
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Hammond's own raucous come-on, "Slick Crown Vic," fits in perfectly. [21 Feb 2003, p.150]
  2. Blender
    [Hammond's] "Crown Vic"... fits snugly among these relaxed, happily run-down blues. [#14, p.136]
  3. From the sound of Hammond’s latest it seems the swampy spunk of Wicked Grin has kept him fired up.
  4. Mojo
    Unfolds like a hand-stitched musical patchwork quilt, gently educating its listeners in the great American songster tradition. [Apr 2003, p.114]
  5. By not taking the easy way out, Ready for Love is a successful experiment that nudges at John Hammond's limitations while satisfying his recently acquired, larger fan base.
  6. Even the contemporary numbers sound like classics.
  7. Q Magazine
    Juke joint heaven. [May 2003, p.106]
  8. Like bourbon, his voice only gets more seductively potent with age.

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