• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 7, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 146 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 11 out of 146
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  1. Jul 25, 2017
    Yet another brilliant album from HAIM. Something To Tell You excels at sounding so present yet also sounding so timeless. An excellently put together album that deserves much more credit than it's getting.
  2. Jul 9, 2017
    Haim still proves that beat is so gorgeous and better than others, this album shows that haim is not a rock band but also a badass pop, country and alternative band, I love how much work they put in here and how they changed the music scene! more love HAIM
  3. Jul 7, 2017
    "Something to tell you" takes us to a journey where each song shows us how complicated is to love and be loved... This 4 years of waiting have been worthy, with an album that shows us another face of these sisters with not so catchy songs but insted the soul behind the the creativity of their music, songs like "Right Now" and "NIght So Long" are great example of these...
    It's tough to
    "Something to tell you" takes us to a journey where each song shows us how complicated is to love and be loved... This 4 years of waiting have been worthy, with an album that shows us another face of these sisters with not so catchy songs but insted the soul behind the the creativity of their music, songs like "Right Now" and "NIght So Long" are great example of these...
    It's tough to choose only one favorite but if i have to do it i will probably pick "Walking Away"
    10 of 10 for this piece of art
  4. Jul 8, 2017
    This record feels more focused than the last. I hear hints of cougar mellencamp, petty, michael jackson, prince and more. this is not a trendy album. an addition of class to the haim catalog. can't wait for next move.
  5. Jul 9, 2017
    This album rules. Haim are showing a side of them that ONLY they can do. the drumming, the guitar work, the syncopated vocals, the funky bass gtr. It's rare if not non existent in 2017. There live show is sick and these songs are gonna take it up a notch. Fav songs as of now: "something to tell you" "you never new" "walking away" "nothing's wrong"
  6. Jul 9, 2017
    Danielle Haim's voice is amazing. The rhythms are dope and completely unique in 2017. Haim's ability to blend the best parts of 70s soft rock, 90s rnb while still feeling modern is unparalleled.
  7. Jul 10, 2017
    I'm definitely giving this a solid 10/10
    overall I really think it's a great album, HAIM never disappoints! The production is also great
    Much love to them
  8. Jul 10, 2017
    Something To Tell You is an album in which the sound of the classics (Fleetwood Mac, John Cougar Mellencamp, etc.) seamlessly combine with the sound of 2017.
  9. Jul 11, 2017
    Complete elevation in songwriting, performance, and execution from the greatest band from Valley Village of all time. Killer production from Batmanglij & Rechtshaid to boot...hats off! Looking forward to seeing this record performed live over and over again.
  10. Jul 27, 2017
    To start, let me state that I really love Haim's first album. It was a lightning bolt out of the hazy blue of most of the other music that is simply spewed out by artists trying to either make a statement or a name for themselves. These three artists, that just happen to be sisters are different. Each of their songs stand out for different musical reasons; all because they seem to takeTo start, let me state that I really love Haim's first album. It was a lightning bolt out of the hazy blue of most of the other music that is simply spewed out by artists trying to either make a statement or a name for themselves. These three artists, that just happen to be sisters are different. Each of their songs stand out for different musical reasons; all because they seem to take music seriously. They can sound anywhere from pop to rock to gospel. You can hear influences from Fleetwood Mac (duh!); but I also hear moments that remind me of Todd Rundgren, Little River Band, America, The Eagles, The Beatles, The National, Houndmouth, Paula Cole...I could go on and on. That being said, they just sound so - distinct. A sound and delivery all their own. Just so talented. I simply love good harmony, and these ladies deliver this in spades - for my money the best pure harmony out there (with apologies to Houndmouth, who I also really love). I could listen to these three sing all day long and not get tired of hearing their blend of voices. That being said I would love them to deliver an a cappella song; wouldn't that be awesome? I would also really love to hear them tackle a CSN cover! (that's Crosby, Stills and Nash for you Millennials! haha)
    So, to the new album, I am always skeptical of sophomore efforts, living through the one-album-hit-wonders of the 70's and 80's (can you say Christopher Cross?); but, this album definitely does not disappoint and even exceeded what I had hoped for when I heard this album was coming out. And though I was really looking forward to this new material I think it is in ways better than their first album. Their sound is so effortlessly meticulous. They are so musically gifted and fun-loving at the same time, and that comes through their sound; anyone can find a song they like on this album because it feels like they want you to join them in their fun - despite the subject matter of their songs. If you are feeling summery then you can skip around in the sun with them on Little Of Your Love; or, if you are stating your case for inviting a lover into your life you couldn't do better than ask them to plead on your behalf with Ready For You; or, if you are in heartache you can sit down and have a cry with Night So Long.
