• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 22, 2013
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  1. Dec 23, 2015
    It is a good album, but she could do it better. At least we have a mature woman with new kind of songs.

    Roar 7/10 Legendary Lovers 9/10 Birthday 5/10 Walking on air 8/10 Unconditionally 9/10 Dark Horse 6/10 This is how we do 4/10 International Smile 5/10 Ghost 10/10 Love Me 5/10 This Moment 7/10 Double Rainbow 8/10 By the grace of god 10/10 Katy
    It is a good album, but she could do it better. At least we have a mature woman with new kind of songs.

    Roar 7/10

    Legendary Lovers 9/10

    Birthday 5/10

    Walking on air 8/10

    Unconditionally 9/10

    Dark Horse 6/10

    This is how we do 4/10

    International Smile 5/10

    Ghost 10/10

    Love Me 5/10

    This Moment 7/10

    Double Rainbow 8/10

    By the grace of god 10/10

    Katy made a mistake about choosing the singles. Instead of Birthday(which had a hard disclosure) she could release Legendary Lovers, and instead of This is how we do(which ended the era) she could release Walking on air, and let another one like Birthday as a promotional single.
  2. Jul 25, 2015
    Starting with good lyrics, without forgetting the "commercial song", "Prism" disc of the singer Katy Perry has both good things as bad and even disappointing in his third musical work.
    The good thing about this disc would be the maturity that includes Perry through several songs such as "Ghost", "Legendary Lovers" and "It Takes Two", Katy has a range of excellent quality songs.
    The bad
    Starting with good lyrics, without forgetting the "commercial song", "Prism" disc of the singer Katy Perry has both good things as bad and even disappointing in his third musical work.
    The good thing about this disc would be the maturity that includes Perry through several songs such as "Ghost", "Legendary Lovers" and "It Takes Two", Katy has a range of excellent quality songs.
    The bad in this work is truly "The Singles". Although "Roar" is a fairly mature song that gave him a positive approach to disk, this album has singles quite mediocre as "This Is How We Do" and "Birthday, also do not forget commercial song"Dark Horse"and the ballad"Unconditionally", pretty bad quality of the choice of singles." In my opinion he would have preferred "Legendary Lovers" or "Walking On Air".
    And finally, as disappointing on this album is "Total comparison with Teenage Dream", both in singles and in promotion, only Perry Teenage Dream things change and hidden them in Prism so that no one will notice it. But it is not so
  3. Sep 7, 2015
    In my opinion, this is Katy Perry's strongest body of work. Her lyrics are better than her previous albums and finally we get to see the vaunerable side of her instead of the constantly poppy and up beat Katy that we know.
  4. Sep 7, 2015
    In Prism are included some iconic songs,meaningful songs and other boring songs...I think that Katy should work to make more interesting songs and not focus only on 4 or 5 songs of one album!!!
    P.S. I love Roar Darkhorse and Unconditionally
  5. Sep 9, 2015
    Its okay!
    Legendary Lovers steals the spotlight for me, I feel like there were a lot of filler songs, no song is really bad though. Roar is the one I don't really don't like
  6. Sep 13, 2015
    I used to listen to her 1 year ago and now I did back and PRISM is still a good album, the last tracks are the best, but the singles are the worst. Ballades like 'Ghost' 'Love Me' 'Double Rainbow' are the best.
  7. Jul 15, 2017
    Roar 10/10
    Legendary Lovers 9/10
    Birthday 10/10
    Walking On Air 10/10
    Unconditionaly 9/10
    Dark Horse 10/10
    This is How We Do 10/10
    International Smile 8/10
    Ghost 8/10
    Love Me 7/10
    This Moment 8/10
    Double Rainbow 8/10
    By the Grace of God 8/10
    Spiritual 7/10
    it Takes Two 7/10
    Choose Your Battles 8/10

