• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 28, 2020
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  1. Aug 29, 2020
    Album podre, datado, não vai inovar nunca c4d3l4? Smile música da playlist da Renner, um descarte do Prism, Daisies descarte do Witness a menos pior é Cry about it later mas mesmo assim totalmente fora de coesão. LIXO
  2. Aug 29, 2020
    I sincerely looked forward to more. Something is missing, it does not arrest me or move me.
  3. Aug 29, 2020
    There's only one word to describe this album: TRASH. Please don't waste your time listening this horrible album.
  4. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. For second time, Katy Perry give us an album so basic like his past works. She needs reinvention Expand
  5. Aug 29, 2020
    Sienpre lo mismo con la katia, ya aburre con lo mismo, lo que deberia hacer es retirarse
  6. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. decepcionante, sem coesão, músicas parecem quem foram inseridas de forma avulsa. Expand
  7. Aug 29, 2020
    Honestly not her best work.Only 2 likeable songs , the rest sound like fillers and it just doesn’t seem like she put that much effort into it.Plus let’s not talk about the lackluster cover.
  8. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum horrível,músicas mal feitas,tenho dó da Katy e do seu fandom. Quer ouvir um álbum perfeito? Ouça "Chromatica" da Gaga! Expand
  9. Aug 29, 2020
    Sounds more like the same Its like katy perry stuck in the earlies 2010's
    Every song except never really over sounds awful
  10. Aug 29, 2020
    This album does not go anywhere. Doesn't tell anything. Super boring, I can't believe Witness (another awful album) was better
  11. Aug 29, 2020
    This album is boring. Flop. The era is messy. All the ratings is out of charts. All songs is flop. Good luck katyrat. She better retire and take care of her new born baby then.
  12. Aug 29, 2020
    The critics are right... this album is no good. Expected more from Katy, but I guess her rise is over.
  13. Aug 29, 2020
    This is so bad, it’s an album that is so basic and the people say that is boring and repeat
  14. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Blah Blah blah dkdk Blah Blah blah Blah Blah fidid fififi w8qw sisis8 di8ww8 Expand
  15. Aug 29, 2020
    Nada innovador, solo 2 o 3 canciones rescatables, el resto del disco esta de la never worn moj0n, lo unico bueno del disco es cuando lo quitas y pones folkdiosa de Taycristo. Viej4ty en la musica ya no la da, mejor que se dedique a vender vinagre o sus chanclas fe4s, en pocas palabras se me escurrio todita la smile con tremenda cag4d0ta.
  16. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album so amazing but katycats iuh hahahahahahahahaahahahahaa flop Expand
  17. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. repetitive, uninovative, sadly not good. i love katy to death but this album was not even listenable. the best track is daisies which i liked but its the only one from the whole album that's okay. i hopr katy will find piece and her smile with her family and newborn daisy dove bloom. Expand
  18. Aug 29, 2020
    Noçah eçeh aubum mim xokol

    Eh muituh ruim, paresser um aubum de compiladosh Cem duvitash o pior aubum ke excutey eçih anoh

    Pochah Caity Jah paçol dah horah deh amadusser

    Esperuh ke em augum momentuh elah çih reencontrou e evoulua

    Caixão e vela preta
  19. Aug 29, 2020
    Very disappointing. Knowing Katy for so long i really miss her old songs, maybe its time to step back and recover her inspiration as composer. Not all people can deliver smash hits one after another. Shout out to kc that are doing a disservice to her as fas :)
  20. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nada bueno lo único del CD podría ser el smile pero pues ya quedo daisis Chao bye Expand
  21. Aug 29, 2020
    The worst album of 2020.She has no talent in music so stop trying so hard to make this **** was torture to normal people’s ears.
  22. Aug 29, 2020
    The album is super boring I didnt like at all. It has only three good songs.
  23. Aug 29, 2020
    Nossa vergonhoso esse álbum, como que em pleno 2020 a Katy Perry lança um álbum tão datado como esse, ao escutar esse álbum me vem na hora o cheiro de leite azedo.

