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Generally favorable reviews- based on 89 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 89
  2. Negative: 28 out of 89
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  1. Jan 6, 2023
    Muito bom o álbum, uma obra muito lírica, muito coeso, no lirismo muito suave, um tom suave das melodias.
  2. Aug 28, 2020
    It was a long time coming but it was worth it. Her best album yet!

    A mixture of genres with a range of tracks.

    As the only writer on this album, it proves that Shania Twain is one of the best artists around.

    The fact that this album didn't get nominated for any Grammy Awards is an outrage.
  3. Sep 30, 2019
    An amazing comeback album. While it doesn’t have any of the instant classics it’s full of well written songs.
  4. Oct 12, 2018
    Shania's voice has changed, I guess she had to go through a mourning period and some time to get used to her new voice, and I think she did pretty well! This album is beautiful! Her voice is beautiful, differently beautiful, and she was able to adapt! Her songs are beautifully interpreted, perfect for that new voice, the style is at the same time deep and light, emotional and simple. TheShania's voice has changed, I guess she had to go through a mourning period and some time to get used to her new voice, and I think she did pretty well! This album is beautiful! Her voice is beautiful, differently beautiful, and she was able to adapt! Her songs are beautifully interpreted, perfect for that new voice, the style is at the same time deep and light, emotional and simple. The lyrics, the music... I recommend this album! Expand
  5. Apr 8, 2018
    15 años tardo en sacar este album. Realmente, es demasiado bueno en mi opinion
  6. Jan 3, 2018
    I'm a long devoted fan of Eileen Edwards! AND.... "Shania Twain" attended the same high school as I did (West Humber Collegiate...) I even have a yearbook with her singing on the very same stage I performed on! As an artist, I love her new sound and her enthusiasm in changing her style. A REAL and TRUE artist takes risks and chances and this is exactly what Shania did with NOW. WHERE DOI'm a long devoted fan of Eileen Edwards! AND.... "Shania Twain" attended the same high school as I did (West Humber Collegiate...) I even have a yearbook with her singing on the very same stage I performed on! As an artist, I love her new sound and her enthusiasm in changing her style. A REAL and TRUE artist takes risks and chances and this is exactly what Shania did with NOW. WHERE DO YOU THINK WE'RE GOING is my favourite song on the NOW album. I'm seeing that this album is getting some critical and even some harsh reviews and this is really sad. There is so much heart and feeling put in to this album. Only a true Shania and music lover would appreciate this album. Not everyone likes the album, but not everyone matters. I have seen Shania's music change and evolve over the years, so there's really nothing unexpected here. She's changing and evolving... this is what true artists do. Expand
  7. Jan 1, 2018
    Is it as good as 'The Woman in Me', 'Come On Over' or 'Up!'? The answer is no. That, however, doesn't make it a bad album. For the most part, it's actually very good. Standouts include 'Swingin' With My Eyes Closed', 'Life's About To Get Good', 'We've Got Something They Don't', 'Home Now' and 'Roll Me On The River'...basically, the upbeat numbers. There's one too many simply-structuredIs it as good as 'The Woman in Me', 'Come On Over' or 'Up!'? The answer is no. That, however, doesn't make it a bad album. For the most part, it's actually very good. Standouts include 'Swingin' With My Eyes Closed', 'Life's About To Get Good', 'We've Got Something They Don't', 'Home Now' and 'Roll Me On The River'...basically, the upbeat numbers. There's one too many simply-structured ballads present here. A couple of ballads work ('Soldier', 'Who's Gonna Be Your Girl'), don't get me wrong, but her vocal range has changed, and including too many ballads has highlighted this fact to her detriment. All in all, it's a very very lovable album, one that true fans will appreciate. It has warmth about it and a pleasant feel from start to finish. It won't win any new fans, but it doesn't really have to.
    Oh, and for the record, stick to the standard version. It's sharper and feels more like a strong package, the deluxe version really wasn't needed and feels a tad too long.
  8. TOW
    Oct 7, 2017
    Greatest artist of all time and 'NOW' proves it one more time! There's nobody like this woman: talented, pure, beautiful. Buy the album! It's spectacular :D
  9. Oct 4, 2017
    With this comeback album Shania shows her vulnerable side in her songwriting, especially 'Because of you' and 'All in All' are pretty examples of this. Production wise it sounds fresh and different from her previous material; the music as a whole is more layered and diverse. Yet she also stays true to her country pop roots with songs like "Home Now" and "Who's gonna be your girl". Overal aWith this comeback album Shania shows her vulnerable side in her songwriting, especially 'Because of you' and 'All in All' are pretty examples of this. Production wise it sounds fresh and different from her previous material; the music as a whole is more layered and diverse. Yet she also stays true to her country pop roots with songs like "Home Now" and "Who's gonna be your girl". Overal a surprising album, with some hidden gems on it. Expand