    GENERAL: 7.3
  8. Mar 27, 2020
    For me it's an okay album. It's just a pure pop, and nothing else. It doesn't mean that I don't admire songs from this album, but I simply prefer One of the Boys.
  9. Jun 12, 2020
    The songs are soo great, each one talks about something very specific, I'm in love with it, I think is one of Katy's best albums.
  10. Sep 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Definetely not a bad album, it's actually pretty good - considering it's Katy Perry. For me - Katy is song superstar. She has megahits, but other song are... hm, they do sound flat for me. But not on Prism. All singles are my favourite, plus Legendary Lovers sounds really good and it's shame it's not another album's single. The rest of the songs arent bad either. All of them are listenable. Maybe her best album. Expand
  11. Jul 9, 2023
    One of the most siginificant pop albums made to date. Everything's pretty nice and some tunes are incredible bops!
  12. Oct 28, 2013
    Katy Perry sheds her cotton candy scented look for for her fourth album "PRISM" (caps lock inspired by Lady Gaga). One may think she'd make a completely dark album given her divorce, but PRISM mainly focuses on the new man in her life and only offers a few 'darker' songs. I'd single out "Legendary Lovers" as the highlight of the album donning a subtle Easter inspiration, the song followsKaty Perry sheds her cotton candy scented look for for her fourth album "PRISM" (caps lock inspired by Lady Gaga). One may think she'd make a completely dark album given her divorce, but PRISM mainly focuses on the new man in her life and only offers a few 'darker' songs. I'd single out "Legendary Lovers" as the highlight of the album donning a subtle Easter inspiration, the song follows our tigress having sex or whatnot in the middle of a jungle. On the other hand, "This Is How We Do" and "International Smile" are god awful fillers. Overall, PRISM sounds fresh, strong and things-will-get-better-in-the-end Expand
  13. Nov 20, 2013
    It has been a while since we've heard from Katy Perry, the crazy haired, 29 year old who sang out Partying, Sex, and also had whip cream spray out of her boobs. Now after a painful divorce with comedian Russell Brand, Perry hopes to change her image. Now it's 2013 and we have "PRISM" which is led by her new hit single "Roar". I was looking forward to PRISM even though it looked like itIt has been a while since we've heard from Katy Perry, the crazy haired, 29 year old who sang out Partying, Sex, and also had whip cream spray out of her boobs. Now after a painful divorce with comedian Russell Brand, Perry hopes to change her image. Now it's 2013 and we have "PRISM" which is led by her new hit single "Roar". I was looking forward to PRISM even though it looked like it wouldn't have the fun, carefree image of Perry that we got from her last album "Teenage Dream". Which for Teenage Dream I enjoyed, despite some flaws. But PRISM is a very plain vanilla album with cliches abound and not a lot of originality, making PRISM a disappointment. The first eight songs are very good, but they don't have the edge that Perry brought in for Teenage Dream, most of the songs here sound like something I've heard from other artists like Katy Perry. There are a few standouts, "This is How We Do" sounds like a fun anthem for any kind of party, and "Birthday" is endlessly charming and adorable (even if the topic is about sex). The hit song "Roar" is okay, but it draws many similarities to Sara Bareilles "Brave" which in my opinion is a much better song. My main problem with PRISM is it's second half, although Perry shines in the vocal department, her songs are very borderline cheesy, on the level of Christian/Faith music, that's fine, but it's endlessly repeated on the final half, which leads to a very boring finale. Overall, "PRISM" tries to be different, but does it in all the wrong ways (it's also slow), fans of Katy Perry will find something to enjoy here, but for right now, let's hope Katy Perry recovers and gets back to the fun image we all loved. Expand
  14. Oct 22, 2013
    When we talked about Katy Perry we imagine the "Californa Gurl" who lives her Teenage Dream, but now Katy is just a girl trying to find her own new style in music. PRISM is not her best album and she knows she can do better things.
  15. Nov 2, 2013
    Now, she said this album was gonna be dark. With the exception of tracks such as Dark Horse, it's a quality that is constantly lacked. But for what was released, I guess it's good overall. This sounds a lot more mature than the previous two albums which is undeniable by any listener. Even people who hate Katy Perry.
  16. Nov 4, 2013
    There are standout tracks like Legendary Lovers, Walking on Air and Dark Horse. I feel like the second half of the album is full of fillers. Some songs are not memorable at all.
  17. Dec 5, 2013
    She said that the album is 'dark' but i don't seems to see any 'darkness' inside. Roar being the first single doesn't really represents the album. Too much ballad at the end and very generic. Choice of producers are very limited too, hopefully she venture into other producers other than Dr Luke.
  18. Nov 7, 2013
    Esperava mais da Katy Perry! O Álbum não condiz aos seus countdowns! WOTA e DH são músicas ótimas e mostrou a versatilidade da cantora. Roar uma música sem muita pretensão e que teve um belo desemprenho. Fora isso o álbum está bem monotóno!
  19. Nov 11, 2013
    Some REALLY good songs. But same old tired sound. With all the wig burning promotion I was expecting a little something different. By The Grace of God and Unconditionally stand out.
  20. Nov 12, 2013
    "PRISM" by Katy Perry is a good album, but only. it sounds better than her others albums, but it feels like "artificial". it seems like she wants impressione the critics but it didn't convence me. this album has some of her best carrer song and the worst too. PRISM is good but don't have much to say
  21. Mar 30, 2014
    not a bad album, much more coherente than her previous albums. the second half of prism is just so similar, i could not separate songs and truly pay attention to the lyrics because it felt like a big 20 minute song that was just tiring to hear, but still there are some crazy good songs like "dark horse" "birthday" "legendary lovers" which will probably be hits and be singles in the nextnot a bad album, much more coherente than her previous albums. the second half of prism is just so similar, i could not separate songs and truly pay attention to the lyrics because it felt like a big 20 minute song that was just tiring to hear, but still there are some crazy good songs like "dark horse" "birthday" "legendary lovers" which will probably be hits and be singles in the next two year promoting of the album Expand
  22. Jul 24, 2014
    I liked Prism, but there's something missing. I thought it would be something dark, as was shown in the teasers, Katy said only Roar would be like Teenage Dream era, but Prism is kinda Teenage Dream 2.0 but bad. I expected more.
  23. Oct 30, 2016
    Eu amo incondicionalmente a Katy e seus trabalhos e sempre serei parcial quanto a minha opinião aqui expressa.
    Amo muitas faixas do PRISM, mas tem umas que não tem como defender a honra desse álbum com faixas tão genérias e batidas como "Birthday, This Is How We Do e International Smile".
    Eu não vejo ALMA neste disco, não vejo algo no qual eu e as pessoas possamos nos inspirar. Faltou
    Eu amo incondicionalmente a Katy e seus trabalhos e sempre serei parcial quanto a minha opinião aqui expressa.
    Amo muitas faixas do PRISM, mas tem umas que não tem como defender a honra desse álbum com faixas tão genérias e batidas como "Birthday, This Is How We Do e International Smile".
    Eu não vejo ALMA neste disco, não vejo algo no qual eu e as pessoas possamos nos inspirar.
    Faltou isso no PRISM, eu como fã espero uma melhoria na sonoridade do #KP4.
  24. Sep 17, 2014
    I was expecting so much more of this album, and I shouldn't had expected too much because it's good but it's just this, you know? The tracklist should be better organized, maybe this is the reason that the second part of the album so boring and I wanted to skip every single song.
  25. Sep 30, 2014
    Incredibly mature, but forcing maturity out was difficult for Perry, for the entire started pumped up and high but it ended terribly boring like a calculus class.
  26. Dec 16, 2014
    I thought when she buried her Teenage Dream was something she would be more focused on quality and be less commercial, but was worse than the last, she had a tremendous fallen between the two, although they have good songs is a fully commercial album and after the ninth track all the songs sound the same which causes sleep.
    Highlights: Legendary Lovers and Walking On Air
    Lows: Double
    I thought when she buried her Teenage Dream was something she would be more focused on quality and be less commercial, but was worse than the last, she had a tremendous fallen between the two, although they have good songs is a fully commercial album and after the ninth track all the songs sound the same which causes sleep.
    Highlights: Legendary Lovers and Walking On Air
    Lows: Double Rainbow and Dark Horse
  27. Jan 14, 2015
    In general terms , it is a pop album, with tracks very well polished . The album does not give me a new concept, they are exactly the same letters and sounds we've been hearing from "Teenage Dream" . Although it should be noted that there are some outstanding tracks like " Roar" , "Dark Horse" , "Birthday " and " Unconditionally " . He is a passable album if we consider that Katy PerryIn general terms , it is a pop album, with tracks very well polished . The album does not give me a new concept, they are exactly the same letters and sounds we've been hearing from "Teenage Dream" . Although it should be noted that there are some outstanding tracks like " Roar" , "Dark Horse" , "Birthday " and " Unconditionally " . He is a passable album if we consider that Katy Perry wanted to mature too quickly from an album to another. With albums like this we realize that Katy Perry never managed to be the star Pop memorable, she so wants to be because you never reinvents itself , almost always does the same. Expand
  28. Mar 18, 2015
    Track by track review:
    1. Roar 6/10
    2. Legendary Lovers 10/10 3. Birthday 10/10 4. Walking on Air 8/10 5. Unconditionally 9/10 6. Dark Horse 0.5/10 7. This Is How We Do 6/10 8. International Smile 5.5/10 9. Ghost 10/10 10. Love Me 2/10 11. This Moment 4.5/10 12. Double Rainbow 5/10 13. By the Grace of God 10/10 Highlight: Legendary Lovers Potential singles: Roar, Dark
    Track by track review:
    1. Roar 6/10
    2. Legendary Lovers 10/10
    3. Birthday 10/10
    4. Walking on Air 8/10
    5. Unconditionally 9/10
    6. Dark Horse 0.5/10
    7. This Is How We Do 6/10
    8. International Smile 5.5/10
    9. Ghost 10/10
    10. Love Me 2/10
    11. This Moment 4.5/10
    12. Double Rainbow 5/10
    13. By the Grace of God 10/10

