
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
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  1. May 19, 2011
    Bluegrass songbird rises from the ashes of Albion with 11 impeccables beginning with the breathtaking title track and equally stilling "Lie Awake."
  2. Apr 26, 2011
    If, like me, your hillbilly musical tastes lean toward bluegrass, you're likely to forget this one.
  3. Apr 21, 2011
    Her partnership with Union Station has been a fruitful one, in its way, but after giving us glimpses of more, she's also made us expect more. Paper Airplane is sufficient, but doesn't ever slip the bonds imposed upon it.
  4. Apr 15, 2011
    Aside from bandmate Dan Tyminski's American-roots turns, there are fewer diversions this time from the restrained, often introspective fare Alison favors, including the regrettable omission of the stirring devotionals that have graced her past works.
  5. Apr 11, 2011
    Krauss and Union Station are extraordinary musicians, and it's their impeccable skills that are the main selling point of Paper Airplane.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Apr 23, 2013
    This album is so intimate and mysterious, that you will caught yourself thinking of this album from time to time. And when the last note isThis album is so intimate and mysterious, that you will caught yourself thinking of this album from time to time. And when the last note is reached at the last song, it's a completely awe. Amazing. One of the best country albums I've ever had the pleasure to listen. Long live to Alison Krauss & Union Station!! Full Review »
  2. Sep 3, 2011
    Alison is the greatest singer of Bluegrass that exists today. I pride myself
    as being her #1 fan, I adore her and her voice. Her "Paper
    Alison is the greatest singer of Bluegrass that exists today. I pride myself
    as being her #1 fan, I adore her and her voice. Her "Paper Airplanes" CD
    was sadly a big disappointment. It didn't do justice to anything she
    has produced before. Nothing special about any of her songs on
    this CD. 3 out of 10
    Full Review »
  3. May 14, 2011
    Alison Krauss and her colleagues in Union Station are all consummate professionals and their music is impeccable. Alisonâ