Everything does have a few excellent pop-infused R&B songs. Expand
  6. Sep 7, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A great album with danceable beats and extremely strong ballads. With My Everything Ariana proved her huge talent and her NEW mature-sexy style. She is growing up becoming the queen that pop music needs. Expand
  7. Sep 1, 2015
    Amazing Once read, please sign or state Read and Understood Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
  8. Sep 1, 2015
    Não é o melhor trabalho dela, comparado com o anterior, ela se cagou toda. Espero que o sucessor dessa palhaçada sejam infinitivamente melhores que isso!!! Ariana Grande-Butera, você deu um tiro no próprio pé!!! Ninguém aguenta mais farofa e você me vem com um álbum desses!! Ridícula!!!
  9. Sep 1, 2015
    Ariana's best album, definitely. It's not even close. With up to date production that sounds professional, classy and fresh, this album sounds timeless. With standouts that include Break Free, Break Your Heart Right Back and Hands on Me, you can't go wrong here. And You Don't Know Me is not only the best song on the album, it's also the best song of her career.
  10. Aug 21, 2015
  11. Aug 19, 2015
    I went into this album not really expecting much but i was pretty pleasantly surprised. This album defiantly has some problems such as the songs Break Free, problem (especially the Iggy Azalea feature), and Hands On Me which is defiantly the worst on the album by far. The only really other complaint I have is with the poor features buy Childish Gambino, ASAP Ferg, and Iggy Azalea. BesidesI went into this album not really expecting much but i was pretty pleasantly surprised. This album defiantly has some problems such as the songs Break Free, problem (especially the Iggy Azalea feature), and Hands On Me which is defiantly the worst on the album by far. The only really other complaint I have is with the poor features buy Childish Gambino, ASAP Ferg, and Iggy Azalea. Besides that the album is pretty damn good with songs like Why Try and Intro which show how beautiful Ariana's voice can be. All in all I would defiantly recommend this album. Expand
  12. Jul 11, 2015
    Awesome album debut and is the teen music and the vocals are clean,with romantic , melodic and good lyrics to be heard at any time.
    Ariana HAS great talent in relation to quality and CAN GO MUCH MORE far this aspect.
  13. Jun 23, 2015
    eu amo e odeio forte esse album. Amo forte ''Problem'' ''Break Free'' ''One Last Time'' ''Best Mistake'' ''Love Me Harder'' e ''Hands On Me'' e gosto um pouco de ''bang bang'' e odeio o resto.
  14. Jun 4, 2015
    Supremas: Why Try, JALBOYH, Best Mistake, Break Free, One Last Time and My Everything
    Boas: Love Me Harder, Problem, Be My Baby, Only 1, BYHRB, YDKM and Bang Bang
    Ruins: Hands On Me
  15. Apr 28, 2015
    Yours Truly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My Everything
  16. Apr 15, 2015
    Esse album não chega aos pés do “Yours Truly”, mas isso não o torna ruim, o album é ótimo e muito bem produzido, fora os vocais impecáveis. Com certeza um dos melhores álbuns de 2014.
  17. Mar 26, 2015
    Que Álbum magnifico, monstra uma grande evolução da Ariana grande do anterior pra esse, vocal agradável Destaques para Best Mistake, Break Your Heart Right Back, You Don´t know me e os Hits Problem, Break Free, Love Me Harder e One Last Time Nota 10. Ariana ainda vai colher bons Frutos, Voz ela tem , até o quarto Álbum ela consegue um Grammy ou prêmio importante da Música, o que Katy PerryQue Álbum magnifico, monstra uma grande evolução da Ariana grande do anterior pra esse, vocal agradável Destaques para Best Mistake, Break Your Heart Right Back, You Don´t know me e os Hits Problem, Break Free, Love Me Harder e One Last Time Nota 10. Ariana ainda vai colher bons Frutos, Voz ela tem , até o quarto Álbum ela consegue um Grammy ou prêmio importante da Música, o que Katy Perry não tem. Expand
  18. Mar 15, 2015
    Great album with great lyrics..... Rising star ... many hits in album. Ariana shows that she is no longer dumb girl on a sitcom but an adult in the real worlds but especially in the music industry.
  19. Feb 16, 2015
    I was not a fan of ariana before and i still aint because her music videos all contain mature content which is unrelated and irrelevan to her lyrics. Her voice sounds hoarse live although her records record a wholesome and pure voice.
  20. Feb 9, 2015
    This album proves just how great Ariana Grande is. There are not only pop songs, but songs that really touch peoples hearts. It really gives us another look at her work. Emotion filled songs such as "Break Your Heart Right Back" and "Just A Little Bit of Your Heart" can bring you to tears if you truly listen to the lyrics.
  21. Feb 6, 2015
    Quite underrated. This album is more pop than her previous album, but somehow it just works. Problem was clearly a HUGE hit, as it was number two on Billboard for many weeks, was one of the two best selling songs of the year, and broke the record for he fastest song to go to number one on iTunes in only 30 minutes. Bang Bang and Break Free were also major hits, and this albums has alreadyQuite underrated. This album is more pop than her previous album, but somehow it just works. Problem was clearly a HUGE hit, as it was number two on Billboard for many weeks, was one of the two best selling songs of the year, and broke the record for he fastest song to go to number one on iTunes in only 30 minutes. Bang Bang and Break Free were also major hits, and this albums has already produced tens of millions of tracks sold worldwide. But then you also have Love Me Harder, which is dark and sexy and one of the best songs of the year in my opinion. Best Mistake, while not as radio friendly as some of the other songs, is one of the album's greatest treasures. Songs like One Last Time and Why Try show off Grande's untouchable vocal ability and really prove why she deserves all the success she's had these past two years. Love this album a lot. Expand
  22. Feb 6, 2015
    Apesar de não ter sido melhor que o Yours Truly, esse disco é uma evolução pra Ari em termos pop. A intro é o maior highlight, difícil tirá-la do repeat.
  23. Feb 4, 2015
    this is amazing yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ary made this album a work of art, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssss
  24. Feb 4, 2015
    Okay, Okay, this is nothing compared to the king Yours Truly, but it's good enough for me to have a love for him.