    Pedante e preguiçoso
  24. Aug 29, 2020
    I only like 2 songs sorry, this album is not good at all. Katy need to find her inspiration again
  25. Aug 29, 2020
    Entediante! 5 álbuns lançando as mesmas músicas pedantes com cara de 2008. Evolução artística? Não tem.
    Composição? É vergonhosa e as letras são rasas, estou lendo um livro de auto ajuda e não sei?
    Vocais? Zero evolução, pelo contrário, ela conseguiu piorar nesse album. Produção? Extremamente básica, tenta emular o estilo Dance/Disco e falha pois álbuns anteriores como Future Nostalgia,
    Entediante! 5 álbuns lançando as mesmas músicas pedantes com cara de 2008. Evolução artística? Não tem.
    Composição? É vergonhosa e as letras são rasas, estou lendo um livro de auto ajuda e não sei?
    Vocais? Zero evolução, pelo contrário, ela conseguiu piorar nesse album.
    Produção? Extremamente básica, tenta emular o estilo Dance/Disco e falha pois álbuns anteriores como Future Nostalgia, Whats Your Pleasure e Chromatica fazem isso magistralmente.
    Coesão? Isso nem existe nesse álbum, são diversas músicas vazias, jogadas pra cumprir tabela, esse álbum soa mais como uma playlist ruim do spotify do que um álbum.
  26. Aug 29, 2020
    o hold up, hold up, hold up, okay, hold up
    You see a bad **** coming, tell yo ass to hold up
    I'm in that new new meeting Nunu when I roll up I told the valet, "Park the Benz and bring the Rolls up" Yo hold up, hold up, hold up, okay, hold up He see me lookin' pretty every time he scroll up Might gotta let the blicky hit you if you stroll up Now put your hands up, it's a hold up Run
    o hold up, hold up, hold up, okay, hold up
    You see a bad **** coming, tell yo ass to hold up
    I'm in that new new meeting Nunu when I roll up
    I told the valet, "Park the Benz and bring the Rolls up"
    Yo hold up, hold up, hold up, okay, hold up
    He see me lookin' pretty every time he scroll up
    Might gotta let the blicky hit you if you stroll up
    Now put your hands up, it's a hold up
    Run me the money
    'Cause I be the baddie B, Barbie Tingz
    Banging body B, everybody be on my D
    Yo I gotta be in reality, suck a D if you doubted me
    Back of the back, back of the back
    Back of the back, back of the back
    Who on Barbie D? Who on Barbie D? Everybody
    Who you gotta see? Honestly, on my odyssey
    I'm the baddest B, I don't even know how to speak
    Hat to the hat to the back and relax, you in the back of the 'Bach
  27. Aug 29, 2020
    a big prank, but not a prank of a good circus, and a circus that has already gone bankrupt
  28. Aug 29, 2020
    This album is a joke, TD and Prism were so much better than this, track like; Smile, WMAW etc are so bad
  29. Aug 29, 2020
    Should call her Karen Perry as this album secured her transition to suburban, uncool mom.
  30. Aug 29, 2020
    Feels like she hasn’t done any growing at all. This album seems like a setback record for her career.
  31. Aug 29, 2020
    Horrível horrível
    Horrível horrível horroroso um espanto me faz mal horrível
  32. Aug 29, 2020
    Innovation is what is needed the most, focus on the music not other things something we need to learn
  33. Aug 29, 2020
    Asif 2020 wasn’t bad enough, Katy Perry unfortunately released an album. One of the worst albums I’ve heard in a long while, probably since Witness.
  34. Aug 29, 2020
    feels like an album written for kids. always singning about same things, katy needs to grow
  35. Aug 28, 2020
    This album in one word: BASIC. The quality of Teenage dream is really miles away.

  36. Aug 29, 2020
    Pense realmente que seria algo mejor, pero todo es repititivo con sus albunes.
  37. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Same old campy sound that comes off as recycled songs from her Teenage Dream era Expand
  38. Aug 29, 2020
    Esperaba bastante más de lo que ha hecho, después de lo mal que salió Witness, no me esperaba este disco
  39. Aug 29, 2020
    Katy Perry’s bubbly, cliché-ridden pop feels especially unsuited for life in a pandemic.