  10. Oct 3, 2017
    The negative reviews on this album are primarily because critics are using Come On Over as a benchmark of comparison. All things considered, this is a really wonderful, uplifting, and enjoyable album. Truthfully, my expectations were not very high, but I'm very pleasantly surprised; the songwriting is great, and the production is beautiful. Sure, "Now" is not QUITE to the same calibre asThe negative reviews on this album are primarily because critics are using Come On Over as a benchmark of comparison. All things considered, this is a really wonderful, uplifting, and enjoyable album. Truthfully, my expectations were not very high, but I'm very pleasantly surprised; the songwriting is great, and the production is beautiful. Sure, "Now" is not QUITE to the same calibre as some of her previous efforts, but all in all (pun intended), it is a fantastic and fun album. If you don't listen to it expecting to hear a new era-defining record with uber catchy hooks like "Man! I Feel Like A Woman!" or "Forever and For Always," this is a very welcome and long awaited comeback. Expand
  11. Oct 2, 2017
    A truly incredible record that proves once and for all that Shania doesn't need the Cruel Mutt Lange in her corner to deliver a powerful pop-country record.
  12. Oct 1, 2017
    This is by far my favorite Album of hers. Every song she wrote herself. Every song on "ShaniaNow" are fantastic.. Enjoyed her past Albums as well but not the entire Album like I do with this one. This Album should not be compared to anything she did before because its nothing like it. This Album is all Shania all the way.
  13. Sep 29, 2017
    This is not the old Shania, if you compare her to her last album up! 15 years ago, of course you'll end up dissapointed. Her lyrics are so much mature now, as mature as her voice which fits and match perfectly to the deep collection of songs. It has as well some optimistic hymns that energize your body at another level. The album is way more organic than her previous material, with someThis is not the old Shania, if you compare her to her last album up! 15 years ago, of course you'll end up dissapointed. Her lyrics are so much mature now, as mature as her voice which fits and match perfectly to the deep collection of songs. It has as well some optimistic hymns that energize your body at another level. The album is way more organic than her previous material, with some touches of Adele's 21 and 25 and Amy Whinehose´s Back in black.Just a legend could sing like that after suffering the lost of her voice even to speak. in an age where music talks only about hate, sex and parties, is good to have this kind of messages on the radio and TV. WELCOME BACK TO A QUEEN! Expand
  14. Sep 29, 2017
    For an artist who has not released a full-length album in 15 years, it must be incredibly hard to re-acclimate to the industry. That's what one would usually think, right? This is not the case here. Now, is a beautifully personal and polished record with more than a little vulnerability. This is not Twain 15 years ago, nor should it be. As everyone does, artists evolve their craft. And inFor an artist who has not released a full-length album in 15 years, it must be incredibly hard to re-acclimate to the industry. That's what one would usually think, right? This is not the case here. Now, is a beautifully personal and polished record with more than a little vulnerability. This is not Twain 15 years ago, nor should it be. As everyone does, artists evolve their craft. And in this case, Twain had no choice but to move on from her past if she wanted to continue making music. Mutt Lange is no longer in the picture, that part of the picture fell away almost a decade ago. Then, came the rehabilitation process with her voice after the dysphonia diagnosis as a result of Lyme Disease. These things are trying on a person without fame, but then you add Twain's level of fame, and the pressure almost seems insurmountable. It's a story many have wanted to hear in the form of a song for many years coming. Thankfully, writing the album alone while also having four producers aboard gave Twain the chance to tell her story her way - with four different approaches. Those pieces that fell apart years ago, they are coming back together. Twain's voice is in top form, especially considering all that has happened. On the strikingly beautiful, "Where Do You Think You're Going," Twain gives a vocal performance that may just be one of the best of her entire career. The lyrics are mature. Sure, the previous three albums, had fun, optimistic lyrics. However, there is growth in Twain's songwriting. The clever hook line of the heartbreaking mid-tempo, "Poor Me," shows it all. "Poor me this, poor me that...pour me another." "Because Of You" brings Shania into her country element, and here, she sings about love with her new husband. The rollercoaster of emotions fledged between heartbreak and love is not all that this album has to offer. Fans can hear Twain with all of her uptempo rock-edge on the banger, "Roll Me On The River." While, fans of her earlier country material can find peace with the optimistic "Home Now." Laced with violins and a beat that truly brings the song into contemporary country standards, "Home Now," is a shinning moment where Twain has found common ground following the aftermath of everything that has transpired in the last 15 years.