    Highlight: Legendary Lovers
    Potential singles: Roar, Dark Horse, Walking on Air, Legendary Lovers, Unconditionally.
  29. Nov 10, 2017
    Prism marked the change of Katy going from "I wanna make big hits" to "I wanna make meaningful hits" and did that really work? Well Roar was a fun song it was definitely in line with Shake It Off, where it's not a great song but it gets the message across. So the era started off on an ok hit. And we got a few tastes of the album before it came out and they were ok. When the album came outPrism marked the change of Katy going from "I wanna make big hits" to "I wanna make meaningful hits" and did that really work? Well Roar was a fun song it was definitely in line with Shake It Off, where it's not a great song but it gets the message across. So the era started off on an ok hit. And we got a few tastes of the album before it came out and they were ok. When the album came out I was kind of scared because Katy's idea of a meaningful song was just meh to me and a lot of other people. And I was right the album had a few fun songs, but the songs that were supposed to be taken seriously were just not. Katy created another decent album and of course it did not have Teenage Dream's sales success or song success. The only song after Roar to be a real hit was Dark Horse which was a semi-big hit but of course still not as big as anything like her recent bangers. This album marked the decline of her career commerical wise and quality wise. Expand
  30. Aug 28, 2015
    It's a cute record. The best album of Katy Perry so far, and it isn't pretty good, though. Well, there are some pretty good songs like Birthday, Legendary Lovers, Walking On Air, Unconditionally and Ghost, but there are also many bad songs like Love Me, Dark Horse, International Smile, By The Grace Of God and Double Rainbow. It just isn't enough, but Katy Perry is getting better, she singsIt's a cute record. The best album of Katy Perry so far, and it isn't pretty good, though. Well, there are some pretty good songs like Birthday, Legendary Lovers, Walking On Air, Unconditionally and Ghost, but there are also many bad songs like Love Me, Dark Horse, International Smile, By The Grace Of God and Double Rainbow. It just isn't enough, but Katy Perry is getting better, she sings better than before in One Of The Boys and this album is a masterpiece compared with the previous, Teenage Dream. Expand
  31. Jun 15, 2017
    PRISM feels like a repeat of the Tenage Dream formula. Alhtough there are substantial songs like Spiritual, This Moment and Legendary Lovers, the whole is just disconnected. Its an album made of different songs together, sometimes feeling empty and with no self identity.
  32. Nov 8, 2016
    1. Roar 3/5
    2. Legendary Lovers 5/5
    3. Birthday 3/5
    4. Walking On Air 3/5
    5. Unconditionally 4/5
    6. Dark Horse (feat. Juicy J) 3/5
    7. This Is How We Do 3/5
    8. International Smile 3/5
    9. Ghost 4/5
    10. Love Me 3/5
    11. This Moment 4/5
    12. Double Rainbow 3/5
    13. By the Grace of God 3/5
    14. Spiritual 3/5
    15. It Takes Two 3/5
    16. Choose Your Battles 3/5
  33. Sep 20, 2019
    Album is boring and hits like ROAR and DARK HORSE can't outshine the horror of other songs.
  34. Jan 31, 2023
    The singles are great, the rest of the album is pretty average. It's a nice album but proably not her best.
  35. Dec 22, 2013
    I get what Katy was going for. She was going for that spiritual refreshing breeze of sound. She most certainly did it. But, like all Katy albums. There are too many song attached to this album that just aren't supposed to be there (Birthday, This Is How We Do, International Smile). These are good songs, but they provide nothing more than a catchy beat. There a really good songs thatI get what Katy was going for. She was going for that spiritual refreshing breeze of sound. She most certainly did it. But, like all Katy albums. There are too many song attached to this album that just aren't supposed to be there (Birthday, This Is How We Do, International Smile). These are good songs, but they provide nothing more than a catchy beat. There a really good songs that provide the goal of the album (Legendary Lovers, Love Me, Unconditionally).

    Best songs-
    Legendary Lovers
    Love Me
    Dark Horse

    Worst song(s)-
    This Is How We Do
  36. Dec 15, 2013
    Katy Perry is one of the most basic artists out there. This album proves it again. Corny music and lyrics. Very repetitive as she can only do what she can with her voice (and I´m not even reviewing her real singing voice without the auto-tune). Only really good tracks are Legendary Lovers (still corny) and Dark Horse. The rest is just bad. The usual from this type of artists. Where are theKaty Perry is one of the most basic artists out there. This album proves it again. Corny music and lyrics. Very repetitive as she can only do what she can with her voice (and I´m not even reviewing her real singing voice without the auto-tune). Only really good tracks are Legendary Lovers (still corny) and Dark Horse. The rest is just bad. The usual from this type of artists. Where are the real big talented names in mainstream music? Like it used to be in the 80s and 90s? Sad state music industry is in. Expand
  37. Oct 27, 2013
    Certainly no Teenage Dream...

    Let's just get one thing straight Teenage Dream was quite something of an album. It actually told this relatable story that, though at it's core had all the obvious makings of a successful pop album, was enjoyable for many audiences. Though Prism, Perry's latest outing, packs some interesting material, it does not live up to it's predecessor in any way.
    Certainly no Teenage Dream...

