
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. 80
    A sophomore album that actually lives up to its hype.
  2. From start to powerful finish 16 tracks later, Scorpion pumps up the volume, the rhythms, everything.
  3. Scorpion propels her into pop stardom’s embrace, smartly blending party anthems with thug themes.
  4. Revolver
    Eve ultimately transcends dog-bait stereotypes with an evolving sense of style that finds her waxing rough and cool one minute and warmly grooving along to reggae the next... [May/June 2001, p.108]
  5. Spin
    Eve has moved her Ruff Ryders to the back half, scored some marquee-value collaborators, and found two guys who can mimic Swizz Beatz well enough to fill the spaces around Mr. Beatz's four tracks without too many seams showing. [5/2001, p.141]
  6. While a step up from her promising debut, Scorpion is far from perfect: Eve is too smart for testosterone-heavy, shout-along nonsense like "Cowboy," "Scream Double R," and "Thug In The Streets."
  7. Scorpion, her second solo album in three years, stands a good chance of blowing up the airwaves and charts, though it still battles with the hardcore elements that made her first album such a disappointment.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 3 out of 26
  1. Aug 17, 2013
    I love it! One of the best rap albums of the decade! Eve's lyrics are great, but some of the people featured in the songs aren't thatI love it! One of the best rap albums of the decade! Eve's lyrics are great, but some of the people featured in the songs aren't that talented. The best songs are "Who's That Girl" and "Scream Double R". Full Review »
  2. HollyM
    Apr 19, 2005
    there was 1 song i like on this cd and it was Whos that girl, thats y i bought it now all the songs on it r brill. if i wuz a rich girl there was 1 song i like on this cd and it was Whos that girl, thats y i bought it now all the songs on it r brill. if i wuz a rich girl lalalalalalala lol Full Review »
  3. [Anonymous]
    Feb 18, 2005
    Over-rated but solid. Doesn't drag on like some other hip hop albums.