
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Q Magazine
    Mar 12, 2019
    With a singular perspective though, Hand Habits are in a lane of their own. [May 2019, p.111]
  2. Mar 12, 2019
    placeholder is an album that never gets stuck but also never feels less than thoroughly cohesive. That is a hard trick to pull off and Hand Habits does it with consummate aplomb. It felt like Wildly Idle would be difficult, if not impossible, to follow, and placeholder feels similarly devastating and accomplished.
  3. 90
    What arrives is a virtually seamless country rock album, with verses moving fluidly into choruses that travel unimpeded across sparkling, architecturally sophisticated bridges. ... Duffy doesn’t leave a single loose thread on “Placeholder.” Highly recommended.
  4. Mar 5, 2019
    The music is stately and nocturnal guitar pop, arranged precisely and played with quiet conviction, as sure of its purpose as the song’s narrator seems unsure of theirs.
  5. Mar 5, 2019
    Throughout the album we’ve been bathed in guitars and subtle synths, giving the music a hazy immaterial feeling, as if we truly are embedded within the shifting thoughts an overly-active mind.
  6. Mar 1, 2019
    Meg Duffy’s humble, comforting vocals will help cushion the blow that will inevitably come with any relationship, and their poetic aptitude results in a record that’s just as therapeutic and affecting on the written page as it is in sung form.
  7. Mar 1, 2019
    Wanting to seem OK while secretly falling apart is a tricky dance that placeholder deftly captures. But hearing about a riot is not the same as listening to one. Duffy excels at mapping resolution, which might make you want to hear about the conflict.
  8. Feb 28, 2019
    The resulting album has a fuller sound, though it's still distinctly intimate. Lyrically, Placeholder explores various relationships--good and bad--which is reflected in a musical demeanor that's both melancholy and sweet.
  9. Uncut
    Feb 26, 2019
    These 12 songs have a resonance that's deep and wide, examining intimate/romantic connections and their power to wound and confuse, as well as relationships in the broader contexts of existential identity and being fused to a genealogical history. [Apr 2019, p.38]
  10. Mojo
    Feb 26, 2019
    Songs feel untethered, then crystallise in Sharon Von Etten-levels of devastation. [Apr 2019, p.96]
  11. 90
    placeholder is the sound of Hand Habits hitting their stride, and playing to their strengths before anyone listening even realised what those strengths were. The guitar heroics of Duffy’s time in Morby’s band have yielded to an inspired flair for arrangements, piercing turns of phrase and the sound of an artist—and a person—truly finding themselves.
  12. Feb 26, 2019
    On "pacify," one of the album's most memorable moments, Duffy incorporates each of placeholder's exact highlights--gentle, infinitely melodic acoustic guitars, and a richly layered aesthetic that is well defined and easily identifiable. This is where placeholder takes shape and eventually unfolds into a mesmeric journey of tedious attention to detail and songwriting.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Dec 4, 2019
    A genuine slow burner. Intimite, soothing and thrilling. An album to listen to time and time again. Standout tracks are Can’t calm down andA genuine slow burner. Intimite, soothing and thrilling. An album to listen to time and time again. Standout tracks are Can’t calm down and Placeholder. Full Review »