    If you were interested in the heavy productions of Mutt Lange, be warned, you won't find much, if any of that on, Now. What you will find is an artist who was often cast aside as Mutt Lange's prodigy, come into an artist spotlight all her own - accompanied by just as much sonic flexibility (if not more) than was heard during the Lange era.

    Now wasn't released with any time constraints, Twain's most loyal fans can attest to that. The album feels as though each detail was clearly thought out. The result of all of this: a well-mounted 16 song comeback album.
  15. Sep 29, 2017
    Great album! Great singer! Her voice has changed somehow, but everyone changes . Her spirit, her flame, her courage and everything else is there! Very good job! Wonderful lyrics, the mixing of diferent styles and that magic you had felt before when you listened her for the first time is still there.
  16. Sep 29, 2017
    Shania surprised all of us with NOW. She proved once again that she can do always a different job. Perfect lyrics and production. She’s always getting better, amazing album!
  17. Sep 29, 2017
    The best thing about Shania is her refusal to confine herself to one genre. Now is absolutely not an exception to that. Most of the negative reviews I've seen of this are focusing on how different her voice is, which is something completely out of her control due to Lyme disease. To me it doesn't sound very different from before, and this album definitely lives up to its predecessors.
  18. Sep 29, 2017
    It's country to pop, folk to electronic, reggae to a tropical dance craze. The wonderful mixture of beats and melody makes this album an "ALL IN ALL". Shania Twain is a musical genius to experiment and represent her album with various kinds of music styling.

    You can hear the difference in her voice now, but it's a beautiful marriage with the harmony and melody of her songs in the album.
    It's country to pop, folk to electronic, reggae to a tropical dance craze. The wonderful mixture of beats and melody makes this album an "ALL IN ALL". Shania Twain is a musical genius to experiment and represent her album with various kinds of music styling.

    You can hear the difference in her voice now, but it's a beautiful marriage with the harmony and melody of her songs in the album. Come On Over was an institution, but Now is a league of it's own worthy of recognitions.
  19. Sep 29, 2017
    Loving this album! You can tell she put her heart and soul into this! Her voice also sounds great, regardless of what she's gone through. Some of these reviews are ridiculously harsh. She wrote AND co-produced all of this. Not many artists can say the same.
  20. Sep 29, 2017
    It's great to FINALLY have her back with some new music!!! I really like many of the songs on the album. Current favorites are: "Who's gonna be your girl", "Swingin' with my eyes closed" and "We got something they don't"!
  21. Sep 29, 2017
    I'm honestly seriously impressed with this. Shania has been through so much and it shows in this album. I'm loving her honesty. You can tell this album was made by someone who just loves music in general, not someone writing for the charts or someone trying to cater to a specific audience. She has so many influences, and it shows.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Oct 2, 2017
    These are pleasant songs, but Twain and Lange’s perfectionism meant even the weakest cuts on The Woman in Me and Come on Over were weapons-grade pop.
  2. Oct 2, 2017
    This is a record bursting with indecision and excess, but that excess is revealing; we're shown more of Shania's emotion than ever here. It's enough to make Now one of the best pop albums of the year.
  3. Sep 29, 2017
    The songs are forgettable odes to familiar topics--home, heartbreak, dusting yourself off and picking yourself back up--that wouldn’t get a second glance if they’d been penned by someone less famous. Add to that some horrifically hackneyed clichés.