by U2
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 191 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 40 out of 191
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  1. Dec 1, 2017
    What happened U2? This album sounds like something Maroon 5 would be ashamed of. They've been progressively getting worse with every album after Pop. Still love 'em live.
  2. Dec 1, 2017
    U2 evolves from album to album, never settling to do quite the same thing twice.

    Songs of Experience is a slightly dark, but joyous and thrilling experience. Qualities that endeared the masterpiece which is Achtung Baby to me. Songs of Experience has the same effect, achieved it in a new way.

    Another masterpiece!
  3. Jan 12, 2018
    A vastly underrated effort. In my opinion, among their best work without Eno or Lanois. Less bloated than its far inferior predecessor -- they are not trying to pull a hit single out of every track "Revolver" style. Also it feels as their most "edge" album since Zooropa. Very satisfying!
  4. Dec 21, 2017
    U2 continue to do what they’ve always done and find inspiration through politics and love, though this individual passion project shows an absence of musical care and reliance on intuition over potential, which still produced some forceful choruses and nice delicate guitar textures to make it more enjoyable than much of today’s popular market. My Score: 129/180 (Good) = 7.2/10
  5. Dec 10, 2017
    U2 clearly have no sense of direction left otherwise they wouldn't put their name to an album like this.

    I've been a fan from the beginning, but no longer. I'm done.
  6. VDS
    Dec 1, 2017
    I don’t know this band anymore. To say they’re not what they were is a gross understatement. The well ran dry a long time ago, and they stopped trying after Pop failed. From there on it’s been a downward spiral, each new album marking the next embarrassing step on the path of talentless money.

    Dodgy lyrics have always plagued them, but here, blimey it’s all cringeworthy. The bass might
    I don’t know this band anymore. To say they’re not what they were is a gross understatement. The well ran dry a long time ago, and they stopped trying after Pop failed. From there on it’s been a downward spiral, each new album marking the next embarrassing step on the path of talentless money.

    Dodgy lyrics have always plagued them, but here, blimey it’s all cringeworthy. The bass might be turned right up on most tracks, but it can’t hide the terror of Red Flag Day, Get Out Of Your Own Way, You’re The Best Thing…where’s the energy, the urgency and the balls to try something new? Their collective accountants and bank managers will quite like this record, first off because it’s bland bank manager music, and secondly because it’ll probably sell to completist fans and Cold Play devotees.

    Back in the day, I feel they would have laughed at songs like The Showman. Poor old MacPhisto must be turning in his grave if he’s unlucky enough to hear The Little Things That Give You Away. The whole album’s like a collection of very dodgy B-sides.

    It’s a shame to see how the once mighty have fallen. Stadiums everywhere prepare to be battered by this rubbish, and the usual back catalogue of hits that will mark another globe trotting money grab.

