• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: May 15, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 213 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 213

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  1. Jul 26, 2019
    If you listen to this expecting something like Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, you'll probably end up disappointed. But if you remove such expectations, you'll find a very solid album. Sure, it might not feel as grand or experimental as some of their previous work, and it does drag a little here and there, but by no means does that make this album bad or boring. It has a great deal of gorgeousIf you listen to this expecting something like Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, you'll probably end up disappointed. But if you remove such expectations, you'll find a very solid album. Sure, it might not feel as grand or experimental as some of their previous work, and it does drag a little here and there, but by no means does that make this album bad or boring. It has a great deal of gorgeous songwriting, with "Either Way," "On and On and On," and "Impossible Germany" being some of my favorites. Also, the guitar work is on point. If you're looking for a more mellow Wilco album, you'll definitely enjoy this one. Expand
  2. MikeW
    May 15, 2007
    A dissapointingly dry Wilco album. Devoid of the lyrical complexity and atonal expirements of days past. This is Wilco airbrushed and pressure cleaned for mass consumption. Being the best band in America, there are still some gems on this record. However, the gems sit next to some of Tweedy's worst lyrics (Maybe you love me, maybe you don't), and the band's most boring A dissapointingly dry Wilco album. Devoid of the lyrical complexity and atonal expirements of days past. This is Wilco airbrushed and pressure cleaned for mass consumption. Being the best band in America, there are still some gems on this record. However, the gems sit next to some of Tweedy's worst lyrics (Maybe you love me, maybe you don't), and the band's most boring arrangements since their debut. Only Tweedy's gift for melody makes this album bareable; and he does treat us to some melodic goodies; The American Beauty-esque "What Light", the hypnotic piano ballad "On and On and On", and the lazy day hammock folk of "Either Way". This is the first time In their career Wilco has been entertainment; nothing more nothing less. This album is nice for disposable nap time music, or sunny day in the park, but ultimately it is too weak to be ranked with the bands past classics like Summer Teeth and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Expand
  3. IlyaR
    Jul 19, 2007
    "Impossible Germany" sums up the album pretty well: accessible, attractive riff and lyrics quirky and cryptic enough to be really good. But it's just not worth multiple listens.
  4. Felix
    Jul 6, 2007
    Disappointing; there are only about 3-4 songs worth listening to.
  5. molo
    Apr 21, 2007
    Fans of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot or Summerteeth will be very dissapointed with this one. While A Ghost is Born was not a step forward by any means, Sky Blue Sky serves as an all out step backwards to Being There. But, Being There was better. When the album works, and sometimes it really does, the experience is mellowing. But, the middle of the album lacks. I found the album dissapointing, but Fans of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot or Summerteeth will be very dissapointed with this one. While A Ghost is Born was not a step forward by any means, Sky Blue Sky serves as an all out step backwards to Being There. But, Being There was better. When the album works, and sometimes it really does, the experience is mellowing. But, the middle of the album lacks. I found the album dissapointing, but some Wilco listeners might like it. Just don't expect a creative and innovative release like their previous three. Because innovative this ain't. Expand
  6. MadDog
    May 14, 2007
    It pains me to give Wilco any score lower than an 8. I enjoy a nice acoustic set, or maybe just a song or two per album. This album starts out in a fairly promising manner, and carries a few other bright spots. All-in-all I found myself waiting to be rocked. Yes, bands need to evolve their sound to survive, but never at the cost of rocking the fans with you're uniques riffs and sweet It pains me to give Wilco any score lower than an 8. I enjoy a nice acoustic set, or maybe just a song or two per album. This album starts out in a fairly promising manner, and carries a few other bright spots. All-in-all I found myself waiting to be rocked. Yes, bands need to evolve their sound to survive, but never at the cost of rocking the fans with you're uniques riffs and sweet chorus'. Worth a listen, but borrow it from your impulsive Wilco-fanatic friend. Not worth the buy M dog Expand
  7. GregD
    May 14, 2007
    Well, this isn't another Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but neither was A Ghost Is Born. But instead of displaying some variance from the tired soft rock formula like they did (in some places) on AGIB, there's a sense of defeat, self-pity, and sticking to the formula. The sort of lyrics that accompany self-pity would have been interesting for a couple of songs, but Tweedy has filled the Well, this isn't another Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but neither was A Ghost Is Born. But instead of displaying some variance from the tired soft rock formula like they did (in some places) on AGIB, there's a sense of defeat, self-pity, and sticking to the formula. The sort of lyrics that accompany self-pity would have been interesting for a couple of songs, but Tweedy has filled the whole record with them - and made them boring altogether too much. In the meanwhile I'll keep waiting for Tweedy to make a record as interesting as Summerteeth. Expand
  8. R.J.Fernandez
    May 16, 2007
    A little too polished for my taste, I would have liked a little more pop and a little more rock, but then Tweedy didn't make this album for me. "Sky Blue Sky," the first single is about as great a song as he's ever written. There are about four other memorable songs here, but the album sounds bleak and souless to me as a whole.
  9. tylerk
    May 17, 2007
    Eh... too many people trying to convince themselves this is a great album. This departure to smooth-rock adult contemporary is not what the majority of wilco fans expected or wanted. Very few if any catchy hooks or memorable melodies.
  10. booms.
    Oct 18, 2007
    its pretty good, but not as good as i was hoping from a band like Wilco.
  11. TonyG.
    Jul 2, 2007
    what a pain! total lack of inspiration, sonic interest, songs. nels cline solo, somewhere on the 1st song, is marking the end of the album. and, probably, of wilco's career. too bad to be true.
  12. B-Dog
    May 14, 2007
    Wilco is totally sucking on this record. They need to crank up the RAWK!!! Come on, Jeff, act like you got a pair!!