    Let's just get one thing straight Teenage Dream was quite something of an album. It actually told this relatable story that, though at it's core had all the obvious makings of a successful pop album, was enjoyable for many audiences.
    Though Prism, Perry's latest outing, packs some interesting material, it does not live up to it's predecessor in any way.
    From a sound standpoint, this is somewhat of an odd one. There are songs on here that are instant reminders of how the last album sounded, and how this one is nothing compared to it. But there are sounds within tracks here which feel so forced in order to keep up with the dynamic shift that the modern pop charts have undergone in the last twelve months. Sounds that sound like they were pulled right out of Daft Punks amazing Random Access Memories, and for some reason, vocals that could have been pulled straight off a Ke$ha album (God knows why though).

    It's not like this album is bad, I'm sure it will find a broad audience to listeners of ones local pop stations and other venues, it just lacks the charm that Teenage Dream had, and carries more of a subdued, generic feel to it.
  38. Dec 17, 2014
    Si se me preguntase en mi humilde opinión que pienso de Prism diría que es la fallida re invención de Katy Perry, sus canciones son pegajosas, pero esta colmadas de Clichés que simplemente no hacen de esta una experiencia original, y llendo en contra de los críticos, en mi opinión, el mejor álbum de Katy Perry es Teenage Dream.
  39. Aug 27, 2016
    It does have decent songs for most of it, but it lacks the dream and catchy sounds her previous album included. Songs like "Ghost" are fine, but elevator-music fine. This is not an album that a top-notch artist should release at the height of her career. Also, the vocals? Half bad, half good. It's pretty mediocre for what it is. She probably rushed into this, it's just not proper. It'sIt does have decent songs for most of it, but it lacks the dream and catchy sounds her previous album included. Songs like "Ghost" are fine, but elevator-music fine. This is not an album that a top-notch artist should release at the height of her career. Also, the vocals? Half bad, half good. It's pretty mediocre for what it is. She probably rushed into this, it's just not proper. It's like she goes a step back after "Teenage Dream" as an artist. Kudos for trying something new in songs like "This is how We Do" though, because for the most part, it's a fun experimentation. But, just a fun experimentation as a whole. Not a successful one. Expand
  40. Oct 22, 2013
    Prism has the charts and the commerce in mind and that's about it. Although that's never necessarily been a cons for any anticipated pop album, it's disappointing in the charming and vocally gifted Katy Perry's case. In a year where pop musicians have been pushing the envelope with chart-topping singles such as Lorde's minimal "Royals" and even Robin Thicke's retro-esque "Blurred Lines",Prism has the charts and the commerce in mind and that's about it. Although that's never necessarily been a cons for any anticipated pop album, it's disappointing in the charming and vocally gifted Katy Perry's case. In a year where pop musicians have been pushing the envelope with chart-topping singles such as Lorde's minimal "Royals" and even Robin Thicke's retro-esque "Blurred Lines", Prism sinks into the cracks of a groundbreaking list of more intriguing pop albums and comes off as nothing more than mediocre. The Asian-influenced "Legendary Lovers" and the unarguably catchy pop ballad "Unconditionally" are sure to top the pop charts and certainly contribute to Perry's status as one of current mainstream music's leading ladies, but the rest of the album ends up sounding too 'wishy-washy', overwhelmingly similar, and forgettable. Perry's identity crisis is on complete display and despite giving it her all, she shows no vulnerability nor charisma she displays in her public persona. "Roar" may earn Perry a Grammy nomination or two, but this album will be about as forgettable as her debut Christian entry back in 2002. For Katycats (Perry's nicknamed fans), the album should be a smash-hit. For anyone expecting a Lady Gaga-esque growth in terms of musical content, expect disappointment. Expand
  41. Nov 11, 2013
    It's an improvement from her previous albums, but i'm not sure about this record. Despite features ready-for-number-one songs, others aren't like this. Listen to the whole album, you can hear the catchy bop "Roar" but at same time you can hear some "adult" ballads. Seems like she still don't know if stay in the beach with the ''California Gurls" or if she can already move on and turn intoIt's an improvement from her previous albums, but i'm not sure about this record. Despite features ready-for-number-one songs, others aren't like this. Listen to the whole album, you can hear the catchy bop "Roar" but at same time you can hear some "adult" ballads. Seems like she still don't know if stay in the beach with the ''California Gurls" or if she can already move on and turn into a complete mature artist. Maybe next time, Katy. Expand
  42. Oct 27, 2013
    Teenage dream will continue to be her best album, with that said Prism is not bad but it's lacking a lot of songs fill like fillers.