    Ariana is trying something new, this is in the face of anyone who will listen, but "Why Try" seems to have come from your old album, which makes it the best track for me. This was one of the best albums of 2014, definitely. Best ones: Why Try, One Last Time, Break Your
    Okay, Okay, this is nothing compared to the king Yours Truly, but it's good enough for me to have a love for him.

    Ariana is trying something new, this is in the face of anyone who will listen, but "Why Try" seems to have come from your old album, which makes it the best track for me.

    This was one of the best albums of 2014, definitely.

    Best ones: Why Try, One Last Time, Break Your Heart Right Back, Break Free and Hands On Me.
  25. Jan 22, 2015
    My Everything继承了首专的一些复古元素,首单Problem萨克斯风编曲元素同名R&B等等等,但是整张专辑毫无连贯性,整体更像是偏商业而制造的专辑。如果首专和二专比的话,首专如是上乘之作,那么二专则是在泛泛之辈中稍脱颖而出的二流而已,当然,依靠不俗的商业成绩提名格莱美流专就是肯定,望长红。My Everything继承了首专的一些复古元素,首单Problem萨克斯风编曲元素同名R&B等等等,但是整张专辑毫无连贯性,整体更像是偏商业而制造的专辑。如果首专和二专比的话,首专如是上乘之作,那么二专则是在泛泛之辈中稍脱颖而出的二流而已,当然,依靠不俗的商业成绩提名格莱美流专就是肯定,望长红。
  26. Jan 17, 2015
    I love this album! So diverse with its sounds and her vocal range and performance is on point. I love how she experiments with different genres but still has some of her roots in the album as well! A must buy.
  27. Dec 26, 2014
    This is one of the best pop vocal albums of all-time and my favorite one!I love Ariana Grande, her vocals are excellent and she sounds wonderful, i love her songs and sure this album is awesome!
  28. AGK
    Dec 22, 2014
    some of her songs are ok but she is acting WAY too sexual for her age, she looks like she's 16 so it makes people think that she is very trashy and that's not good but she can sing and that's good.
  29. Dec 19, 2014
    I found this album to be better than her first even though i like her first album and I want to say keep it up Ariana cause you are a good singer and person and that you should ignore the hate people are saying about you that you are like a 10 year old child and that you should go back to nickoloden. I think they say that because of how you dressed or perform but I say you are one of theI found this album to be better than her first even though i like her first album and I want to say keep it up Ariana cause you are a good singer and person and that you should ignore the hate people are saying about you that you are like a 10 year old child and that you should go back to nickoloden. I think they say that because of how you dressed or perform but I say you are one of the best inspirational singers out there and I hope you remain like that. My Favourite songs from the album are: Problem, One Last Time, Best Mistake, Why Try( which i hope she released this as a single), You don't Know me, Break Free, Break Your Heart and Love Me Harder Expand
  30. Dec 18, 2014
    This girl has an amazing voice, my god, this great CD, Ariana and not any teen artist she and bigger than that she's a diva, I love this cd. people will be amazed still thing is fat

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Sep 23, 2014
    The metallic fingerprint of Auto-Tune is all over My Everything, even the vocal trills that start off the album.
  2. Sep 10, 2014
    My Everything is so concerned with making a palatable pop singer, it has watered down its subject to the point of tastelessness. It is pop music Bud Light.
  3. 60
    My Everything isn’t quite everything, but it’s enough.