  40. Aug 29, 2020
    Nothing much to say, was disappointed in the production and lyrics. Some great vocals here and there but nothing makes up for the horrible production.
  41. Aug 29, 2020
    Os clichês estão praticamente embutidos na marca de Katy Perry, mas quando ela os utiliza para retomar de maneira fofa as suas músicas anteriores, eles apresentam mais evidências de que ela realmente não cresceu.
  42. Aug 29, 2020
    Nothing new, just herself being the kidz bops maker she is. It’s almost like the last project cost her so much of her sanity she just needed to came back to what she makes the best.
  43. Aug 29, 2020
    this album does not have a guideline despite some bops like "Not The End Of The World" and "Only Love". Katy proves her statue of icon once again but the theme of the album is not precise and loose the listener (visual, music ...).
  44. Aug 29, 2020
  45. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Horrível e patético esse álbum era pra ser um sorriso, mas acaba sendo um show de horrores Expand
  46. Aug 29, 2020
    This album is average, I think Katy can be do it better. But I like some songs
  47. Aug 29, 2020
    Just one good song... sad that she cannot explore other sounds and always remains in the same aged formula
  48. Aug 29, 2020
    Never Really Over and Harleys in Hawaii are the only songs that are still listenable for me, she is still experimenting but doesn’t change the fact that the album itself is trash. Although it might be slightly better than witness, this deserves a 0 because it is too generic pop music like 6 years ago. It’s not 2010,pc but 2020
  49. Aug 29, 2020
    Esperava mais .
    Parece que Katy Perry está presa no tempo é não consegue se reinventar
  50. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum é gostosinho sim de escutar, mais acho que mesmo com que a Katy Perry passou na era anterior e no começo dessa, é tudo culpa de seus fãns, obcecados por outros artistas, e deixando a desejar com a mesma, Katy não merece seus fãns sei que é para falar de álbum mais vale citar a sua fanbase tóxica, vendo a critica massacrar o álbum da katy e indo descontar a raiva em outros trabalhos superiores a esse. A temática Circo do álbum mostra claramente que ela serve de palhaça para seus fãns que só a amam quando faz oque eles desejam. Não inveje arte dos outros, cada um tem sua maneira de fazer arte e cada um tem seus admiradores. Estou dizendo isso porque muitos fãs da Katy Estão jogando hate para Gaga e mostrando o quão ridículo são indo criticar o álbum dela no metacritic para cair a nota, desde o início da era Chromatica vocês divulgaram os link de vazamentos tentando prejudicar a Gaga quando logo em breve Katy tem todo o seu álbum vazado na internet dias antes do seu lançamento, e mesmo assim muitos monsters mostraram apoio a ela, e outros não devido a esse fato. Vocês tentam mostrar que são foda quando na verdade são apenas ridículos, atacando outros artista quando na verdade suas fav só cai cada vez mais. Expand
  51. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Take this katyrats karma is real. Nothing new, boring same old not progressive music. Average lyrics, less average production and lame melodies Expand
  52. Aug 29, 2020
    Chromatica is better. This **** is wack! It feels like she’s copying Chromatica sounds and put them on her wack a$$ album. Flop!
  53. Aug 29, 2020
    The shoemaker crawls once again out of the cave of cultural irrelevance to remind the public that she sings. And what an unpleasant announcement. Following the trend of her commercial catastrophe Witness, she throws at us a jumbled clump of astoundingly un-catchy, shallow songs that likely won’t serve a greater purpose than a Target advertisement soundtrack. One that no one will bother toThe shoemaker crawls once again out of the cave of cultural irrelevance to remind the public that she sings. And what an unpleasant announcement. Following the trend of her commercial catastrophe Witness, she throws at us a jumbled clump of astoundingly un-catchy, shallow songs that likely won’t serve a greater purpose than a Target advertisement soundtrack. One that no one will bother to Shazam. Expand
  54. Aug 29, 2020
    I don’t like. Am sorry Katy naksks skskwks sosos aislados soskskznsks kskslzo y lsoslsosos slslzksklzz
  55. Aug 29, 2020
    i love this album it masterpiece.it amaze me how she wrote a album in quarantine.
