
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. Apr 18, 2012
    Sees the Light ditches the brusque garage rock roots of Vivian Girls in favor of girl group-influenced pop, but a palpable aggression gives this sophomore effort an energy her debut lacked.
  2. 60
    This is a solid, sonically beautiful album.... [Yet] the problem with her quicker stuff is that, while pretty, it tends to sound all the same; you end up desperate for the chorus, so that you can tell one song from another.
  3. Mar 26, 2012
    Sees The Light is a decent solo effort, but for the casual observer it might be worth saving your currency for the next Vivian Girls record.
  4. Mar 26, 2012
    It does not do anything new or especially exciting, but what it does do it does very well indeed.
  5. Apr 27, 2012
    It's slicker than anything Katy's done before – maybe not as long-term-lovable, but certainly worth living with for a while.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Apr 30, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Katy Goodman, desahogo en melodías. La bajista de Vivian Girls construye su segundo disco a base de sentimientos, inquietudes y decepciones. Solitaria difiere del punk acostumbrado con su trío neoyorquino; sus temas dóciles y líricas acostumbradas a lo sumiso.

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  2. Apr 2, 2012
    Review from Manik Music at

    My personal hypothesis is that all this lady
    Review from Manik Music at

    My personal hypothesis is that all this lady pseudo-psych rock comes from this band that never took off called West Indian Girl. The reason I use â
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