• Record Label: Motown
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 29
  2. Negative: 9 out of 29
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  1. Mar 16, 2022
    His first 3 albums were back-to-back classics. No R&B singer has ever done an explosive entrance like that. 3 classic albums in 3 years. Unfortunately he then lost his way into unnecessary pop trends, but with this record, he came back to greatness.

    Ne-Yo's most versatile project ever. From the flawless street R&B of "Money Can't Buy", the amazingly produced hip hop banger "She Knows"
    His first 3 albums were back-to-back classics. No R&B singer has ever done an explosive entrance like that. 3 classic albums in 3 years. Unfortunately he then lost his way into unnecessary pop trends, but with this record, he came back to greatness.

    Ne-Yo's most versatile project ever. From the flawless street R&B of "Money Can't Buy", the amazingly produced hip hop banger "She Knows" (Juicy J murdered this), the exemplary funky-synth-pop "Coming with You", the superb R&B slow-jam "Come Over". It's by far the most Chris Brown-ish stuff he's ever done (especially comparing it to Breezy's "X" album). Some took that as a step away from his "gentleman" image, but let's be honest, this doesn't sound out of character at all. This sounds all the way authentic. This got the great aesthetic that only a phenomenon like Ne-Yo can bring to the table. An amazing record following his first trio was needed, and this is his only one (to date) that marks that spot.
  2. Apr 13, 2015
    Not a bad album, but a generally forgettable effort from an artist who generally releases great albums. I came into this album with good expectations because I liked how Ne-Yo talked about the album in interviews, how it would be his full return to R&B and would be more of a storytelling album. I also liked the singles. But Ne-Yo was trying to trick his fans. He released all the good R&BNot a bad album, but a generally forgettable effort from an artist who generally releases great albums. I came into this album with good expectations because I liked how Ne-Yo talked about the album in interviews, how it would be his full return to R&B and would be more of a storytelling album. I also liked the singles. But Ne-Yo was trying to trick his fans. He released all the good R&B songs as singles and then saved the bad R&B songs and pop songs as album cuts. Nice job, Ne-Yo, it's exactly the opposite of what you did for R.E.D., which was a better album because of this. Grade: B-/C+. Highlights: "One More", "Good Morning", "Money Can't Buy". Worst songs: "Time of Our Lives" (the album would have been a touch better if Pitbull saved the song entirely for only his own album Globalization), "Who's Taking You Home" (he's pulling a "We Found Love" here) Collapse
  3. Feb 6, 2015
    Truly a fantastic album. The best song off the album (im not saying this due to it being mainstream) is she knows. Juicy J's Rap part also plays a vital part in the song as it is rather catchy and well spoken. Overall this whole album has been a smasher!
  4. Feb 3, 2015
    I always have been a huge fan of Ne-Yo and I feel that this is some of his best work. He has tried the concept album with "Libra Scale" before but this one really shows off his range and diversity. I think it is awesome how he infuses an 80s/90s sound while keeping it modern. You can really hear how this album channels the sounds of MJ, Marvin Gaye, Prince, and some of the influential R&BI always have been a huge fan of Ne-Yo and I feel that this is some of his best work. He has tried the concept album with "Libra Scale" before but this one really shows off his range and diversity. I think it is awesome how he infuses an 80s/90s sound while keeping it modern. You can really hear how this album channels the sounds of MJ, Marvin Gaye, Prince, and some of the influential R&B artists of the 90s. The tracks that stand out for me are: Integrity, Coming With You, Take You There, Congratulations, Come Over, Ballerina, and Worth It Expand
  5. Feb 3, 2015
    Your best album since Year of the Gentleman but ti's not reached the same level of your best works. We cand found incredible songs but the first half is average.
  6. Jan 31, 2015
    is best work since Year of the Gentlemen. This album demonstrates the way an album is supposed to be listened to. As a body of work to be consumed and rated as a whole not as individual songs. With the all songs coming together to paint a sincere and heartfelt story.
  7. Jan 30, 2015
    Ow. Seriously.
    Aural torture really. Glad I didn't buy it - that was the girlfriend.
    She's nearly an ex after making me listen to this!
    I'm sure his next album will be super awesome though!
  8. Jan 29, 2015
    That's sad, ZzzzZ. Because the first half of the album is the weakest part of the album. I actually really like most of the project. It's quite cohesive as far as the sound and it's good to hear him do less pop-ish techno ish. Most of the R&B songs are reason why we used to love Ne-Yo!
  9. Jan 28, 2015
    "You can't tell a broke man that money means nothing." This line from the intro perfectly summarizes this album, and also Ne-Yo himself as an artist. Lol, he was probably my favorite R&B singer for a while, and now I could not even finish listening half of the album

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Q Magazine
    Feb 25, 2015
    There are strong cameos from assorted MCs, particularly Juicy J and Schoolboy Q, but his attempt to talk a girlfriend into a threesome on Story Time is proof there are even worse things in life than dabbling in Eurodance. [Apr 2015, p.108]
  2. Feb 17, 2015
    While not setting the world on fire, it nestles its way warmly into your heart, soul and dancing feet.
  3. Feb 17, 2015
    The contrast between the rough and Ne-Yo’s ultra-smoothness only adds to his appeal.