    Best Songs
    Legendary Lovers
    Dark horse
    International Smile
    This is how we Do
  43. Sep 3, 2014
    Really boring. The only good thing I found on this album is Walking on Air.
    Perry is far from be a true artist. We all know that her voice sucks, and when she tries to hold a note her music becomes unbearable.
    Her lyrics are pretty basic, it seems I'm reading a text for self-improvement. I don't need to hear from Perry that "I have the eye of the tiger"... or that "I am a champion". I do
    Really boring. The only good thing I found on this album is Walking on Air.
    Perry is far from be a true artist. We all know that her voice sucks, and when she tries to hold a note her music becomes unbearable.
    Her lyrics are pretty basic, it seems I'm reading a text for self-improvement. I don't need to hear from Perry that "I have the eye of the tiger"... or that "I am a champion". I do not think anyone needs to hear it from Perry.
  44. Nov 6, 2013
    A step down from teenage dream and One of the Boys... a few stand out tracks such as legendary lovers, dark horse, roar, unconditionally, international smile, and double rainbow. Besides those tracks it is all filler.
  45. Nov 8, 2013
    I love how the music in the album is delivered but failed to make an impression as an album. Prism is a good album for charting singles,it's mainstream and radio-friendly to all listener but as a whole album it failed to blend his ideas and concept. She said that the album will "darker" yet she failed to express it though, the songs sounds the same in a lot of factor. Still a good album toI love how the music in the album is delivered but failed to make an impression as an album. Prism is a good album for charting singles,it's mainstream and radio-friendly to all listener but as a whole album it failed to blend his ideas and concept. She said that the album will "darker" yet she failed to express it though, the songs sounds the same in a lot of factor. Still a good album to listen but not worth buying. Expand
  46. Nov 10, 2013
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Personally, out of 16 songs, I only enjoyed three. Katy is smart. I expected so much for this album. But to my disappointment, this one only contains filler and boring songs. It's just Teenage Dream One of the boys put together with a new title and some catchy songs to cover up gaps. I can sense this would flop. Expand
  47. Nov 14, 2013
    My personal, biggest disappointment this year, so far. I was expecting something huge with this album, she used to say the album would be something more mature and "Dark" so I was expecting complex lyrics with great production but instead we got basic lyrics and basic production. She plays "Safe" with her music, I don't see taking any risks in this album (maybe only a couple of tracks)My personal, biggest disappointment this year, so far. I was expecting something huge with this album, she used to say the album would be something more mature and "Dark" so I was expecting complex lyrics with great production but instead we got basic lyrics and basic production. She plays "Safe" with her music, I don't see taking any risks in this album (maybe only a couple of tracks) Some songs sound like a rejected part from "Teenage Dream". It has some good tracks, but maybe it's too long and only those few songs barely make you wake up. Expand
  48. Jul 29, 2014
    What's good in the album gets overshadowed by mediocre and superficial tracks that were only created to satisfy bodies and ears for just a couple of minutes without letting any single hope of teaching or message. In other words, here we've got a lot to dance with, but few (or nothing) to think about or through. Unsubstantial.
  49. Dec 14, 2013
    Commercially, this is a very successful album. The songs will do very well on the radio because of their catchy tune and positive lyrics. The songs seem to be made for the sole reason of radio play, though.
  50. Jan 3, 2014
    Not impressed at all. Crude work. This album had to be different but it sounds recycled and boring. There are few songs that are worth to be heard. Katy needed to cook this album and give it more life if its idea is based on "light". Most recommended song is "Roar".
  51. Jan 5, 2014
    for me, prism is like a "teenage dream 2" i don't see any change in the music, she's not evolving as an artist and that's not good, yes maybe she's having success now but if she doesn't change, she'll not be remembered and her music will be forgotten, but i have to say there's some good and catchy songs: International smile, dark horse, birthday
  52. Jan 23, 2014
    This album disappoints me greatly and I have been a die-hard fan. I like some of it, but I still feel frustrated. It lacks the "escapism" of Teenage Dream. In ET and California Gurls the videos are actually portrayed on an entirely different world--not earth! The fake hair, colors, personas, and alternate reality Perry created was escapism at its best and brought me joy. I could goThis album disappoints me greatly and I have been a die-hard fan. I like some of it, but I still feel frustrated. It lacks the "escapism" of Teenage Dream. In ET and California Gurls the videos are actually portrayed on an entirely different world--not earth! The fake hair, colors, personas, and alternate reality Perry created was escapism at its best and brought me joy. I could go to "Katy Perry Land" for a while where clothing is optional on cotton candy clouds and everything is candy coated, colorful, magical and fun. Sexy, beautiful aliens fell from the sky. It was SO special.

    Prism has ok songs, but it doesn't transport me anywhere and that is why it feels unfulfilling and bland. It is just catchy pop songs, with a pop star who is very familiar, and that makes it not so special. I'm ok with her "maturing", and trying out different sounds and images, but I still want to be transported SOMEWHERE (more interesting than in my car listening to the radio, or dancing in a club to another familiar beat).

    Burning the blue wig also made me sad. I feel betrayed. Candyland is gone. She set it on fire and burned it. I would prefer to not live in a world where I never see Katy Perry in a blue wig again. :(

    You don't have to destroy the old (that we all loved) in order to move on with something new. They are not mutually exclusive.
  53. Jun 20, 2014
    Album legalzinho,até escutável,temos boas músicas com Dark Horse e Legendary Lovers mas tantas músicas sujam o album.
    O album levaria um 4,mas darei 5 por ainda ter a esperança da Katy anterior.
  54. Sep 8, 2014
    PRISM é o album mais mediano de Katy Perry, A primeira metade é a melhor, todas as faixas são boas. Porém, depois da faixa 9, as faixas começam a decair e ficar cansativas, nem dá vontade de ouvir completo.
  55. Oct 19, 2014
    Katy Perry didn't surprise me in this album. What's the meaning of the album? Give me some personality, Give me some sick beats (like "This is how we do"), Give me some great vocals in the love songs (Like "Love Me") and differents vocals from track to track. Less lyrics like "Birthday" or "Roar" and more like "Dark Horse" (for the radio) and "Walking on Air", Less "Just hits for theKaty Perry didn't surprise me in this album. What's the meaning of the album? Give me some personality, Give me some sick beats (like "This is how we do"), Give me some great vocals in the love songs (Like "Love Me") and differents vocals from track to track. Less lyrics like "Birthday" or "Roar" and more like "Dark Horse" (for the radio) and "Walking on Air", Less "Just hits for the radio" and more "I wanna be a true Artist". Be more free Katy and you'll be FLAWLESS. My Favorites:

    1 - Dark Horse
    2 - Unconditionally
    3 - This Is How We Do
    4 - Love Me
    5 - Walking on air
    6 - Legendary Lovers
  56. Dec 27, 2014
    This album have good songs, but most of them look like the same! I like Katy Perry but and I really think she did a great job with this album but she need to do different things and get out of her comfort zone.
  57. Jan 30, 2016
    5 points off because the album feels like it should spawn hits, and that is not artistic development.

    You will dance to it and enjoy some non-dull tracks, but overall it's just another pop release. No surprises, innovations, or risks here.
  58. Jan 28, 2015
    She hasn't found herself, she really tried this time but failed because is some experiment, the evolution of her last release, Teenage Dream. This time Katy faced the mainstream project including (or trying) dark expressions of her last failed relationship with Russell Brand. The first half of the album hit us with a collection of Pop-Rock songs ft. the first singles showing the highlightsShe hasn't found herself, she really tried this time but failed because is some experiment, the evolution of her last release, Teenage Dream. This time Katy faced the mainstream project including (or trying) dark expressions of her last failed relationship with Russell Brand. The first half of the album hit us with a collection of Pop-Rock songs ft. the first singles showing the highlights -Dark Horse, Unconditionally and Legendary Lovers- the second half shock me because it doesn't feel right it doens't fit. It isn't completely Pop an it isn't completely Ballads she's confused and this time and recorded such bad tracks this time. But saved her record with other highlights -It Takes Two, Ghost and By The Grace Of God- when she talks difficult times of life including suicide and spiritual things. Expand
  59. Oct 3, 2015
    ROAR- 7/10