  13. TomB
    May 14, 2007
    Dull as dishwater.
  14. Glen
    Jul 8, 2007
    So disappointed, I've listened to it over and over hoping it would sink in like the last 3 albums but it just didn't do it for me. Boring, cheesy, not creative in the least bit. The last two albums were timeless and I'm being generous by giving it a 5 because of how much I love those last 2 or 3 albums.
  15. Ben
    May 15, 2007
    Some good songs, but this album is ultimately disappointing, given the continued growth and greatness of previous albums. Wilco have always had great slow and melodic numbers, but they've always been a rock band above everything else. They already reinvented the wheel a couple of times, so I guess it was time to abandon all the experimentation and put out a straight-forward album of Some good songs, but this album is ultimately disappointing, given the continued growth and greatness of previous albums. Wilco have always had great slow and melodic numbers, but they've always been a rock band above everything else. They already reinvented the wheel a couple of times, so I guess it was time to abandon all the experimentation and put out a straight-forward album of mostly vanilla songs. Hopefully they got it out of their system. This definitely is not the album I waited 3 years to hear. Expand
  16. Nick
    May 19, 2007
    Pitchfork may have a blindspot for avant-guardism (almost as large as RollingStone's for everything a Babyboomer poops out), but they nailed the problem with this lump of coal: dad-rock indeed. Tweedy should make amends with that white-rasta looney-tune that got tossed out of the band six years ago; Jay Bennett....where are you now? "This may be the best Eagles album the Eagles never Pitchfork may have a blindspot for avant-guardism (almost as large as RollingStone's for everything a Babyboomer poops out), but they nailed the problem with this lump of coal: dad-rock indeed. Tweedy should make amends with that white-rasta looney-tune that got tossed out of the band six years ago; Jay Bennett....where are you now? "This may be the best Eagles album the Eagles never made": True. Maybe I will gift this album to my uncle Bob. Expand
  17. AB
    May 14, 2007
    An inoffensive album ready for play in elevators, this is no "Being There." Though my enthusiasm for Wilco has consistently waned since 1997, this is the first time I've regretted spending my money on the band.
  18. JasonJ
    Mar 20, 2008
    I have been a fan since before UT broke up and have been enthusiastically with Wilco through all their changes. It is sad to see them retreating into boring and at times even annoying territory. The new lineup is thoroughly lame. What happened to the band that made Summerteeth? This is the first Wilco record I have ever sold to the used cd shop. Lucky for them their new fan base is larger I have been a fan since before UT broke up and have been enthusiastically with Wilco through all their changes. It is sad to see them retreating into boring and at times even annoying territory. The new lineup is thoroughly lame. What happened to the band that made Summerteeth? This is the first Wilco record I have ever sold to the used cd shop. Lucky for them their new fan base is larger than their old one, if significantly more shallow. Expand
  19. Tom
    May 14, 2007
    Rehab stints usually usher in fallow periods for musicians. Jeff Tweedy is no exception to this rule. He'll be back.
  20. MichaelS
    May 14, 2007
    where are the songs???
  21. ZookeeperFerguson
    May 24, 2007
    It's brutal to even get through this album. Tweedy used to sound like his mind was splitting open. Now he sounds lobotomized. The world doesn't need any more warmed-over 70's FM junk.
  22. MattR
    May 31, 2007
    Not good, not great, and not close to either. This album is so simplistic, it deserves simple criticism: boring. Sorry, but as a huge Wilco fan since AM, there is no need to convince yourself this is good. The band is allowed one misstep after so many brilliant albums. Let's just hope that is all it is.
  23. jon
    May 14, 2007
    easily wilco's worst album. Is it too late to bring Jay Bennett back?
  24. JasonD
    May 19, 2007
    I was pretty disappointed in this album. After "A Ghost is Born," I was ready for a more straight-forward Wilco disc, so I was braced for the simplicity of "Sky Blue Sky," but I wasn't prepared for Tweedy to write such a bland, uninspired set of songs. This album never takes off, never really presents any hooks or even many interesting melodic ideas to hang onto, it's just lazy I was pretty disappointed in this album. After "A Ghost is Born," I was ready for a more straight-forward Wilco disc, so I was braced for the simplicity of "Sky Blue Sky," but I wasn't prepared for Tweedy to write such a bland, uninspired set of songs. This album never takes off, never really presents any hooks or even many interesting melodic ideas to hang onto, it's just lazy classic rock. Expand
  25. WoohooW.
    Jun 28, 2007
    Boring. Mind-numbingly dull and shockingly uncreative. And this is from a HUGE, long-time, devoted, tell-all-my-friends-about-this-out-of-this-world-awesome-creative-no-one-like-them fan. ,,,I'm so disappointed.
  26. JohnE
    May 15, 2007
    Really boring and generic sounding record. Son Volt's "The Search" is far superior.
  27. SteveS
    Jul 19, 2007
    It's crap.
  28. JonnyG
    May 31, 2007
    Quite possibly the blandest thing ever put to tape.
  29. Eh?
    May 14, 2007
    Jeff Tweedy needs to get back on the drugs
  30. thegarz
    May 14, 2007
    the sound of a fat and happy band that has nothing more to say. bloated, boring, dull and lyrically pathetic. just a waste of time. 'sky blue sky' is a fitting title because the music is perfectly empty background fodder for the weather channel.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 38
  2. Negative: 1 out of 38
  1. It's certainly the group's most cohesive album in ages.
  2. Under The Radar
    A very professional but almost inconsequential set... flat and ultimately uninspired. [#17, p.88]
  3. The closer you listen to the jazzy guitars, Beatles touches and easy, shuffling rhythms ... the more it transpires that Tweedy is simply allowing the songs sufficient room to speak up for themselves.