
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jul 31, 2018
    While this ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ ethos doesn’t always hit, No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds’s jovial attitude towards its own self-existence makes for an endearing listen that’ll no doubt flourish over time.
  2. Jun 25, 2018
    No matter who gets credit, No Sounds is one bold and fascinating album. Nothing is on autopilot and even the slow, quiet passages are far from boring.
  3. Q Magazine
    Jun 21, 2018
    The latest outing re-establishes them as sculptors of heavy-but-humourous CD-length aural odysseys. [Summer 2018, p.113]
  4. Jun 21, 2018
    No Sounds ends up seeming a bit scattered, even by the Orb's standards, but it's still plenty enjoyable, and enough to distract you from the nightmarish absurdity of current events.
  5. Jun 21, 2018
    If not the most focused entry in the project's storied discography, it's a delightfully wide angled glance at what the Orb still have brewing and perhaps a projection of a vital new period of experimentation.

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