
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Jan 31, 2011
    Were they based in an indie rock hothouse, it's easy to imagine Eternal Summers feeling somewhat pressured to streamline or smooth out their sound in a way that would be more easily describable and digestible. Instead, the duo happily flits back and forth between nervy, combustible raves and languorously pretty head nods without a care for thematic cohesion.
  2. Dec 15, 2010
    Some of Eternal Summers' music sputters for liftoff and never gets off the ground, and the dull album-closer "Bully In Disguise" sends listeners out on a bum note. But catchy, simple songs like "Safe At Home" and the exultant title track confirm the worldview that Yun and Cundiff express on Silver's opener, "Disciplinarian."
  3. Dec 15, 2010
    Silver is the work of a band with a very clear vision and the skills to make it work like a dream.
  4. Dec 15, 2010
    Because even though Silver is not quite the taut, energetic half-hour of power that the band's promising EP had me clamoring for, it still has some pleasant surprises up its sleeve. And most importantly, it offers sporadically brilliant flickers of what I loved about this band in the first place.
  5. 70
    Those who are desperately clutching onto the past few months' sunny days and starry nights – or planning for Summer 2011 already – are likely to dig the unpretentious, casual atmosphere of Eternal Summers. For everyone else, there's bound to be something else out there better suited to pumpkins spice lattes and fall harvests.
  6. Dec 15, 2010
    This Virginia duo's debut could double as a hypercompressed essay on post-punk's shift into indie.

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