  56. Aug 29, 2020
    This is not what I expected Just another gone in the wind album. Could’ve been better than this
  57. Aug 29, 2020
    Es la peor basur4 que haz excretad0 mi3rdaty fracas4da!!! Ni usando a tu bast4rd4 recién nacida podrás salir de la tumba. Tuviste que agregar singles de hace más de 1 año para no pasar la mierDAISY completita. Pobre muert4 retírate con dignidad zorr4 maldit4 amarilla escup1d4 asqueros4
  58. Aug 29, 2020
    pop trash, katycats can suck a d*ck, just stop what you doing, that's so stupid, wbk it's the worst album of the year
  59. Aug 29, 2020
    Single Smile is the best part of the album. Catchy and a good sing along tune. Rest of the album feels deeply under whelming.
  60. Aug 29, 2020
    Her music has not progressed over the years and lacks depth. The album is not cohesive and some lyrics are banal.
  61. Aug 29, 2020
    She needs to be experimental instead of going back to the same sounds from early 2010s. Witness was a much better album imo
  62. Aug 29, 2020
    Es un álbum mediocre, plano y aburrido Merece menos de la calificación que tiene.
    Nadie le gusto ese abortó.
  63. Aug 29, 2020
    I mean, we dont even have to rate it ourselves because critics already did.
  64. Aug 29, 2020
    After a log break I expected something better than this but at least it’s better than Witness.
  65. Aug 29, 2020
    I actually think smile is a good album but im giving zero just to piss off katyrats
  66. Aug 29, 2020
    So bored!!! Katy perry lost. This whole album 0
    She For years, he's been doing the same thing as witness
  67. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don’t like this ajanannNnanazjzjjqnnsnnanananannananajjajajqjjwbabsbsbaba Expand
  68. Aug 29, 2020
    Smile is very similar to Katherine's past albums yet it is full of effort. Good job, Katy!
  69. Aug 29, 2020
    You wanna war - you got it. Don’t cry in the end of this bloodshed. Eager to see Billboard 200 update next Sunday. Karma, friends, nothing personal
  70. Aug 29, 2020
    this this this this this is why why why we can't can't have nice nice things darling
  71. Aug 29, 2020
    Boring, nothing new, I like Smile but closing the album with that song about what means to be a woman... really??? Yikes, still thinking in a box about the gender and the stereotypes. That song gonna aged like milk.
  72. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. 我是一名友好的爱丽,真的很喜欢EXO,毕竟听了六年的他们的歌了《smile》我知道是欧美圈,啊但是粉丝也不用来贬低我们韩圈吧!!别当人上人OK?!真的很讨厌这种行为,粉欧美圈没有还什么不好但是别给我有什么优越感 Expand
  73. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Flat and boring album, save two songs. The songs all sound the same, very repetitive. No Katy Expand
  74. Aug 28, 2020
    I like katy but This Album is not What she made before . The only one who gives us best album is The weeknd
  75. Aug 29, 2020
    Ya sabíamos que su álbum sería igual que los anteriores, repetitivo y para nada innovador, para nada recomendado.
  76. Aug 29, 2020
    Honest review, all of the tracks so bad really really bad, i miss the teenage dreams so bad. this album i cant even say bellow bad whats it?
  77. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Taylor outsold bye **** flop so hard But U have a chance if U collab with Taylor we (swiftie) give attention to you . Expand
  78. Aug 29, 2020
    Katy has lost her magic. She found her SMILE, but lost her skills in making people relate to her music.
  79. Aug 29, 2020
    This is the same. No qualitys in the album its like for teenage's music but no cools. Its terrible. Pls long time for this?
  80. Aug 29, 2020
    it is so bad. the worst album i have listened this year, alongside changes by justin bieber. i can't believe i have wasted 36min of my life on this.
