• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Jan 13, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Jan 12, 2017
    Perhaps the biggest surprise of all, though, is that Sohn hasn't pushed his musical boundaries further; perhaps next time he will completely run wild.
  2. Mar 15, 2017
    Vienna-based English producer/songwriter Christopher Taylor breathes more life into his glitch-filled indie R&B on strong sophomore full-length Rennen.
  3. Jan 12, 2017
    It’s a follow-up that interlocks with the debut perfectly, building on its foundation both lavish and coy, doing pop music that’s both bang on target and way too wise for the charts. A dot of light in the darkness that will dazzle you should you look too long.
  4. Jan 13, 2017
    The refocusing of his songwriting has led to undoubted growth in SOHN’s work, but that stunted sense of adventure leaves moments that fall between the cracks.
  5. Jan 17, 2017
    You get lost in them but not in a good way, and the hypnotic nature of SOHN’s music makes it very easy to phase out, which is a shame, because the closing song, 'Harbour', is a raw and vulnerable gamble that pays off well.
  6. Feb 6, 2017
    It’d be nice to hear voice and production crack and cut loose even more--but he’s heading in the right direction.
  7. Mojo
    Jan 5, 2017
    His tendency to overemote can prove distracting. [Feb 2017, p.99]
  8. Jan 11, 2017
    If at times Rennen suffers under the weight of its own trendiness, it finds redemption in SOHN’s unmistakable craftsmanship and ear for nuance.
  9. 42
    It’s well-produced, clean and unobjectionable. Rennen fits this bill nicely, if that’s what you’re looking for. But regardless of whether it’s something you want, it’s nothing you need.
  10. Q Magazine
    Jan 5, 2017
    It's less emotionally instinctive LP than his debut, but over time those new pop hooks prove hard to shake. [Feb 2017, p.116]
  11. Jan 12, 2017
    SOHN doesn’t drown on Rennen, nor does he tread water, sticking within the confines of the music he’s already created. Rennen is SOHN diving into new creative depths, and triumphing.
  12. Jan 12, 2017
    Despite his obvious production chops, Sohn the popstar seems merely an uninspiring iteration of the current trend for singing an irritatingly affected brand of the blues.
  13. 60
    Oddly, the busier things get, the less engaging they seem.
  14. 80
    As a soundtrack to a new era where we’re all through the looking glass, old certainties bonfired and every phone alert quickening the pulse, Rennen hits the right tone--its rhythms shivering and uneasy, its melodies veering from melancholy to euphoria in a single stride.
  15. Jan 5, 2017
    There's a real vulnerability to Taylor's voice, too, reminding us of his mastery of light and shade. Rennen is more thought-provoking than its predecessor, but it's still unmistakably SOHN.
  16. Uncut
    Jan 5, 2017
    It seems relocating from Vienna to L.A., getting married and becoming a father has nudged the British-born producer-performer closer t conventional R&B electro-pop on his second album, with mostly positive results. [Feb 2017, p.38]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37
  1. Jan 22, 2017
    While SOHN'S debut had a very novel sound to it (specifically through its use of Christopher's vocal snippets as instrumental layering), hisWhile SOHN'S debut had a very novel sound to it (specifically through its use of Christopher's vocal snippets as instrumental layering), his followup album disengages those eccentricities and follows a paint-by-numbers approach to songwriting. SOHN is still very much capable (the actual separation and leveling is immaculate), but nothing here truly excites in the way that a followup to Tremors SHOULD. If his previous release was momentum, this one is a brick wall. Full Review »
  2. Jan 19, 2017
    Only second listen but the neo-blues stuff seems tired. Vocals loop and twist but just as you wait for a surprise we are taken down to eerieOnly second listen but the neo-blues stuff seems tired. Vocals loop and twist but just as you wait for a surprise we are taken down to eerie electronic kick drum beats and not much else. Later experimental tracks veer in and out of ambient trance -But without the undulating swells of multi textural layered electronica and the ethereal vocal loops of the debut, I feel stranded in a minimalist world that artists such as Boards of Canada perform so much better. Most of all its the melodies I miss. Will give a few more tries. Full Review »
  3. Jan 18, 2017
    Upon my third listen my ears were used to the thick, surreal, full, and busy synth tones that filled my listening space. This is Sohn'sUpon my third listen my ears were used to the thick, surreal, full, and busy synth tones that filled my listening space. This is Sohn's sophmore release, and I couldn't be more pleased. From painful blues style vocals to vocals that sound like a menacing android from the future, Sohn delivers. Check out my favorite tracks: Conrad, Signal and Dead Wrong. I can't wait for the next album to drop.

    Full Review »