
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. These are longstanding punk tropes boiled down and Vig-ed up, removed of their typical dirt sheen and bolstered by a couple extra guitar tracks.
  2. While most Against Me! fans are likely to think New Wave is inferior to their previous work--and they’re probably right--this is still an album that gets their foot in the door to the big show, and if they use it as something to build on, they can do some damage in the future.
  3. It will probably go down as their 'sell-out' record, in that it's their first for a major label.
  4. Q Magazine
    The likes of 'Americans Abroad' and 'White People For Peace' pick up where Green Day's "American Idiot" left off, channelling righteous fury into a racket that's as vigorous as it's earnest. [Sep 2007, p.88]
  5. I’d argue, though, that being an expert on the group’s verbose and ragged past wouldn’t help all that much. This is a different sounding band with pretty much the exact same lyrical concerns.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 41 out of 59
  2. Negative: 12 out of 59
  1. SamK.
    Oct 21, 2007
    Possibly my new favorite band. Melodically lyrically vocally artistically incredible. Tom Gabel is an incredible vocalist backed by a solid Possibly my new favorite band. Melodically lyrically vocally artistically incredible. Tom Gabel is an incredible vocalist backed by a solid wall of guitars and lots of deep powerful percussion. Somehow all of this ends up being incredibly melodic. Seriously awesome. Full Review »
  2. EinarJ.
    May 7, 2008
    I have heard about Against Me! for a while now, but never took the time to look at them. Without having seen any previous album by AM!, I can I have heard about Against Me! for a while now, but never took the time to look at them. Without having seen any previous album by AM!, I can say, i hated this album. Not because i'm some totaly one-eyed genre geek, i listen to everything fairly. This album was just plain mediocre and typical in so many ways. It's painful to see Spin let it beat 'In Rainbows' a masterpiece of our time, and that beat a decent Arcade Fire album. God, i hate this album, sure it's got some grit, but it's so unoriginal and cliche. I was going over 'Raw' by Lindsay Lohan' and, however this is possible, found it to be a more fulfilling effort. Awful album. Full Review »
  3. DanaC.
    Feb 25, 2008
    The reason I found this album so disappointing is that it is hard to take them seriously after they sold out so hard. The lyrics are still The reason I found this album so disappointing is that it is hard to take them seriously after they sold out so hard. The lyrics are still pretty well written and meaningful, but I can't see them as anything but empty now that Against Me! has turned into a slick corporate "punk" band. Tell me, how could you compromise yourself like this? Full Review »