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Generally favorable reviews- based on 200 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 31 out of 200
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  1. Mar 1, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum de larga duración, debe ser apreciado como tal, no se dejen llevar por su falta de tiempo o pocas ganas de escuchar música, cada canción es un viaje que se complementa perfecto con la siguiente y el álbum en si.
    Es por mucho el proyecto más complejo de la banda,. Experimenta con sonidos country, dance, electrónica House, pop, rock, sé cómo lo lograron pero lograron un álbum homogéneo, con un concepto bien planteado, Notes on a Conditional Form es un álbum que refleja a la perfección de manera sonora y lírica temáticas actuales como el cambio climático, esta nueva sociedad, la religión, tecnología., refleja de manera sensata un sentimiento este planeta
  2. May 24, 2021
    An unbelievably beautiful and transcendent musical experience. It took a few listens to fully grasp but even off of the first one the vibes are immaculate; classic, but evolved, in terms of what we associate with the band's sound. A truly important piece of The 1975's discography and possibly their magnum opus. Only time will tell. I can't wait to see what the rest of their career has inAn unbelievably beautiful and transcendent musical experience. It took a few listens to fully grasp but even off of the first one the vibes are immaculate; classic, but evolved, in terms of what we associate with the band's sound. A truly important piece of The 1975's discography and possibly their magnum opus. Only time will tell. I can't wait to see what the rest of their career has in store because they always seem to one-up themselves. Expand
  3. May 7, 2021
    in my opinion, their worst album. that said though it is still a decent and enjoyable record.
  4. Nov 24, 2020
    Una muy buena produccion, aunque cada cancion tiene generos diferentes estan muy bien cuidadas y realizadas y tiene hits como if youre too shy let me know, guys
  5. Nov 14, 2020
    Definitely a playlist album, not one to be listened to in order.

    High points are: “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)”, “People”, “Frail State of Mind”, “Roadkill”, “Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy”, “Having No Head”, “Playing on my Mind”, “Me & You Together Song”, and “Guys.” Low points are: “The 1975”, “Yeah I Know”, “Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America”, “I Think There’s Something You
    Definitely a playlist album, not one to be listened to in order.

    High points are: “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)”, “People”, “Frail State of Mind”, “Roadkill”, “Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy”, “Having No Head”, “Playing on my Mind”, “Me & You Together Song”, and “Guys.”

    Low points are: “The 1975”, “Yeah I Know”, “Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America”, “I Think There’s Something You Should Know”, “Nothing Revelaed/Everything Denied”, “Shiny Collarbone”,
  6. Nov 6, 2020
    A weird album where if you put it on shuffle the album flows better. Although everything sounds good and musically sounds unique there is no cohesive sound meaning that the whole album experience isn't as good as picking singles out and listening to them.
  7. Oct 27, 2020
    Iconic. A completely different experience. A album with the excellent quality of variation. The 1975 know how make music with a lot of genres.
  8. Sep 1, 2020
    ( 71/100 )

    The 1975 trabaja sin cansancio y con energía constante para volverse una influencia popular en el consumo musical. Con 4 albums publicados en un lapso de 7 años, la banda se ha impregnado fuertemente en la cultura popular de Estados Unidos y varias partes del mundo. Personalmente considero que su trabajo ha aportado poco valor a la industria de la música, sin embargo su
    ( 71/100 )

