• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Feb 21, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 55
  2. Negative: 5 out of 55
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  1. Feb 21, 2020
    Ordinary Man is the best album to day for the legendary rocker John "Ozzy" Osbourne. From the docile ballad of the titular song to the hard rock of Straight to Hell to the various collaborations with Elton John and Post Malone, the album has it wall

    The album is definitely worth checking out and actually buying and could prove to be one of the best albums of 2020.
  2. Apr 1, 2020
    ____ His metal vocals can not be confused with anyone, he still tears the musical lines of compositions with dark names. On the album you will find both war and lyrics, as well as echoes of the legendary Black Sabbath. There are enough hits here, and some kind of song will surely sink into your soul. Although the entire album is saturated with the theme of “eternity”, one can feel the____ His metal vocals can not be confused with anyone, he still tears the musical lines of compositions with dark names. On the album you will find both war and lyrics, as well as echoes of the legendary Black Sabbath. There are enough hits here, and some kind of song will surely sink into your soul. Although the entire album is saturated with the theme of “eternity”, one can feel the irresistible thirst for life of this 71 year old man and his willingness to try something new again and again. Expand
  3. Feb 21, 2020
    Much better album than "scream". good songs but with a little over compressed sound on the whole record.the best songs for me are "all my life", "goodbye" and "eat me". I hope that he'll make another album with Zakk with old school production.
  4. Feb 25, 2020
    Nothing short of brilliant in both its construction and execution, Ozzy's latest is achingly sincere beneath all of the requisite theatrics, delivering heartfelt ballads alongside hard-hitting metal in what's easily his best album in 20 years.

    Choice Cuts: "All My Life", "Ordinary Man", "It's A Raid (feat. Post Malone)"
  5. Feb 22, 2020
    Loved the album. We didn't hear from just Ozzy in a long time, so it was really refreshing
  6. Oct 20, 2020
    The dude is 71 you disrespectful **** He’s brought this out for us with some pumping vibes along with Posty Malone and Elton colabs in a voice that only exists from the master!
    My favourite album this year.. I wash the car, smash the lawns and golf to this.

    Thanks Ozzy you will always be far from an ordinary man love you in every way ya **** legend
  7. Mar 27, 2020
    Great album by Ozzy. Even though the sound is really compressed with fuzzy guitars and wall of noise, but it all strangely fits into a very satisfying whole.
    One thing though, I had to remove "Take what you want" - which is a Post Malone song with some Ozzy vocals and some guitar work. This song just ruins the whole record. I really don't like new Pop sound (especially with Auto-Tuned
    Great album by Ozzy. Even though the sound is really compressed with fuzzy guitars and wall of noise, but it all strangely fits into a very satisfying whole.
    One thing though, I had to remove "Take what you want" - which is a Post Malone song with some Ozzy vocals and some guitar work. This song just ruins the whole record. I really don't like new Pop sound (especially with Auto-Tuned vocals and predictable beat) and it does not belong on Ozzy Osbourne record, period! Unfortunately, those who own the CD are stuck with it.
    Ordinary Man is a nice mixture of slower ballads and faster songs. Goodbye is one of the best songs Ozzy has ever recorded (yes, including Sabbath). If this is his last album, then he went out with a Bang!
  8. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  9. Feb 23, 2020
    New to Ozzy's music.
    This is great, great rock music for someone in his 70's .
    Solid guitars and production.
  10. Feb 21, 2020
    On first listen I was underwhelmed with this album, but in subsequent listens, its actually pretty good. "All my life" is one of my favorites, and there is a sense of ozzy reflecting on his life in a lot of these songs, while others are more meant to be upbeat I guess. And it's cool it has Chad Smith (RHCP) on drums as well as Duff Mkcagan on bass and Slash on guitar ( both of GNR fame)On first listen I was underwhelmed with this album, but in subsequent listens, its actually pretty good. "All my life" is one of my favorites, and there is a sense of ozzy reflecting on his life in a lot of these songs, while others are more meant to be upbeat I guess. And it's cool it has Chad Smith (RHCP) on drums as well as Duff Mkcagan on bass and Slash on guitar ( both of GNR fame) and Elton John even. Overall it's a decent album at least, and I'm glad to hear Ozzy at least one more time. I hope I can see him on tour but I dont know if that's going to happen. Expand
  11. Feb 26, 2020
    I feel like this album was successful in what it set out to do. And if this is Ozzy's last record, it certainly isn't a bad one to go out on. Ozzy, you are absolutely not an ordinary man. Really good album.

    Favorite Tracks: Straight to Hell, Ordinary Man, Eat Me, Holy for Tonight, It's a Raid.

    Least Favorite Tracks: Goodbye, Take What You Want.

