
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Nov 17, 2021
    Sad And Beautiful Worlds finds him showing off those songwriting skills, delivering country-tinged ballads, bubblegum pop and twinkling Americana in typically effortless fashion. It's when he lets his guard down, however, that Malin is at his most impressive. [Oct 2021, p.72]
  2. Uncut
    Nov 17, 2021
    You need a surfeit of great songs to justify a double album in these attention deficit times, but Malin seems to have them by the bucketful. [Jan 2022, p.27]
  3. 70
    He’s a rocker with a folksinger’s soul, or perhaps a folkie with a rocker’s spirit. In either case, both sides are well represented over the course of these 15 tracks that prove Jesse Malin’s creativity is alive and well.
  4. Mojo
    Nov 17, 2021
    Roots-rock Zelig with a punk past, the New Yorker's double long-player has Roots Rock and Radical discs. [Nov 2021, p.94]

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