    The 1975 trabaja sin cansancio y con energía constante para volverse una influencia popular en el consumo musical. Con 4 albums publicados en un lapso de 7 años, la banda se ha impregnado fuertemente en la cultura popular de Estados Unidos y varias partes del mundo. Personalmente considero que su trabajo ha aportado poco valor a la industria de la música, sin embargo su visión y dominio sobre la gran gama de géneros musicales les ha hecho sentir como la "alternativa inteligente" al resto de la música de la radio. Pero realmente la banda está perdida buscando ser un puente emocional entre varios conceptos y termina como una invisible transición entre conceptos más coherentes de otros artistas. Aunque las letras sean crudas, perspicaces y se amoldan a cada canción, es la producción y la falta de cohesión conceptual la que hace a The 1975 una banda pasajera más en el autobús de la popularidad.
    The 1975 works tirelessly and with constant energy to become a popular influence in music consumerism. With 4 albums published in 7 years, the band has managed to permeate strongly in the popular culture of the United States and other parts of the world. Personally, I consider that their work has provided too little value in the music industry, nevertheless, their vision and domain over the wide range of musical genres have made them feel like the "intelligent alternative" to the rest of radio music. But really, the band is lost searching to be the emotional bridge between several concepts and ends up being an invisible transition between more coherent concepts of other artists. Even if the lyrics are raw, insightful, and fit properly in each song, the production and the lack of conceptual cohesion is what makes of The 1975 one more passenger band in the "Popularity" bus.
  9. Aug 30, 2020
    Despite everyone else, I believe that this is their best album. NOACF shows us their evolution and their ability to explore different genres of music. It's a perfect body of work. A masterpiece.
  10. Jul 24, 2020
    Favorite track: "Don't Worry"
    Least favorite track: "Yeah I Know"
    The 1975's most divisive but also diverse album to date, "Notes On A Conditional Form" gets better with additional listens, emphasis on the plural. It's a mammoth 22-track monster, and while none of the filler is necessarily "bad," it's still filler nonetheless. I appreciate the effort put into this album, as each song
    Favorite track: "Don't Worry"
    Least favorite track: "Yeah I Know"

    The 1975's most divisive but also diverse album to date, "Notes On A Conditional Form" gets better with additional listens, emphasis on the plural. It's a mammoth 22-track monster, and while none of the filler is necessarily "bad," it's still filler nonetheless. I appreciate the effort put into this album, as each song has its own personality and vibe, whether it's a classic The 1975 sounding track like "If You're Too Shy" or an experimental instrumental like "Having No Head." The band is able to diversify here more than before, as Matty learns to take a backseat for a few tracks and let his contemporaries just do their thing. That's not to say that Matty isn't integral to the album though. His songwriting here is better than ever: "Nothing Revealed/Everything Denied" in particular has some of the best written lyrics of the past decade: both self-referential and critical of the pop music industry. At its few low moments, "Notes On A Conditional Form" is an in-one-ear-out-the-other album. But at its highest peaks, this bold and daring album really soars.
  11. Jul 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Que isso n é um album ta na cara, ta mais pra mixtape do que uma obra completa, gostei das músicas porém ele é sem personalidade e é sem inspiração. Expand
  12. Jul 9, 2020
    This is a bit of a lesser follow up to their previous work but Matt Healy once again connects with the youth and millennial culture by cashing in on all of the tropes and anxieties of being young.
  13. Jul 2, 2020
    It was a nice album, starting between two very coherent songs, but the album continues in different directions between electronic indie rock and 90s even dancehall rhythms, the goal of sound experimentation is remarkable, but I am missing the common one. thread.
  14. Jun 19, 2020
    A dreamy, at times self-indulgent yet fantastically interesting record.

    Following the critical acclaim of The 1975’s last record “A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships” it was clear that mastering that level of musicianship presented previously was not going to be an easy task for the band. Containing their best work to date, the record may have finally showed the world that the
    A dreamy, at times self-indulgent yet fantastically interesting record.

    Following the critical acclaim of The 1975’s last record “A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships” it was clear that mastering that level of musicianship presented previously was not going to be an easy task for the band. Containing their best work to date, the record may have finally showed the world that the band is incredibly serious and introspective, when they want to be.

    Their latest record, “Notes On A Conditional Form” still feels like an evolution on the sonic arrays that they brought forward a couple of years ago, however – it feels (at times) like they are slipping back into old, perhaps over indulgent habits that may sway the quality of the record.
  15. Jun 17, 2020
    I do admire The 1975's ambition, experimenting with different genres, and making the album's scope MASSIVE. (The album's length is a whopping 80 MINUTES!)
  16. Jun 4, 2020
    I might rate the album a point higher (or more) if it had omitted track one. I am, generally, conflicted re statement-making in child-voice... given that, if the statement is worth making, there should be adults courageous enough to make it. (i.e., Why recruit a child, who’s incomplete personal growth demands the freedom and possibility of change?)