    It's all there.
    Regardless, you can tell they like to hand themselves over to you and entertain. And to see them on stage and in interviews I would simply like to just hang out with them for a day; their personalities seem that infectious and so real.
    One specific point that sticks out for me on this album Danielle has definitely found her voice. It is more powerful, pure and self-assured than on Days Are Gone. Not to say she didn't have a good voice before; it simply seems she has really grown into and embraced her 'lead vocal' status. I simply love her pure heart-driven gusto on Night So Long.
    Speaking of voices there is Este. Someone you simply cannot ignore. All the talk about her 'bass-face' cannot hide the fact that she seems as though her personality could just burst out of her - that she is just barely containing it in that small frame of hers. And, since I do have an affinity for the bass, I think her playing is awesome; I really like how they let her stand more forefront on this album. Even though she delivers great vocals maybe this is her 'real' voice?
    Of course I cannot leave out Alana, the other third of the talent in this group; That would be just so wrong. Apart from being as good and versatile a musician as her band-mates her voice also stands out as being young, playful and mischievous, and she has her own stand-out moments.
    After each time listening through the album I find another song that sticks out; every one is a gem for different reasons, and for the same reason: talent. (Right now it's You Never Knew.) It's all about their artistic confidence. They know who they are and what they have to give; they write and perform their art to a high standard being so in tune with themselves and each other (no pun intended). As with Days Are Gone I love each song for different and similar reasons and for different times and moods. Two albums where you can't just listen to one song without the others joining in.
    Know that these artists are Talented and Gifted (yes, with capital T's and G's), and just happen to be women. I hear they don't like to be singled out as women, and I can understand, since their talent distances them from those all too many scantily-clad, partially-talented female 'artists' pumping out their drivel written by anyone but them.
    Bottom line, everyone just needs to know these artists known as Haim should not be missed. Or ignored. I encourage all to pick up this perfect summer album up and enjoy! Then, along with me you will wish them a long and happy (and profitable) career; if this is the direction 'pop' music is headed then I am very encouraged for the future! And I will find it hard to wait for album #3, 4, 5...
  11. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  12. Jul 8, 2017
    Good album overall, but I like the first more

    My favorites:
    1. Want you back
    3. Little love for you
    4. Ready for you
    6. You never knew
    7. Kept me crying
  13. Jul 10, 2017
    A fantastic evolution from Days Are Gone. Melodic growth and some fun orchestration add to the layers of absolute pop brilliance that they have perfected.
  14. Jul 7, 2017
    After 4 years of waiting HAIM return with STTY not as catchy as DAG but still a piece of art that goes from good harmonies to great production. If there is something to criticize.... The lyrics sometimes become very repetitive still so a great job from the girls.
  15. Jul 14, 2017
    While not as catchy or eclectically appealing as their first album, Something To Tell You is still a wonderful sophomore album that is full of smooth, albeit sometimes too smooth, and wonderful tracks. The polish contained in this album is just phenomenal and it is extremely easy to notice the Fleetwood Mac elements within each song. The only detriment that lowers the album from a 10 to anWhile not as catchy or eclectically appealing as their first album, Something To Tell You is still a wonderful sophomore album that is full of smooth, albeit sometimes too smooth, and wonderful tracks. The polish contained in this album is just phenomenal and it is extremely easy to notice the Fleetwood Mac elements within each song. The only detriment that lowers the album from a 10 to an 8 is how repetitive the songs can be if the album is listened to as a whole as, mentioned before, the album can be sometimes too smooth and too polished. This can lead to the album being somewhat boring and mundane. However, if songs are listened to individually and not collectively, Something To Tell You's appeal is easy to see. While not as amazing as Days Are Gone was, Something To Tell You is far from a sophomore slump. Expand
  16. Jul 7, 2017
    Want You Back - 7
    Nothing's Wrong - 8
    Little of Your Love - 6
    Ready For You - 8
    Something To Tell You - 8
    You Never Knew - 8
    Kept Me Crying - 8
    Found It In Silence - 8
    Walking Away - 10
    Right Now - 6
    Night So Long - 8

    score: 7,7
  17. Oct 13, 2019
    This is the kind of album that leaves you wanting more when its over. Lyrics are honest, deep and very well written, production on point as always, songs fun to listen to. My favourite album to listen when i'm on a road trip.
