• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Oct 4, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 42
  2. Negative: 13 out of 42

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  1. ryan
    Oct 5, 2005
  2. Matt
    Oct 5, 2005
    Tied for her best album! Only Exile In Guyville matches it. It's a perfect combination of her pop sound with other styles of music she likes.
  3. Patricia
    Oct 31, 2005
    She's done better!
  4. LevisO
    Oct 3, 2005
    A massive improvement on the self titled. Still not up there with Guyville nor wcse but a great album. Welcome back, Liz.
  5. JasonK
    Oct 4, 2005
    Beautiful crafty Album
  6. JjKelle
    Oct 4, 2005
    I great album and a huge step up from the self-titled. This is the Liz Phair I fell in love with.
  7. dan
    Oct 5, 2005
    classic liz!
  8. AdrianoC
    Jan 10, 2006
    It gets better with each new listen. She sounds much more comfortable than on her last album. To me, this is a transitional album - far from the Avril-like songs, going back to her best chick-with-a-guitar-and-good-lyrics moments. The John Shanks-produced numbers ("Count on my love", "Everything to me") are filler, but "Wind and the mountain", "Table for one", "Somebody's miracle" It gets better with each new listen. She sounds much more comfortable than on her last album. To me, this is a transitional album - far from the Avril-like songs, going back to her best chick-with-a-guitar-and-good-lyrics moments. The John Shanks-produced numbers ("Count on my love", "Everything to me") are filler, but "Wind and the mountain", "Table for one", "Somebody's miracle" and "Everything (between us)", among others, are simply amazing. Expand
  9. Ethan
    Oct 16, 2005
    Why are critics so intent on Liz having to sound like the records of her past? Perhaps she has evolved into something a bit more "commercial" because she wants to and that is a GOOD thing. This album has a consistent engaging chord arrangements and - god forbid - some pop & rock hooks. Guess what folks - It works! A great album.
  10. Stevek
    Oct 26, 2005
    Long time Liz fan, not impressed on the first listen, but the album really grows on you. It's absurd that so many reviewers review to the album as banal and dull, it's fun and somewhat poppy, but more banal than the rest of what's out there??? i don't think so. Good album, buy it and enjoy it.
  11. Allie
    Oct 30, 2005
    you have to listen to this cd a time or two--and do so with the lyrics. Got My Own Thing is an instant classic. on others: the first time i head Wind and Mountain i hated it. But listen carefully--it, is more complex than you think.
  12. mikes
    Oct 4, 2005
    A solid effort! Much better than the self titled.
  13. MattB
    Oct 4, 2005
    It's still Liz.. and she's always going to be great.. But it is a very "nice" album.. It's not amazing. There are some very good songs .. but she's someone else now and i'm not gonna crucify her for her ... amazing writing in the past.
  14. michael
    Oct 4, 2005
    a return to the fine form found on whitechocolatespaceegg.
  15. JenniferP
    Oct 16, 2005
    This is such a great record. I liked Why Can't I Breathe but never bought a Liz Phair album before. Then I heard Everything To Me and decided to buy this album it is great!!!
  16. BradT
    Oct 16, 2005
    I'm totally digging the new Liz Phair. How can anyone in his or her right mind give this a zero? You've gotta be an airhead if you have been as long a fan as I have since the early, early days of Girlysounds. Come on, there are some really cool and classic Liz songs on here. There is some weak filler stuff but I can even listen to those songs because it adds to the anticipation I'm totally digging the new Liz Phair. How can anyone in his or her right mind give this a zero? You've gotta be an airhead if you have been as long a fan as I have since the early, early days of Girlysounds. Come on, there are some really cool and classic Liz songs on here. There is some weak filler stuff but I can even listen to those songs because it adds to the anticipation feeling I get waiting for songs like Got My Own Thing, Wind and the Mountain, Why I Lie, Everything (Between Us), Giving it All, Leap of Innocence, Table for One, Closer to You and if you have the extra of Can't Get out of what I'm into. I listen to the whole album and have grown to like it as much as any Liz Phair album. It is far from zero material. At it's worst is still probably more like a 5 without the songs mentioned above. Expand
  17. Aug 5, 2022
    This album is so good. "Leap Of Innocence" and "Everything (Between Us) are 2 of her best songs.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 18
  2. Negative: 3 out of 18
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Phair sounds mostly bored. [7 Oct 2005, p.76]
  2. Los Angeles Times
    [It] isn't a miracle by a long shot, but the highlights show signs of a once-valuable artist trying to reset her creative compass. [2 Oct 2005]
  3. Now this is a terrible Liz Phair record.