  12. Mar 30, 2020
    ( 81/100 )

    Sí, lo siento, probablemente he vivido bajo una roca, pero estoy seguro que lo que desconosco de Ozzy Osbourne lo conosco de música emergente. En fin. Al escuchar (por primera vez) a Ozzy Osbourne lo primero que pensé fue en algún tipo de Metal-Pop. "Ordinary Man", producido especialmente por watt, tiene rasgos de lo que puedo imaginar que es la esencia de Osbourne, ese
    ( 81/100 )

    Sí, lo siento, probablemente he vivido bajo una roca, pero estoy seguro que lo que desconosco de Ozzy Osbourne lo conosco de música emergente. En fin. Al escuchar (por primera vez) a Ozzy Osbourne lo primero que pensé fue en algún tipo de Metal-Pop. "Ordinary Man", producido especialmente por watt, tiene rasgos de lo que puedo imaginar que es la esencia de Osbourne, ese Heavy-Metal fácil de escuchar que emociona por la energía y los solos de la guitarra eléctrica; y también rasgos que lo demuestran tratando de apelar a la sensibilidad de la juventud actual con un Pop muy Rock. Eso puede ser tan bueno como malo, pero realmente la mayoría de los tracks son aciertos en los que la energía de un hombre de 71 años que ama el Metal revitaliza cierta nostalgia y seduce a las nuevas generaciones.
    Yes, I'm sorry, I have most probably been living under a rock, but I'm sure that what I don't know about Ozzy Osbourne I know it about emerging music. Anyway. Hearing (for the first time) to Ozzy Osbourne, the first thing that I thought was in some kind of Metal-Pop. "Ordinary Man", produced specially by watt, has traces of, what I can imagine, is the essence of Osbourne, that very easy listening Heavy Metal that excites because of the energy and the solos of the electric guitars; and also traces of what it seems to be him trying to appeal to the actual youth sensibilities with a very Rock Pop. That can be as good as bad, but in fact, most of the tracks are achievements in which the energy of a 71 years old man that loves Metal revitalizes some nostalgia and seduces the new generations.
  13. Feb 21, 2020
    Mixing rock ballads with metal made the album feel very original and unlike any of Ozzy's work this century. I just wish he didn't record post malone's collaborations, despite that it's very worth to listen to
  14. Feb 29, 2020
    Good Album, I like it. I remembered 7 tracks: Eat Me, Goodbye, It's A Raid, Straight to Hell, Under The Graveyard and Scary Little Green Man. Eat Me is the best track. I don't listen to Ozzy much, but this album is really good. I advice
  15. Mar 29, 2020
    Here’s an album that I never expected to see. Unlike the new, recently released Huey Lewis record, though, it’s one that I probably could’ve done without. It’s not that it’s bad, per se. In fact, it seems to be quite popular. Three of the tracks are currently among Ozzy’s Top 5 on Spotify, and reviews of the album have been generally good. However, I suspect it’s popular for the veryHere’s an album that I never expected to see. Unlike the new, recently released Huey Lewis record, though, it’s one that I probably could’ve done without. It’s not that it’s bad, per se. In fact, it seems to be quite popular. Three of the tracks are currently among Ozzy’s Top 5 on Spotify, and reviews of the album have been generally good. However, I suspect it’s popular for the very reason that I find it disappointing - it doesn’t really sound like an Ozzy record so much as it does a generic pop record that’s been gimmicked up to look edgy. I mean, honestly, Ozzy teaming up with hip-hop stars, and singing maudlin piano ballads with Elton John, has more to do with marketing genius than with the musical kind.

    Adding insult to injury is the production. Instead of recording with Ozzy’s regular band, producer/guitarist Andrew Watt (who has also produced Cardi B and Justin Bieber
  16. Jul 22, 2020
    Most of the songs are somewhat forgettable, exceptions being: the title track and "Straight To Hell." Ozzy fans overhyped this album, and because of that, it made me pretty disappointed. Maybe over time, I will appreciate this album more.
  17. Feb 22, 2020
    Decent album overall. Nothing to listen to more than once IMO.
    The title track "Ordinary Man" is by far the best thing Ozzy has done in a long time which is sad considering the vocals are mediocre.
    The Post Malone songs are very skippable. Very bad.
  18. Mar 1, 2020
    Very ripetitive and annoying lyrics without any kind of message. Annoying vocals from Ozzy, they are just the same on every song. Rythm Guitar sound is just noise and buzz. There even no metal attitude, just simple and raw hard rock with a bad and pop production. Bad sound design, bad lyrics, bad musicians, no soul, no tecnics, no emotions, pathetic humor, bad mixing and bad master.Very ripetitive and annoying lyrics without any kind of message. Annoying vocals from Ozzy, they are just the same on every song. Rythm Guitar sound is just noise and buzz. There even no metal attitude, just simple and raw hard rock with a bad and pop production. Bad sound design, bad lyrics, bad musicians, no soul, no tecnics, no emotions, pathetic humor, bad mixing and bad master. Probably the worst ozzy album. Expand
  19. Mar 6, 2020
    O único motivo para eu dar um 3 é pela carga sentimental do álbum e seu significado. O som do disco é deprimente. Mixagem de álbuns pop. Guitarra toda comprimida e sem personalidade alguma. As participações então, nem comento. Podem babar o quanto quiser esse álbum só pelo fato de ser uma provável despedida do Ozzy, mas não irá tirar o fato de ser péssimo.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Uncut
    Mar 26, 2020
    Blistering opener "Straight To Hell" sets the carpe diem tone. [May 2020, p.32]
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Mar 5, 2020
    A twelfth album that comes off the ropes swinging. ... His vocals are gleeful and feline, and these 11 songs are full of purpose. [Apr 2020, p.82]
  3. Mar 3, 2020
    These 11 songs feel like a loose mixtape, flitting among a half-dozen moods and motifs in what feels like a methodical quest for streaming placement.