  18. Dec 3, 2022
    A very good album by three very talented sisters. The production is wide and creative, but I wish we'd have more drama and good hooks drum in some songs. The overall songwriting is good.
    I needed time with certain tracks, but there were a few that I instantly liked - my favorite tracks: Want You Back, Little Of Your Love, Something To Tell You.
  19. Feb 26, 2018
    A solid and convincing yet inferior follow up to their strong debut album. It's nicely produced and is an enjoyable listen but for me the songs aren't that interesting without the studio bells and whistles. This is in contrast to their debut which had some excellent songwriting on it. I've heard it said that the test of a truly great song is that it will sound great when stripped back andA solid and convincing yet inferior follow up to their strong debut album. It's nicely produced and is an enjoyable listen but for me the songs aren't that interesting without the studio bells and whistles. This is in contrast to their debut which had some excellent songwriting on it. I've heard it said that the test of a truly great song is that it will sound great when stripped back and played on an acoustic guitar or piano. While "Something To Tell You" is good, too often the songs fail to pass this test. Expand
  20. Jul 12, 2017
    Although a slight stepdown from their spectacular debut 'Days Are Gone', 'STTY' is still a solid record worthy of some plays that would perfectly fit this summer's hot breeze. For their sophomore effort, the Haim sisters have adopted a poppier sound (still tinged with guitars and drums tho) and are out for the kill! The first five tracks of the album are just perfectly fitting, althoughAlthough a slight stepdown from their spectacular debut 'Days Are Gone', 'STTY' is still a solid record worthy of some plays that would perfectly fit this summer's hot breeze. For their sophomore effort, the Haim sisters have adopted a poppier sound (still tinged with guitars and drums tho) and are out for the kill! The first five tracks of the album are just perfectly fitting, although some songs of the second half feel like fillers ('Found it in SIlence' is not exactly my favourite). The album is pretty great, and HAIM still sound like themselves even when they're experimenting and expanding their musical grasp.
    Essential tracks: 'Right Now', "Want You Back', 'Nothing's Wrong', 'Ready For You', and the heartfelt closer 'Night So Long'.
  21. Jul 11, 2017
    Not a bad album by any means, just disappointing. The production is great as expected,
    and the album holds together very well, but the big hooks that made Days Are Gone so great are mostly missing IMO. I think we had already heard the best songs of the album before it even came out. Standouts for me are Want You Back, Little Of Your Love, Walking Away and You Never Knew.
  22. Jul 8, 2017
    I really enjoyed Days Are Gone and had high expectations for this album. After the first listen I was pretty disappointed, but this album has definitely grown on me. The style is a bit different. It's happier and a bit more laid back. There aren't as many standout tracks, but the album is overall more consistent, so if you like one of the songs, you're probably going to like them all. I doI really enjoyed Days Are Gone and had high expectations for this album. After the first listen I was pretty disappointed, but this album has definitely grown on me. The style is a bit different. It's happier and a bit more laid back. There aren't as many standout tracks, but the album is overall more consistent, so if you like one of the songs, you're probably going to like them all. I do wish there were more dramatic songs, but if you're in the mood for a simple summer album, Something To Tell You gets the job done well.