    Otherwise, I confess to a slight bias
    I might rate the album a point higher (or more) if it had omitted track one. I am, generally, conflicted re statement-making in child-voice... given that, if the statement is worth making, there should be adults courageous enough to make it. (i.e., Why recruit a child, who’s incomplete personal growth demands the freedom and possibility of change?)

    Otherwise, I confess to a slight bias against high-tenor/soprano male vocals... if only because I can’t sing along.
  17. Jun 2, 2020
    They excel in any contemporary style. The band of our times and hopefully our future.
  18. May 29, 2020
    Most people don't like the diversity of this album. I on the other hand love it.
  19. May 29, 2020
    Overlong but brimming with classic 1975 stylings. Hard to despise and the highlights elevate the project far above the lows. "Roadkill" and "If You're Too Shy" are the songs every artist dreams of making.
  20. May 25, 2020
    Dope album. Only band putting out new music with anything meaningful or thought provoking.
  21. May 25, 2020
    the great part of the album is varied, The 1975 shows us that once again they are not only an indie band but they know how to go further than their base genre.
  22. May 25, 2020
    the first listen is a lot, as this album has a lot to say... but damn it only gets better every time
  23. May 25, 2020
    I was anticipating something even better than their previous album, but I guess that's kinda fun, too. However, Notes on a conditional form has some perfect songs.
  24. May 23, 2020
    I waited so long for it, I've been blessed. Very different from the previous albums but just as good.
  25. May 23, 2020
    Excellent “album”...body of work. Diverse, masterful and huge production. So many notable influences summing to beautiful originality. I’ll spend a lot of time with this album
  26. May 23, 2020
    The 1975 are not afraid to experiment. Throughout this album, you can hear pop, punk, eletronic, 80s pop-rock, orchestral pieces and everything you can imagine. Expect the unexpected. The 1975 have the best albums out there and this one is no different. Personally, it's my favourite album by the band and one of the best ones ever released. The critics gave it poor numbers because they areThe 1975 are not afraid to experiment. Throughout this album, you can hear pop, punk, eletronic, 80s pop-rock, orchestral pieces and everything you can imagine. Expect the unexpected. The 1975 have the best albums out there and this one is no different. Personally, it's my favourite album by the band and one of the best ones ever released. The critics gave it poor numbers because they are afraid of what's different from mainstream. Really, if you want an album that is all about feelings and not really sounds, there you go! The 1975 did THAT again. Expand
  27. May 22, 2020
    Although it isn’t my favorite album by the 1975, I still think this album is a very good album. I loved every song on the album except the opener and Shiny Collarbone. Although the band has changed a lot stylistically/sound-wise, I still think they are doing it in an enjoyable fashion. If you’re someone that doesn’t enjoy albums that aren’t like their past albums, then I can tell you thatAlthough it isn’t my favorite album by the 1975, I still think this album is a very good album. I loved every song on the album except the opener and Shiny Collarbone. Although the band has changed a lot stylistically/sound-wise, I still think they are doing it in an enjoyable fashion. If you’re someone that doesn’t enjoy albums that aren’t like their past albums, then I can tell you that you might not enjoy a lot of this album. The band took a risky leap, and I think that they landed perfectly with flying colors. I think that this album is the perfect ending to the “Music for Cars” era. I was so excited for this album, despite having 6 delays, there was nothing that could stop me from being as excited as I was. It exceeded my expectations. I like the way the bands sound changed. And to talk about the point about it being “pretentious” and “showing a big ego”, I really don’t see how it is pretentious or egotistical. It is a tiny bit pretentious, but nowhere near as pretentious as a lot of people are acting like it is. And I don’t find it egotistical at all. Overall, I liked the production of the album as a whole. Also listening to The Birthday Party on the actual album made me appreciate the song more. It was my least favorite single, but now I love the song. I don’t really know what else to say besides in my honest opinion this is my favorite album of 2020 so far, and I’m sure it won’t be topped. Expand
  28. May 22, 2020
    Brilliant sonic soundscapes and a huge range. This is a superb album - varied, vibrant and vital!
  29. May 22, 2020
    The "lack of purpose" is the most personal, honest and pure trait of the album. This is about what modernity really is, they know about it and somehow they found a way to "embrace it" through the hole concept of the album. I'm speechless. This is pure art.
  30. May 22, 2020
    This album is great but some songs like Roadkill, Shiny Collarbone and Yeah I Know should probably have not been included in the album. I think the pushing back of the album was negative knowing that more songs were going to be in the album. The singles are great. Maybe they should have shorten the album by 12-15 songs, not have 22 songs on it.
  31. May 22, 2020
    Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show stopping. Spectacular. Never be the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before.
  32. May 22, 2020
    Its beautiful chaos. Notes on a conditional form is some of the best work that they have done. Each instrumental gives you an opportunity is digest the album as it goes along navigating through genre after genre with that 1975 take.
  33. May 22, 2020
    The 1975 somehow cover a myriad of genres, and cover them well. Moving through heavy rock, garage, country, dance, and folk music, this eclectic album somehow offers a range of huge ideas without feeling overly cluttered and overwhelming. The enormous track listing may appear over blown and bloated, it's necessary to explore the ideas that rattle around in Healy's head. All of this beforeThe 1975 somehow cover a myriad of genres, and cover them well. Moving through heavy rock, garage, country, dance, and folk music, this eclectic album somehow offers a range of huge ideas without feeling overly cluttered and overwhelming. The enormous track listing may appear over blown and bloated, it's necessary to explore the ideas that rattle around in Healy's head. All of this before the production. Just wow. George Daniel has truly outdone himself, displaying why he's one of the most exciting and versatile producers around.