    LEGENDARY LOVERS- 8,5/10 BIRTHDAY- 2,4/10 WALKING ON AIR- 7,5/10 UNCONDITIONALLY- 8/10 DARK HORSE- 7,4/10 THIS IS HOW WE DO- 4/10 INTERNATIONAL SMILE-6/10 GHOST- 8,6/10 LOVE ME-7/10 THIS MOMENT- 7/10 DOUBLE RAINBOW-7/10 BY THE GRACE OF GOD- 10/10 This is a good album, but Katy could've choosen her singles better. Birthday and TIHWD are
    ROAR- 7/10


    BIRTHDAY- 2,4/10

    WALKING ON AIR- 7,5/10


    DARK HORSE- 7,4/10

    THIS IS HOW WE DO- 4/10


    GHOST- 8,6/10

    LOVE ME-7/10

    THIS MOMENT- 7/10


    BY THE GRACE OF GOD- 10/10

    This is a good album, but Katy could've choosen her singles better. Birthday and TIHWD are terrible options for singles. Instead of TIHWD, Legendary Lovers could've ended the Prism era, and Birthday could've been a promotional single instead of Walking on Air.

    It's a commercial album, the singles were made on intention of getting good charts, but it's way better than Teenage Dream or One of the boys. Katy should re-release this album.
  60. Sep 8, 2015
    Legendary Lovers and Birthday are my favourites. I only enjoyed the first 8 songs on this album, the rest all sound like filler songs except for Ghost and By the Grace of God
  61. Nov 21, 2016
    Katy Perry's 3rd studio album, is a step up from her last two efforts. Katy is at her best with songs like "Legendary Lovers" and "By The Grace Of God." But stays in her immature pop phase with songs like "International Smile" and "This Is How We Do
  62. Oct 29, 2013
    Katy always worked, without ashamed to show it's a Pop Star, 'Teenage Dream' is quite exciting, when you want to hear a good Pop, who does not think about him? On his new album, 'Prism', Perry seems to have the need to prove that we can present something different, when all we want is more Katy Perry, of course, that renew every job is always good, the error in 'Prism' is that it does not work.
  63. Nov 6, 2013
    There isn't a doubt that Katy produces hits But she lacks artistic integrity This album supposedly is about transitioning into a different style for Katy but the result eventually is sonically predictable
  64. Nov 11, 2013
    This is a fun album that should do fairly well on the charts (if that's what is important these days..) but I can't help but feel it's a bit of an empty sterile shell. I can't really connect to this.
  65. Nov 18, 2013
    This album tries to be mature and to sound interesting, but it fails at it.
    There are a few good songs like Dark Horse, Unconditionally and walking on air.
  66. Nov 26, 2013
    Although I was hoping for a more darker album. She seems to not want to let go of that bubble gum pop sound that made teenage dream a huge hit. Aside from a few notable songs the rest of the album just doesn't live up to the hype.
  67. Dec 4, 2013
    Katy Perry promises a mature album and comes with that sh*t, here's a Teenage Dream 2.0, repeating the same formula for success, PRISM sounds like a childish and boring album. ''Dark Horse'' shows an interesting song that finally shows something different, other featured is ''Walking on Air'', a dance track tasteful, Katy tries to pass seriousness in songs like ''By The Grace of God'', itKaty Perry promises a mature album and comes with that sh*t, here's a Teenage Dream 2.0, repeating the same formula for success, PRISM sounds like a childish and boring album. ''Dark Horse'' shows an interesting song that finally shows something different, other featured is ''Walking on Air'', a dance track tasteful, Katy tries to pass seriousness in songs like ''By The Grace of God'', it is a pity that it does not get this done, but the fact is that this album is a ''samba'' in ARTPOP by Lady Gaga. Expand
  68. Feb 27, 2014
    Prism, de Katy Perry, é bom, mas não vale um grammy.

    Katy Perry veio com Prism, que promete ser com certeza um álbum recheado de sucessos para a carreia de Katy, porém, mais uma vez, a cantora não traz nada demais. Com músicas boas, Katy Perry continua presa em sua zona de conforto, e a cada música escutada você começa a ter a impressão de que a cantora lança single já pensando em #1.
    Prism, de Katy Perry, é bom, mas não vale um grammy.