  81. Aug 29, 2020
    One of the worst Katy's album. She hasn't grown up at all. Typical rhythms and lines. Sounds like demo-version of TD. Katy's main problem is that she's afraid of going away from her typical Bubble gum outfit. She tryes to experiment but want to have TD's success. She wants to sit on both chairs but it's impossible and that's her main rwason of failure.
  82. Aug 29, 2020
    Listening to the album just didn't do it for me, the old katy perry was much better. This just sound like not fit for this time. Its not that fun, and its just repetitive and dull
  83. Aug 28, 2020
    it is not her best work. i enjoyed maybe 2 songs but others were low mediocre-bad. i love katy and streamed this ti support her but you just have to work to find the quality in this.
  84. Aug 29, 2020
    Smile has a few good songs on the album, but the lyrics get a little too repetitive. Tucked remains the best from the album. Not the best album released by Katy.
  85. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Queda inagurada pasanado la smile
    Mas de lo mismo
    Never really over salvable en fin
  86. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Que album péssimo, esperava mais. Pelo visto não vai ganhar um grammy. Poxa que pena! Expand
  87. Aug 29, 2020
    Abysmal. Generic. Tragic. She’s capable of a lot more. She deserves better fans as well, they leave negative reviews so here we are. Stream Chromatica.
  88. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Katy's music is still stucked in 2010. she is making a super boring music with some boring contacts. the album concept is a whole mess. smile, clown, Harley motorcycles, cry and tears. Expand
  89. Aug 28, 2020
    Álbum esquecível, sem hits, sem ânimo. Definitivamente sem nada para ser aproveitado.
  90. Aug 28, 2020
    her previous work which is Teenage Dream and Prism is amazing but now her new album is sound generic and sound the same. not worth to listen it
  91. Aug 29, 2020
    The worst album of 2020.its like a child wrote this album for fun and it's not even fun. There is not a single good song in it. I like other albums of katy but this was a disaster!
  92. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album with no substance
    No theme
    Tasteless kind ko art
    It makes me feel the witness a better album
  93. Aug 28, 2020
    Smile is great.... but why can't we just appreciate other's hardwork? Pretty please;)
  94. Aug 28, 2020
    as a fan I tried to LOVE or even LIKE this album. nothing new or creative on these tracks. just boring.
  95. Aug 28, 2020
    I expected something more from Katy. Disappointed. I liked Daises though. Hope next one will be Better
  96. Aug 28, 2020
    think the music critics are so biased to katy. Why? This album is her best. Also, pitchfork told us that why now? Well the answer is its because we're in a pandemic and the songs fits nowadays. Also critics saying that it is uninspired. Maybe they don't know katy had gone through in the last 3 years
  97. Aug 28, 2020
    Another album that would suit better in a barney & friends show. You need to grow up and do better next time.
  98. Aug 28, 2020
    Personalmente la ritengo mediocre come sempre. L’unica differenza è che ha veramente scocciato con queste canzoni tutte uguali dal 2011.
  99. Caa
    Aug 28, 2020
    ALBUM FLOP!!! PIOR ALBUM DA CARREIRA DA KATY!!!!!! Katya protege o Dr Luke!!! NOJO
  100. Aug 28, 2020
    i expected something different on this album i didn't connect with it but that's okay

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 8, 2020
    Without fleeting moments of bad taste, Perry does indeed sound mature, but she's also not quite as fun. That's a conscious choice, though. Smile is intended to evoke memories of her frivolous younger days while pointing toward a sustainable pop future.
  2. Sep 4, 2020
    While Perry finds the occasional moment of quality here (Smile and Tucked both feel like the best possible music we could get from Katy Perry in 2020), Smile is an album searching for an identity—and when it fails, it falls back on lazy writing.
  3. Aug 31, 2020
    Like Joanne before Chromatica, Smile plays like a necessary centering exercise, indulging her insecurities and less surefire instincts. If Witness was overdetermined, Smile is an earnest exhale, for better or for worse. It delivers an image of her journey towards inner peace that is honest (if corny) and catchy (if not exactly inventive).