    Stick about. There's more this band have to offer.
  34. May 22, 2020
    Really not understanding what everyone is having a problem with here. I've been listening to these guys since their very first EP, and I've found some of their music enjoyable, but sometimes they were kinda strange. I couldn't say I ever enjoyed a single one of their albums in its entirety, but they always had decent songs scattered about. Strangely, I can say, for once, I actually like aReally not understanding what everyone is having a problem with here. I've been listening to these guys since their very first EP, and I've found some of their music enjoyable, but sometimes they were kinda strange. I couldn't say I ever enjoyed a single one of their albums in its entirety, but they always had decent songs scattered about. Strangely, I can say, for once, I actually like a 1975 album in its entirety now.

    This is a lot more all over the place and eclectic than any of their prior work and that's an aspect that I feel should be respected, and all of their cooky experiments really seem to actually work here. I loved all the future garage tracks (I believe there were 5), as I saw that to be one of the stronger aspects of Online Relationships, which, unfortunately, included only one future garage track. Speaking of which, despite the reviews and scores I've seen, I find this to be WAY better than that album was.

    Maybe I'm strange or whatever, but I really found this to be their best collections of songs yet, and one I think should actually be worthy of praise... and, yet, here with are without any praise
  35. May 22, 2020
    Goes off in so many different directions and there really is a song for everybody on this album. Personally for me it features some of the best work they have done, along with some randomness, but thats what you have to expect with The 1975!
  36. May 22, 2020
    Not on Brief Inquiry level but still good.. i feel like the more i hear, the best it turns

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 28
  2. Negative: 2 out of 28
  1. 60
    A Brief Inquiry is a hard album to top, and Notes is, perhaps, the most disjointed and unclassifiable of the 1975’s works. It serves best, perhaps, as a long and intermittently lovely outro to that defining record.
  2. Jun 16, 2020
    Notes on a Conditional Form is a fantastic 12 track, 45-minute album. It’s just a shame that The 1975 decided to make it into a 22 track, 80 minute one. There’s certainly enough going on to recommend repeat listens, but the quality level waxes and wanes so much throughout that it won’t take you too long to find your favorites and start returning to just those.
  3. May 27, 2020
    The diversity is so vast and so well done that it’s almost commendable. Mainly though, it’s just a bit much for one sitting, and instead feels more like you’re listening to The 1975 radio on Spotify.