• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Apr 5, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 28
  2. Negative: 13 out of 28

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  1. JayMeeD
    Oct 20, 2006
    There's nothing much to say...very deep lyrics and good music...i like it!!!
  2. CraigR
    Jul 1, 2006
    Okay, so she's substituted a gutteral growl for her father's facial sneer -- but I like Lisa Marie! Her breathy alto matches fits the minor keys in which the songs are played and, by golly, she actually sings in tune. As for the "polished" sound about which others have complained -- that's called musical professionalism. I think this is a well-thought out, well produced and Okay, so she's substituted a gutteral growl for her father's facial sneer -- but I like Lisa Marie! Her breathy alto matches fits the minor keys in which the songs are played and, by golly, she actually sings in tune. As for the "polished" sound about which others have complained -- that's called musical professionalism. I think this is a well-thought out, well produced and excellently engineered album --- but then I'm 60 years old and remember when music was considered an art form. Expand
  3. MattJ
    Feb 15, 2006
    This is a great album. All songs other than Dirty Laundry are written by Presley. No one can deny that this girl has talent. She rocks harder than any female singer we have today, and her bluesy/country side gives Shania, and Gretchen a run for their money. While I agree it is a bit too polished, Presley has a voice, and a damn good one!
  4. Driver1
    Sep 6, 2005
    The album is great, 'Raven' is an awesome song.
  5. GeliO
    Jun 16, 2005
    The album is excellent, especially good are the songs "Idiot" and "Now What". She is doing it her way which is great. Everyone shoulld listen to it.
  6. AprilN
    Jun 10, 2005
    Top notch all the way!
  7. teris
    May 20, 2005
    I like everyting about her music, sound and voice and what she has to say.
  8. JodyO
    May 16, 2005
    Lisa's duet "Shine" with Pink is awesome...the critics have not been kind to her...she is her own talent and a great talent at that...I'd listen to Lisa, who has the courage to write her own music, over some of these over exploited wannabes any day...
  9. Maggie
    May 12, 2005
    I think this CD is really great, no matter what the critics say!
  10. GR
    May 7, 2005
    her sound may not be mainstream , but only the critics think they should be. Theres those of us that perfer not to have mainstream sounds. If you listen to her words , she knows how to get the point across with out being put in the bubble rap of top 40 artists...I think it's an awesome cd

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. While it's undeniably polished, it's a bit too dark, a bit too quirky, and a bit too individualistic to be part of the mainstream, while being too slick and professional to be on the fringe, but the album is all the more ingratiating for being caught between two worlds.
  2. Despite hitmaker Linda Perry co-writing half of the album's original tracks, something is missing.
  3. Blender
    The big '80s-style production highlights her breathy-sexy vulnerability, but Presley's better when she rocks. [May 2005, p.123]