• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Apr 24, 2001

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. Even [producer Dave] Fridmann's ever-clever studio work can't make Rock Action interesting.
  2. The Wire
    A collection of slow, moody pieces whose unexceptional nature is made more frustrating by the occasional flashes of inspiration. [#206, p.77]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Nov 20, 2021
    'Rock Action' brilliantly succeeds where some other Mogwai's albums fail. It is a far more consistent, cohesive, concise and focused effort.'Rock Action' brilliantly succeeds where some other Mogwai's albums fail. It is a far more consistent, cohesive, concise and focused effort. There are less moments of questionning void, less feelings of in-between. And even if they tend to add some more cathartic and explosive moves they remain true to themselves and make us wait for it.

    'Rock Action' was only their third studio album yet their formula seems and sounds almost better than ever. Add this to the particular structure of the album and the sounds of instruments and Braithwait's voice and you'll get this highly-textured slow-paced acrobatics-packed project.
    Full Review »
  2. May 17, 2011
    This is a damn near perfect.

    Sine Wave opens the album with a wall of sound so powerful it nearly crushes you to death before Take Me
    This is a damn near perfect.

    Sine Wave opens the album with a wall of sound so powerful it nearly crushes you to death before Take Me Somewhere Nice soothes you with it's lush surge, while pondering spaceships over Glasgow.

    Dial: Revenge is a heartbreaking Gruff Rhys-lead tragedy of some kind.

    You Don't Know Jesus easily perfects the heavy build up then 2 right Make 1 Wrong glories in a cinematic soundscape that would put a smile on anyone's face.

    It ends with a Secret Pint, like a drunk friend falling through your front door before opening his heart to you.

    In all seriousness, there's barely a wasted note on Rock Action, Mogwai have tried & came close, but they've never bettered it.
    Full Review »
  3. Tubz
    Jan 23, 2005
    Very Pure. Good Album Overall!