    Katy Perry veio com Prism, que promete ser com certeza um álbum recheado de sucessos para a carreia de Katy, porém, mais uma vez, a cantora não traz nada demais. Com músicas boas, Katy Perry continua presa em sua zona de conforto, e a cada música escutada você começa a ter a impressão de que a cantora lança single já pensando em #1. Se Katy Perry quiser mesmo um grammy, precisa mudar muito e deixar de ser uma escrava da Capitol Records.
    Melhores do álbum: Legendary Lovers, Walking On Air, Dark Horse e Unconditionally
  69. May 21, 2014
    Honestly a very catchy top 40 record. Now it's not amazing at all, but it's good for what it is. Most of the singles are guilty pleasures, but the rest of the LP falls flat.
  70. Jul 8, 2014
    I've never heard an album such as this commercial. Kids and presumptuous, sometimes I wonder, as they needed 20 composers to compose songs like: "I got the eye of the tiger, the fighter, dancing through the fire... 'Cause I am the champion and you're gonna hear me roar... Louder, louder than a lion"? Until I do better than that with only a piano and a pen. But Prism has its positive side,I've never heard an album such as this commercial. Kids and presumptuous, sometimes I wonder, as they needed 20 composers to compose songs like: "I got the eye of the tiger, the fighter, dancing through the fire... 'Cause I am the champion and you're gonna hear me roar... Louder, louder than a lion"? Until I do better than that with only a piano and a pen. But Prism has its positive side, some songs like "By The Gace Of God" or "Double Rainbow" are saved, and they materialize a Katy Perry somewhat more mature, but it's nothing that you come to say, "OH MY GOD". Expand
  71. GlM
    Sep 24, 2014
    An underwhelming follow-up to her previous album 'Teenage Dream', 'PRISM' simply revisits many elements from her past works. Although promised for a darker change in musical and artistic style, Katy Perry instead plays it safe and sticks to the same mediocre music made for the charts; made to sell. Perry sticks to the same formula, yet this time executes it poorly.
  72. Jun 10, 2015
    ............................................After the generic pop 'Teenage Dream', Katy Perry goes worst on 'Prism', a stupid-Dr.Luke-messed-up album.
  73. Jan 26, 2018
    Mais um trabalhi péssimo de Katy Perry, única coisa que presta no album são as baladas, By The Grace Of God é uma música linda.
  74. Jun 9, 2017
    Although she calls herself a singer-songwriter, she works closely with a team of writer-producers marshalled by Max Martin, the Swedish super producer who helped forge the careers of Britney Spears, Pink and Taylor Swift. Perry has all the vocal chops you might expect from a church raised singer but her USP has been her over-the-top videos built around a brazenly saucy image, establishingAlthough she calls herself a singer-songwriter, she works closely with a team of writer-producers marshalled by Max Martin, the Swedish super producer who helped forge the careers of Britney Spears, Pink and Taylor Swift. Perry has all the vocal chops you might expect from a church raised singer but her USP has been her over-the-top videos built around a brazenly saucy image, establishing her as a sexy but less provocative rival to Lady Gaga. Expand
  75. Jul 18, 2017
    it was okay........................................................................................................................................................................
  76. May 17, 2018
    A lot of this album is very forgettable. The stretch of Walking on air, Legendary Lovers, and Dark Horse, along with Birthday, is really good, but the rest is either cringeworthy or forgettable.
  77. Nov 14, 2021
    When the songs are good they are well executed pop milestones that stick almost as well as the previous "California girls " . From the motivational lead "roar" to the confident bop "dark horse" it's very easy listening. Even it's more commercially modest tracks like "birthday"&"walking on air" succeed in making you belt your heart out terribly in the bathroom. But the other songs on theWhen the songs are good they are well executed pop milestones that stick almost as well as the previous "California girls " . From the motivational lead "roar" to the confident bop "dark horse" it's very easy listening. Even it's more commercially modest tracks like "birthday"&"walking on air" succeed in making you belt your heart out terribly in the bathroom. But the other songs on the album exempt from the sheen of nostalgic bog down the record and earn instantaneous skips. Without trying to sound condescending i think Katy Perry works best under the constraints of a single and often pales in the confines of a full length record. But even so this makes for a fun listen. Expand
  78. Oct 23, 2013
    overall, this isn't her best album. it's a very tiring record, it basically sounds like one mediocre song, and for on of the main pioneers of pop this just doesn't do. there are a few standout tracks though: dark horse, birthday and walking on air are the main highlights of a soulless dreading listen.
  79. Nov 8, 2013
    When I heard this album, there was nothing new from Katy Perry! The album is a mess! At least, Teenage Dream had a cooler theme....Same kind of vocals throughout the album! The album contained "OK" tracks! The worst album we got this year! Listening to the album, I have come to the conclusion that Katy Perry is definitely not an album artist! She's just a singles artist who only releasesWhen I heard this album, there was nothing new from Katy Perry! The album is a mess! At least, Teenage Dream had a cooler theme....Same kind of vocals throughout the album! The album contained "OK" tracks! The worst album we got this year! Listening to the album, I have come to the conclusion that Katy Perry is definitely not an album artist! She's just a singles artist who only releases singles which go and top the charts! I would also like to state that the album is filler-packed! I WARN YOU NOT TO BUT THIS ALBUM! Expand
  80. Nov 16, 2013
    After patiently waiting and getting my hopes up for a darker side of Katy Perry, I was very disappointed when I finally heard this album. It seems to be that she is trying to make music that will top the charts, rather then focusing on the actual quality of the music. Of course, we find what we always find in Katy Perry's music: catchy melodies and a variety of songs (ballads, danceAfter patiently waiting and getting my hopes up for a darker side of Katy Perry, I was very disappointed when I finally heard this album. It seems to be that she is trying to make music that will top the charts, rather then focusing on the actual quality of the music. Of course, we find what we always find in Katy Perry's music: catchy melodies and a variety of songs (ballads, dance tracks, glam rock etc.) However, After hearing a re-make of each one of her albums, I can efficiently conclude that it gets very boring. It's about quality, not quantity.

    Summary: Catchy, yet utterly boring
  81. Nov 14, 2013
    Not a step up from Teenage Dream at all most of the songs sound like its generic left overs.The second half of the album is better than the first.Katy has all these creative producers and this is all they could come up with? There are some good tracks Spiritual, It Takes Two, Legendary Lovers and Ghost. One of the Boys still remains Katy's best and most mature albums to date.
  82. Hoe
    Nov 16, 2013
    All songs sound like fillers. Not really much that stands out. Not even the lead single Roar was impressing. Many songs are good like Legendary Lovers and Unconditionally but they all sound the same. It isnt really diverse. It does have more lyrical meaning than Teenage Dream so props to that. I think many were disappointed by this album since we were expecting more.
  83. Dec 3, 2013
    Katy Perry stopped in time with his second album Teenage Dream, prism does not have any novelty or excitement, full of hits but very commercial and low quality made ​​in order to become successful on the charts. With this goal the only album becomes a good alternative to the radio and teen parties
  84. Oct 11, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What the **** is wrong with her?This album is totally **** gave her 3 because I still love her last album, this album,I can't even choose one freaking song that I love,but Teenage dream, It's still one of my favorite songs,and she gave "Black Widow"this kinda amazing song to the other,and she leave those crap for herself...Disappoint Expand
  85. Nov 16, 2014
    It's generally just a forgettable album. ZZZZ... I had to skip a couple of songs because they were jsut unbearable. There are a few decent songs, and she has a good voice, but it was just meh.
  86. Dec 4, 2015
    PRISM é o album mais mediano de Katy Perry, e não vale um Grammy.

    Katy Perry veio com Prism, que promete ser com certeza um álbum recheado de sucessos para a carreia de Katy, porém, mais uma vez, a cantora não traz nada demais. Com músicas boas, Katy Perry continua presa em sua zona de conforto, e a cada música escutada você começa a ter a impressão de que a cantora lança single já
    PRISM é o album mais mediano de Katy Perry, e não vale um Grammy.

    Katy Perry veio com Prism, que promete ser com certeza um álbum recheado de sucessos para a carreia de Katy, porém, mais uma vez, a cantora não traz nada demais. Com músicas boas, Katy Perry continua presa em sua zona de conforto, e a cada música escutada você começa a ter a impressão de que a cantora lança single já pensando em #1. Se Katy Perry quiser mesmo um grammy, precisa mudar muito e deixar de ser uma escrava da Capitol Records. Não há progresso em relação aos Álbuns anteriores, é comercial, feito pra vender.

