
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Our Cubehouse Still Rocks has no shortage of guitar firepower, and with tough six-string snarl dominating much of the album, these 16 songs have more than enough rock & roll muscle to give shape and power to Pollard's pop-flavored melodies.
  2. Expertly paced, Cubehouse's highlights are judiciously spread out, its occasional down note always quickly offset by something more boisterous. It's the Spaceships' most consistent listen; with no lows to speak of, it's easy to see this becoming the go-to for fans.
  3. It's an album that the former Guided by Voices fan will appreciate, and can be rest assured that, though there is the typical amount of filler as one can find on a Pollard release, there is a high ratio of good songs to throwaways.
  4. Our Cubehouse Still Rocks, while less varied than Zero To 99, and without the sourpuss charm of Planets Are Blasted, is an anthem-heavy affair that's both the band's best work to date and Pollard's most satisfying outing since From A Compound Eye.

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