
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Oct 14, 2011
    A much better way to think of Seeds We Sow would be as the album where Buckingham's creative restlessness finally, completely made peace with his history with one of the biggest bands in the world.
  2. Sep 11, 2011
    His lyrics philosophize about love, loss and passing time. But his guitar geekery is the album's governing force, and it's usually for the better.
  3. Uncut
    Sep 9, 2011
    Though his songbook, like theirs [Jagger and Richards], is already abundant, Seeds We Sow suggests that there's plenty more to come. [Oct 2011, p.88]
  4. Mojo
    Sep 8, 2011
    Buckingham's pop ear is still highly attuned. [Oct 2011, p.106]
  5. Sep 7, 2011
    Unencumbered by the commercial and ego demands in Mac, Buckingham affirms his talent for turning eccentricity into twisted pop songs.
  6. Sep 6, 2011
    Without sounding anything like Pet Sounds, Seeds We Sow indicates Buckingham has absorbed Wilson's lessons well.
  7. Sep 6, 2011
    One thing Buckingham has never forgotten is how to construct albums with the consummate balance and gravity-defying magic of an architect.
  8. 75
    Seeds We Sow is thornier than Buckingham's material for Fleetwood Mac, with an emphasis on his percussive, sometimes-discordant acoustic guitar playing and on his intimately recorded vocals, which in a stripped-down rendition of the Rolling Stones' "She Smiled Sweetly" push intriguingly at whatever border separates passionate from creepy.
  9. Sep 6, 2011
    Seeds We Sow is delightfully ragged.
  10. Sep 6, 2011
    Buckingham needs the tension of Fleetwood Mac to bring out his best work. He can get too quirkily self-indulgent on his own, but this new solo album, Seeds We Sow, has moments of considerable beauty.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Feb 15, 2013
    For me, "Seeds We Sow" is a little one-sided. I've never much cared for Buckingham's earnest poppy rock, but I LOVE his edgy, half-madFor me, "Seeds We Sow" is a little one-sided. I've never much cared for Buckingham's earnest poppy rock, but I LOVE his edgy, half-mad experiments. The song "Come" from Fleetwood Mac's "Say You Will," is one of the most thrilling ever recorded, alternating between quiet menace and skinless howling on the edge of the abyss, and "Tusk" is the only vintage FM that I still want to hear. So I keep buying Buckingham's records, in hope of another musical conflagration--just one per album would do it--but I keep being disappointed. "Seeds We Sow" compounds the problem with bad puns ("process of illumination, "one take over the line," e.g.), which, though painful, are still better than the unprocessed cliches that litter many songs. Were you to take a shot of liquor every time Buckingham warbled a prefabricated phrase, you'd be unconscious halfway through the second song. But because I know how original and fearless Buckingham CAN be, I'll keep buying his records--and hoping against hope for less warmth and more scorched earth. Full Review »
  2. Sep 10, 2012
    A quirky album as you would expect from Buckingham, I enjoy this album the most out of his recent solo releases. There is a mixture ofA quirky album as you would expect from Buckingham, I enjoy this album the most out of his recent solo releases. There is a mixture of acoustic fingerpicking wizardry with a healthy dash of electric guitar and studio sheen. The songs are mostly about looking at possibilities in life and relationships, some that were and some that could have been. For a listener approaching mid-life, the album certainly hit on themes that reached me as a person who spends a lot of time thinking about where my life was just 15 years ago and the thousands of what if's that exist. It's impossible to not think of Stevie Nicks when listening to some of his lyrics, and that's probably intentional. It's a theme that will probably run through Buckingham's music as long as he is writing. Any fan of Fleetwood Mac or Buckingham's "small machine" solo work will love this album. If you are more into the mainstream pop culture, there is little in this album to appeal to you. Full Review »