
Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 4 out of 16
  1. 50
    While convincingly earnest and certainly ambitious, the result is formulaic, and lacks the free-wheelin', soulful magic of the original
    "Learning How to Smile" has compelling subject matter in its reminiscence of love among the white trash ruins, but its climactic strings and cheery chords feel like a theme song to the latest WB teen-sex drama.
  3. Songs From an American Movie sounds orchestral and homespun at once: Lustrous, fancy strings on one song give way to a slap-happy ukulele on the next. Yet it's too much of both and not enough of either.
  4. 40
    It's unfortunate, then, that most of Vol.1 winds up sounding like rejected Aerosmith ballads. Which is to say, epic, overproduced anthems made to accompany Ben Affleck anthropomorphizing animal crackers on Liv Tyler's stomach.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. j30
    Feb 1, 2012
    A change for the worse. Maybe So Much For The Afterglow got to Everclear's head a little bit not knowing where to head next. How I miss theA change for the worse. Maybe So Much For The Afterglow got to Everclear's head a little bit not knowing where to head next. How I miss the Sparkle and Fade days. Full Review »
  2. daven
    Sep 22, 2006
    Someone once told me that they thought all of Everclear's songs sounded the same. That person has obviously never listened to their CDs Someone once told me that they thought all of Everclear's songs sounded the same. That person has obviously never listened to their CDs in their entirety. "World of Noise" was their best best Screaming Trees/Nirvana impression. The following "Sparkle and Fade" was them cleaning up their sound for a more mainstream grunge sound. "So Much for the Afterglow" incorporated pop for the first time into the mix. "Vol. 1" strips grunge in its entirety to result in a complete pop, almost Beatles-esque sound. The results are mostly good, with some tracks just not hitting home. This is no "So Much for the Afterglow" and "Sparkle and Fade" has a slight edge, but its still another solid release from a solid band. Full Review »
  3. LukeJ
    May 18, 2006
    This album.. infact all everclear albums are awesome in thier own right. i am myself a muscian i an succeful band, and i feel that every This album.. infact all everclear albums are awesome in thier own right. i am myself a muscian i an succeful band, and i feel that every single song on this/all everyclear albums are totally clever in the writing and performance.. apart from two tracks that i feel should never of made thier discography.. but im not gonna go into the bad. this album has given me many a good listen and will till the day i die. the lyrics are potent and real, the music compliments the mood and each song takes you on a journey. Those who put down everclear for part 1 and 2 of this album are simpletons and do not realise what everclear was trying to achieve. where can you go after such success? they were trying something different. and personally i commend thier efforts. if you are looking for a great album full of emotion and personal experience to make you feel your not the only person who hurts and wants things to change in this world. then this is the album for you. its my life all over, it will most probably be yours. i just hope that everclear arnt dead forever. Full Review »