• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Aug 11, 2017
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 651 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 43 out of 651
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  1. Jun 24, 2023
    La renaissance de Kesha, cet album redéfini les codes de l’artiste ! Praying restera longtemps dans l’hymne du combat de Kesha
  2. Jul 25, 2021
    It’s a perfect album. Every song is different and tells a different story but everything also comes together. The artwork and visuals, the lyrics. It’s just everything
  3. Apr 30, 2021
    Um álbum muito bom, não sou fã da cantora e não costuma acompanhar muito, já escutei alguns hits no passado e algumas músicas soltas e recentemente escutei “Praying” depois de muito tempo e resolvi escutar o álbum inteiro e que surpresa boa. Gostei de quase todas as músicas e todas são singulares, mesmo que você não goste de alguma faixa, não se pode negar que o álbum é um diferencial eUm álbum muito bom, não sou fã da cantora e não costuma acompanhar muito, já escutei alguns hits no passado e algumas músicas soltas e recentemente escutei “Praying” depois de muito tempo e resolvi escutar o álbum inteiro e que surpresa boa. Gostei de quase todas as músicas e todas são singulares, mesmo que você não goste de alguma faixa, não se pode negar que o álbum é um diferencial e não um conjunto de músicas que parecem exatamente iguais. Os sentimentos no álbum foram tão diversos que procurei um local para escrever sobre. Vale cada minuto, um album que entrega os sentimentos diversos dentro da alma da interprete. Expand
  4. Jan 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kesha's Rainbow album is her best album, kesha doesn't need grammys, grammys need her. Expand
  5. Nov 28, 2020
    I think this is the album who made a lot of people realise how good Kesha actually is! She's got vocals, she's got lyrics and she's got a lot of power! So proud of her work and how far she's come. GO GIRLLL
  6. Oct 30, 2020
    this album was one of the best thing that i have ever heard! perfect to the open track for to the last track!
  7. Sep 2, 2020
    this album is so emotional. Kesha showed her real side and isn’t hidden by electronic sounds and costumes. this is Kesha i’ve been waiting for. her best album
  8. Sep 1, 2020
    en definitiva el contraste entre sus anteriores trabajos y este álbum es lo que le hace especial. los mensajes, el sentimiento que kesha le dio a este trabajo discográfico es invaluable. todas las canciones tienen una razón de ser y es simplemente magnífico. un álbum hermoso. mis canciones favoritas son hunt you down, woman, rainbow y boots
  9. Sep 1, 2019
    Rainbow is one of my favorite albums from 2017. If you love pop music then I definitely recommend this one.
  10. Aug 28, 2020
    Devo ammetterlo, mi manca la vecchia Kesha ma con il tempo un vero artista deve evolversi e di certo Kesha non ha deluso nel suo intento. Ottimo album, ricco di brani che seguono le vecchie orme e propongono un nuovo sound. Nel complesso soddisfatto di questo prodotto.
  11. Jun 22, 2020
    album incrível cheio de luz amor esperança tudo de bom ela serviu demais, ela foi muito inteligente muito perspicaz muito
  12. Mar 1, 2020
    Kesha's third album "Rainbow" is definitely her magnum opus. The album was a 180 degree turn for her. Unlike her first two studio albums, this album wasn’t filled with dance pop songs about drinking and partying, in fact, it didn’t have any dance pop songs at all. Kesha's sound is very organic on this record. She experiments with rock music, country music and even neo soul. The album is aKesha's third album "Rainbow" is definitely her magnum opus. The album was a 180 degree turn for her. Unlike her first two studio albums, this album wasn’t filled with dance pop songs about drinking and partying, in fact, it didn’t have any dance pop songs at all. Kesha's sound is very organic on this record. She experiments with rock music, country music and even neo soul. The album is a very deep and personal one. There’s A LOT of substance here and honestly before this album came out I never would’ve thought that we would get an album like this from Kesha. It was released five years after her second studio album "Warrior", which came out in 2012. In those five years, Kesha was struggling with mental health issues and a eating disorder and was in a highly publicized legal battle with her former producer Dr. Luke, who she accused of sexual, physical and emotional abuse (#FreeKesha by the way).