    Melhores do álbum: Legendary Lovers, Walking On Air e Unconditionally
  87. Dec 9, 2013
    Overall, Katy Perry's ''PRISM'' is an extremely bland album (even boring at points) with little intention other than to be on top of the charts. Key tracks are ''Unconditionally'', ''Dark Horse (feat. Juicy J)'' and ''Legendary Lovers''.
  88. Oct 22, 2013
    It seems like the album was made for a unique objective: Charts. Devoid of any artistic intention, Prism is just another album with some mainstream songs that probably will be on top of the Billboard Hot 100.
  89. Nov 12, 2013
    i don't know why, but listening to this makes me angry1 it''s boring and so many ballads, i was over it after 4 songs! such a let down, this is lame as hell! waited for her to better herself but she just sucks even more now!
  90. Oct 22, 2013
    I must admit I'm absolutely disappointed with this album.
    It's Teenage Dream all over again. The music is more serious? Seriously, is it?
    Do Birthday, This Is How We Do, Walking on Air, International Smile and Dark Horse seem like serious songs to you? Sure, the album has a few serious tracks, but that's what everyone expects from an album that was promised to be dark. And, it is the
    I must admit I'm absolutely disappointed with this album.
    It's Teenage Dream all over again. The music is more serious? Seriously, is it?
    Do Birthday, This Is How We Do, Walking on Air, International Smile and Dark Horse seem like serious songs to you? Sure, the album has a few serious tracks, but that's what everyone expects from an album that was promised to be dark. And, it is the opposite of dark.

    Katy played it safe again. All the tracks are catchy and they could do well on charts, but, they're incredibly forgettable. They not only sound alike with the songs on Teenage Dream, they also sound alike between them! By the Grace of God, Unconditionally, Roar and Walking on Air are the only standout tracks.

    Katy should take more risks and try new styles. Her fans will like Prism, but the general public will hardly do.
  91. Oct 22, 2013
    well, everything she said gone wrong....she said this one would be darkest but i didn't really see anything differente about her music..it's always the same and this just gets me bored
  92. Nov 7, 2013
    All in all it´s really….ummmm disappointing.
    I´m not really bias or anything, I expected a lot more to Katy Perry after the uber successful Teenage dream…but no. Katy said that the album would be darker, which is good a change of pace but after the release of Prism, rather making me think how dark and eerie Katy Perry made this album (except the dark horse part where it was like a darker
    All in all it´s really….ummmm disappointing.
    I´m not really bias or anything, I expected a lot more to Katy Perry after the uber successful Teenage dream…but no. Katy said that the album would be darker, which is good a change of pace but after the release of Prism, rather making me think how dark and eerie Katy Perry made this album (except the dark horse part where it was like a darker part of Katy Perry) it made me think of how similar this album to her past works….for example Birthday, it is like aTeenage dream single #3, This is how we do…the continuation
    of T.G.I.F, International Smile catchy but it´s like a part of `One of the Boys´. And the ballads, The Grace of God is something between great and good going to her roots I really like it, but unconditionally, the lyrics are
    kind of good but the sound of Katy Perry…it could be more climatic if only Mariah Carey or Christina Aguilera had that song, when Katy Perry sang that song I got a feeling that I couldn´t feel the climax of the song near at the end and in the chorus. Walking on Air, I really like it, fit for the dance floor yet very contemporary-ish. If I will be judging the album over all it would be 35 or 40 over 100 because some of the song dragged it down hard, but if I will be judging on the singles with the help of her team I guess it could be successful to younger audiences.
  93. Nov 10, 2013
    Teenage Dream Prism
    I was expecting more from Katy Perry in this album. Roar was a mediocre pop song. (The only reason Roar is on my iPod is because it was free from Pepsi.) The rest of the songs are just plain and boring. Dark Horse is the best song on the album with Unconditionally in 2nd and Roar in 3rd. The rest are just bad. Dark Horse is the only song I bought on iTunes though. I
    Teenage Dream Prism
    I was expecting more from Katy Perry in this album. Roar was a mediocre pop song. (The only reason Roar is on my iPod is because it was free from Pepsi.) The rest of the songs are just plain and boring. Dark Horse is the best song on the album with Unconditionally in 2nd and Roar in 3rd. The rest are just bad. Dark Horse is the only song I bought on iTunes though. I hope future singles/albums from Katy are better or she's loosing a fan that she's had from the beginning.
  94. Nov 8, 2013
    This is album is not bad, but it doesn't bring something special and interesting, It's just like what she used to do, Music for teenagers, I'm not a teenager sorry.
    It would be more interesting if she tried to work with new producers, and try to bring something new, when I hear the album in full I just feel the previous one
  95. Nov 11, 2013
    The production on this album is quite wonderful, but Katy's vocal deliverance is, yet again, absolutely painful and over processed. It's as if Kidz Pop re-recorded Madonna's, "Ray of Light," but replaced the lyrics with nursery rhymes and clichés instead of the original content.
  96. Nov 11, 2013
    I'm sorry but Katy's vocals aren't that good. Lyrics are pretty good but i hope she wrote them herself. Roar is the only song i like from Prism. Other 15 songs are... I hope she can do it better on her next album.
  97. Nov 12, 2013
    I just can say that Prism is one of the most bored albums that I have listened. I just can say that the only song that I like is Legendary Lovers. I can't understand how successful Roar has been. Is a simply and childish song... Mi rate: 1
  98. Nov 14, 2013
    This album is really boring and completely forgettable, I'm very dissapointed because Teenage Dreams was a good album and now she is trying to repeat each song, Birthday California Gurls, Unconditionally Wide Awake And Roar is a Brave ripoff.
  99. Feb 16, 2014
    this album avoids any artistic intention, it was just made for the charts and for the money, this young beautiful lady can't even write a song by herself, and when it comes to the voice it's like hearing a 5 year old girl dreaming with being a star. Horrible.
  100. Nov 17, 2013
    The albums is really basic. I wonder if Dr. Luke keeps using the same beats everytime? OH! He just answered me with this album. Roar is very childish, some songs are kinda catchy but it's nothing new at all. This album may be forgotten by future generations.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. 40
    Everything that is missing from [Lady Gaga's Artpop] is here, but everything that is good about it is spectacularly absent from Prism.
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 22, 2013
    Prism feels transitional, the work of an artist clever enough to be restless, yet unable to split from a winning formula. [Dec 2013, p.110]
  3. Nov 14, 2013
    It doesn’t require the patience or emotional/intellectual involvement that albums I typically listen to require. The cool thing, though, is that it does have quite a bit of redeeming value.