    Standout track: Nothing's Wrong
  23. Jul 7, 2017
    Here's the thing, after four years you would hope there would be some evolution from Haim's sledgehammer debut, "Days Are Gone" but that is not the case. But there are more "buts." But is it truly such a bad thing that their signature sound is making it's return in to the orbit of music? Haim make some incredible Wilson Phillps and Michael Jackson futuristic fusion pop that never leavesHere's the thing, after four years you would hope there would be some evolution from Haim's sledgehammer debut, "Days Are Gone" but that is not the case. But there are more "buts." But is it truly such a bad thing that their signature sound is making it's return in to the orbit of music? Haim make some incredible Wilson Phillps and Michael Jackson futuristic fusion pop that never leaves the ears. There are certainly some developments of these influences *but* "Something to Tell You" does not have a distinct difference from it's predecessor enough to feel that it has topped the previous album's perfectly filled niche. Expand
  24. Jul 10, 2017
    (72/100) Sort of repetitive but really catchy. This album is kind of far from their debut album, starting with the fact that is more pop than rock. They did a really good job with the voices in every song, giving it a sound experience that is joyful. Also, those sounds from the pop music from 80's and 90's work really well in almost every tune. The problem with this album is that they are(72/100) Sort of repetitive but really catchy. This album is kind of far from their debut album, starting with the fact that is more pop than rock. They did a really good job with the voices in every song, giving it a sound experience that is joyful. Also, those sounds from the pop music from 80's and 90's work really well in almost every tune. The problem with this album is that they are really soft with what they're trying to say in their lyrics and it feels some kind of sweet and soft (even when it is not), but the real problem here is that they get repetitive in nearly all songs, specially in the chorus. By and large, this album has good ideas carried out, but those ideas does not work in all of the songs, making these album sort of stodgy at some point of the path. Expand
  25. Jul 7, 2017
    It's pretty solid, but missing some of the charm of DAG. Many potentially-catchy riffs have been smothered in production that is almost too good, and drowned out by repetitive lyrics. I think quite a lot of fans will notice. Hoped for something a bit stronger after the 4 year interval. Still, love this band, and the record will probably be a lot of fun live.
  26. Jul 7, 2017
    Something To Tell You is far from being a bad album, but also it's not as good as Days Are Gone. HAIM sounds mature & grown four years after the debut LP, but not how you'd expect from these girls. While Days Are Gone was energetic and joyful, Something To Tell You is warm and, sometimes, boring.
  27. Aug 9, 2017
    As someone who loves the band's first record, Days Are Gone, I was excited to hear from the Haim sisters again. And for the most part I was pleased with what I heard. Want You Back is one of the group's best songs and the first half of the album is fantastic. Unfortunately it's one of those albums that is front loaded, as the second half is bogged down with horrible production choices orAs someone who loves the band's first record, Days Are Gone, I was excited to hear from the Haim sisters again. And for the most part I was pleased with what I heard. Want You Back is one of the group's best songs and the first half of the album is fantastic. Unfortunately it's one of those albums that is front loaded, as the second half is bogged down with horrible production choices or just banal ballads that really kills the harmonies of the sister's vocals. It's not bad, but it's a shame really considering how tight the band is Expand
  28. Aug 15, 2017
    Instead of emulating a fun past, they emulated the dull present, with empty and somewhat whiny textures along with short and all too obvious pacing, making this an underwhelming and lackluster work despite no song being dangerously intrusive or particularly ugly. My Score: 102/180 (Okay) = 5.7/10
  29. May 19, 2018
    I think I like it, generally. There are songs that I really love like "Want You Back" and "You Never Knew", but there are also some that are too forgettable to remember. It's a nice album to jam to, but not an album to obsess over. It's okay, give it a listen or two, cause it's not by any means bad, just something that I'd rather spend less time over something else.
  30. Sep 16, 2019
    They seemed like they would have a promising carrer,but this was the album that had the opportunity to cement these girls,and disappointed.
    Their next album may be better,but I'm not too excited about it.
  31. Jul 8, 2017
    Competent, inoffensive and very obviously (and overly) focused-grouped. The songwriting suffers by comparison to the debut, and all the studio trickery is an obvious attempt to mitigate that.
  32. Jul 25, 2017
    Even having strong songs such as "Want you back" and "Little of your love", Something to tell You is just OK. Like, at some part of the album, it gets very tiring.
  33. Mar 4, 2018
    "Something To Tell You" fails to break the high standard its predecessor "Days Are Gone" set. This new HAIM album feels like it was released unfinished. Highlights like "Little Of Your Love", "Ready For You" and "Want You Back" are easily forgotten after listening to the high amount of uninteresting filler songs on "Something To Tell You".

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 30
  2. Negative: 1 out of 30
  1. Aug 24, 2017
    Something to Tell You doesn’t attempt anything new and keeps it safe, though, and when your best track is yet another sanitized extract of Tango in the Night, well, that’s not saying much.
  2. Jul 19, 2017
    The ways they refashioned vintage pop on Days Are Gone felt risky, but Something to Tell You offers safer, smaller pleasures.
  3. Jul 13, 2017
    The band is smart, then, to play to their strengths on Something to Tell You: experiments at small scale.