    Where do I begin? The album's lead single "Praying" is a masterpiece. It’s Kesha‘s best song. For the first time ever, Kesha shows that she is an amazing singer as she hits a Mariah Carey-like high note at the end of the song. The song is probably about Dr. Luke as it talks about hoping that everyone, even abusers can heal. Apparently the song was inspired by suicidal thoughts Kesha had, which makes it even more emotional. An incredible song. There are some gospel influences here by the way. "Learn to Let Go" is another gem on this album, as I can really relate to it. It’s a song about letting go of a bad past and learning from old mistakes. The lyrics are incredible here. Another song that is amazing lyrically and sonically is the title track "Rainbow". It’s an epic ballad, which has a whole orchestra and a choir in the back. It’s another song about letting go of the past and moving forward. It’s beautiful. "Hymn" is a beautiful lowkey song for people who feel like they don’t belong. The album opener "Bastards" is a stripped down self-empowerment song which ends with a powerful choir outro. Of course this album does have uptempo songs as well. It wouldn’t be a Kesha album without them. There’s the feminist anthem "Woman", the country influenced "Hunt You Down", the extremely fun "Boogie Feet" which is more of a rock song and there’s the self-empowerment song "Let 'Em Talk". Another song that is incredible is the western sounding mid-tempo bop "Boots". And there is also one of the typical weird songs that Kesha is known for; "Godzilla". You can tell that "Rainbow" was like therapy for Kesha. It’s a deeply personal, emotional record. She wrote those songs to get back on her feed after a rough time, to empower herself again and others and it worked. At least it did for me. Favorites: Praying, Learn to Let Go, Boots, Rainbow & Boogie Feet
  13. Feb 9, 2020
    aqui podemos ver um novo ser, uma nova história! parabéns Kesha, pelo trabalho maravilhoso! obrigado por ser uma das que salvaram minha vida com a música, você tem o dom!!!
  14. Feb 6, 2020
    I love this album, listened to it many times
    I think this is the best album, Kesha shows the other side of his work and it’s wonderful! Very inspiring and bewitching
  15. Nov 14, 2019
    best album in 2017. Woman, Praying, Rainbow best in album. Thanks. Love from Russia
  16. Sep 15, 2019
    orgulho é a palavra ideal que tenho pra definir esse álbum! incrível como a kesha conseguiu superar todos os momentos ruins e finalmente nos entregar essa obra de arte.
  17. Sep 14, 2019
    Кеша богиня! Слушаю этот великолепный альбом до сих пор!!!!
  18. Sep 6, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. She did that, she already a perfect musician but before she doesn’t have her space like this album so I believe in her Expand
  19. Sep 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A beautiful triumphant work of art, that showcases Kesha’s true vocal and musical ability. From pop-ballads like Praying, to country rooted tracks like Old Flames (Can’t Hold a Candle to You) featuring the country legend herself, Dolly Parton; this album shows versatility like no other. Expand
  20. Aug 31, 2019
    From lyrics to productions to vocals, this album is just outstanding. I was seriously surprised with this. I can't wait for her next project.
  21. Aug 14, 2019
    Simplemente este album hizo que mis horizontes se expandieran es magico amargo y dulce la combinacion perfecta
  22. Aug 12, 2019
    Every song is a pure masterpiece! Loving this new side of Kesha too! Deserved to win the Grammy instead of Rat Sheeran!
  23. Jun 16, 2019
    After going through an extremely troubled judicial mess with his former manager, Kesha shows himself strong enough and renewed through his songs, as well as exploring the mix of genres like rock and country
  24. Jun 10, 2019
    I love this album, is amazing!!! Kesha is a warrior and that is my **** inspiration. I was cry when I hear the album
  25. Dec 21, 2018
    The beautiful image that passes in this album and its battles in the world of music made the album spectacular. Kesha after times, brought a wonder like this and hit full.
  26. Dec 9, 2018
    There is a 75 character minimum for reviews. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. Please do not use ALL CAPS. There is no linking or other HTML allowed. Your review may be edited for content.
  27. Sep 16, 2018
    Very good album written from the heart which has a meaning. The combination of country music with pop gave a wonderful overall effect. However, there is one drawback which is a little bit bad placing of the songs but it does not spoil the album so much.

    Best songs: Praying, Learn to Let Go, Bastards, Finding You, Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) (Ft. Dolly Parton) Worst
    Very good album written from the heart which has a meaning. The combination of country music with pop gave a wonderful overall effect. However, there is one drawback which is a little bit bad placing of the songs but it does not spoil the album so much.

    Best songs: Praying, Learn to Let Go, Bastards, Finding You, Old Flames (Can't Hold a Candle to You) (Ft. Dolly Parton)

    Worst songs: Woman (Ft. The Dap-Kings Horns), Boogie Feet (Ft. Eagles of Death Metal)

  28. Sep 1, 2018
    A outstanding comeback without its usual electric melodies and autotune but a fine clear voice.
  29. Aug 20, 2018
    This deserved to win Grammys not the trash cheap pop-folk Divide, Rainbow is the best album from Kesha

Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. 75
    The album captures a mixture of genres that come together to create a really vulnerable and organic sound. Kesha uses Rainbow to let her listeners into her struggles, thoughts and true personality, something missing from her previous releases.
  2. Aug 21, 2017
    Rainbow is a muddled hotch-potch that offers little beyond the fact it heralds her return. It's great to have Kesha back--it really is--but let's hope the quality improves in future.
  3. Aug 17, 2017
    Throughout, on both killers and filler, the singer sounds like she’s having so much fun.