
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. May 17, 2011
    Nash Kato and Eddie "King" Roeser are taking everything dead seriously, playing for the sake of music itself, giving Rock & Roll Submarine an unexpected soul and heart that makes it a rousing comeback.
  2. Alternative Press
    May 16, 2011
    Amazingly enough, only a few tunes drag or fade into the background--a testament to how strong (and focused) the songwriting is on Submarine. [Jun 2011, p.111]
  3. Mojo
    May 16, 2011
    From Mason Dixon's struttin' Southern boogie and the title track's exhilarating echo of the Stones' Soul Survivor, through to the adorably vulnerable Quiet Person--what a hoot. [Jun 2011, p.92]
  4. Jun 13, 2011
    Rock & Roll Submarine isn't likely to catapult Urge Overkill back onto the national stage, yet, like Dinosaur Jr's recent output, it's a snapshot of a band returning to almost glory virtually unscathed.
  5. May 17, 2011
    The end result is just as prefabricated as Saturation, though Rock&Roll Submarine will likely speak to fans of the band's looser, rawer Touch & Go period.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jun 1, 2011
    To have a new album from Urge Overkill is a pretty wonderful surprise. Their album "Saturation" remains one of my all-time favs and stillTo have a new album from Urge Overkill is a pretty wonderful surprise. Their album "Saturation" remains one of my all-time favs and still rocks all these years later. This new effort is uniformly excellent, as well. Right from the opener "Mason/Dixon" (which features a killer distorted riff), Urge is in classic form. If you've ever enjoyed any of Urge's previous releases, this album will undoubtedly please you. Full Review »
  2. May 16, 2011
    Surprisingly good album, especially considering that long hiatuses don't often work in a band's favor. Nash Kato and King Roeser's songs areSurprisingly good album, especially considering that long hiatuses don't often work in a band's favor. Nash Kato and King Roeser's songs are split between power pop ballads and claustrophobic rockers (respectively), and the duo's knack for subtly catchy hooks haven't gone sour. The production is closer to the earlier Touch n Go material (specifically Supersonic Storybook), but the tunes are more world-weary and nuanced. Anything new? Not really. But it's enjoyable, and I'm glad UO made a come-back record that stands up with their better releases. Full Review »