    Songs Of Experience, and the experience is bad.
  7. Dec 9, 2017
    The positive reviews must surely come from die hard fans only. While I'm not exactly a fan, I have admired some of U2's work, so am no hater by any means. This album, even after repeated listenings just left me cold.
  8. Dec 5, 2017
    U2 have been in decline for what seems like an eternity. 'Songs Of Experience' is in my opinion the sound of a band that has nothing left to offer. Time to call it a day boys.
  9. Dec 6, 2017
    I tried listening through a couple more times. I found the songs dragging and listless. Amateurish. Most of the songs, the arrangements and the production killed it. Not at all sounding like the greatest rock band in the world. Most songs seemed to start slow and never rocked me. Oh boy Bono. You didn’t carry your end here. You’ve lost touch to think these lyrics were good. They have to beI tried listening through a couple more times. I found the songs dragging and listless. Amateurish. Most of the songs, the arrangements and the production killed it. Not at all sounding like the greatest rock band in the world. Most songs seemed to start slow and never rocked me. Oh boy Bono. You didn’t carry your end here. You’ve lost touch to think these lyrics were good. They have to be local and specific. You’ve written some of the greatest lyrics of all time. You start getting philosophical and they...well they sound like this... They once had a method for build ups and kick ass choruses. Verses you wished you wrote and loved to sing out loud. I didn’t get that this time. I love an ingenious U2 ballad too. They were ok. No “it’s a wonderful day” energy. No rocking like the “Sunday Bloody Sunday” gritty kick ass drum sound. “You’re the best thing about me” had potential but then went disco-ish for the bridge. A maybe song fumbled. “Get our of your own way” was blah and the lyrics were really lame. “Red Flag Day” was ok. I had to wait real long for it but it finally rocked a little with a strong ending. “The little things you give away” had that old school Edge and U2 sound but it was barely a shadow of a flashback.I know this is another era. I know they’ve worked for years at changing it up and growing ala their idols The Beatles. I just didn’t find one song that I could crank that brought that U2 energy and rocked the house. Don’t get me too wrong. There are great songs on here that, to me, as a life fan, just didn’t get to that energy level they can bring like no one else. A great song has great verses, choruses, bridges. ABACAB. They’d get one part and blow the next part of the song. Or the lyrics were distracting. Maybe it was the production. I wanted to be wowed and blown out with brand new songs. I’m embarrassed for them. They’ve jumped the shark. Expand
  10. Dec 4, 2017
    Another cynical, joyless arena/corporate rock offering from a once inventive band. U2 have been steadily going down hill for years but this is arguably a career nadir.
  11. Dec 6, 2017
    The biggest issue with this album is the production, which partially strips the band of its 'U2ness' in pursuit of a more pop sound. Perhaps some of the lyrics are also a bit much. However, the songs here are still overwhelmingly U2, and written in the anthemic way only U2 can manage. I agree with a critic who cited this as a "late career classic"; the songs draw fittingly upon the soundThe biggest issue with this album is the production, which partially strips the band of its 'U2ness' in pursuit of a more pop sound. Perhaps some of the lyrics are also a bit much. However, the songs here are still overwhelmingly U2, and written in the anthemic way only U2 can manage. I agree with a critic who cited this as a "late career classic"; the songs draw fittingly upon the sound that U2 has developed and perfected over the past 40 years. U2, and more particularly Bono, have no shortage of critics. However for the moaning that one hears about them 'selling out' theres an impressive lack of evidence. I have never seen a band stick more closely to it's guns after such a long career than U2. Expand
  12. Dec 8, 2017
    I hate to trash one of the greatest bands of all time, but this is another embarrassment to their legacy. I had to go back and listen to War just to get the taste out of my mouth.
  13. MES
    Dec 15, 2017
    I'm sort of shocked by some of the haters out there. While I'm not a huge U2 fan, I am a fan of well-constructed, thoughtful and tuneful music. U2 scores on all three counts. While I liked No Line and Songs of Innocence, this album is far superior. There is almost no filler (not a fan of Landlady, but some good lyrics). The rest of the songs boast compelling lyrics, catchy melodiesI'm sort of shocked by some of the haters out there. While I'm not a huge U2 fan, I am a fan of well-constructed, thoughtful and tuneful music. U2 scores on all three counts. While I liked No Line and Songs of Innocence, this album is far superior. There is almost no filler (not a fan of Landlady, but some good lyrics). The rest of the songs boast compelling lyrics, catchy melodies and unassailable musicianship. I consider this album one of the top 10 of the year. It doesn't break any molds or trailblaze like the work of Kendrick Lamar (who appears on this album), David Bowie or Frank Ocean, but this is U2 at the top of their game and no one can argue that their game is anything less than stellar. I think history will view this album as one of their strongest ones.....but then, history is slow to pass any judgments. Expand
  14. Dec 11, 2017
    I bought JT on the day it was released and I was listening to nothing but this band for years prior. It pains me to say that they may have finally reached Bono's oft referenced point of no longer being relevant. The Sonic Architect (Edge) of the band is no longer breaking new ground and Bono's lyrics are as painful as listening to him speak in an interview (platitudes anyone?). TheI bought JT on the day it was released and I was listening to nothing but this band for years prior. It pains me to say that they may have finally reached Bono's oft referenced point of no longer being relevant. The Sonic Architect (Edge) of the band is no longer breaking new ground and Bono's lyrics are as painful as listening to him speak in an interview (platitudes anyone?). The production work is obvious and overwrought and nothing here qualifies as experimental. Every previous U2 had something positive to offset what I didn't like, but I'm struggling with this one. Expand
  15. Apr 6, 2018
    The internet would have you believe U2 are the most hated band in the world. Their ticket sales and to a slighty lesser extent, album sales suggest another story. I liked many elements of its predecessor, "Songs of Innocence" although I felt the songs came across far better when played live than on the record with a mix of producers resulting in a inconsistent feel. Having been a huge fanThe internet would have you believe U2 are the most hated band in the world. Their ticket sales and to a slighty lesser extent, album sales suggest another story. I liked many elements of its predecessor, "Songs of Innocence" although I felt the songs came across far better when played live than on the record with a mix of producers resulting in a inconsistent feel. Having been a huge fan for 20 years plus I was always going to be looking forward to this album even though I can't say I was blown away by the first 2 singles (the albums only truly poor song "The Blackout" and the sanitised Stones sounding "You're The Best Thing About Me"). I did like "Get Out Of Your Own Way" though and when I finally got to hear the full album I found the rest of the material far more interesting and emotive. "The Little Things That Give You Away" ranks among the bands best songs and the album deserves to be heard for this track alone. "Lights of Home", "Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way" and "Landlady" are other tracks that build to a point where the listener is truly sucked in. "Summer of Love" and "Red Flag Day" at the centre of the album are other highlights. Essentially, if you took off a few of the lead singles, the album demonstrates a surprising level of brilliance considering how many miles are on the clock for the band. In summary, it's not perfect and it's not necessarily fresh but it does have some of their strongest work in decades. Unusually for these lads, the second half of the album is the stronger side in my own humble opinion. It's bursting with tunes and melody and I love that. Music is all about enjoyment and "Songs of Experience" has bought me a lot of that. Expand
  16. Jan 22, 2018
    I witnessed with horror over the years as U2 and Coldplay were heading towards each other, colliding like the andromoder galaxy into the milky way, but U2 have now just gone further and sound more like Coldplay than Coldplay.
  17. Dec 1, 2017
    What a beautiful album this is. Full of great melodies, lyrics and vocals. No band should be writing songs this good 40 years into their career. Bono sings like a 20 year old on this record. The Edge does a great job of holding the songs together with some very neat and minimalist guitar parts. The rhythm section sounds very solid, specially the bass parts. All in all I would say thisWhat a beautiful album this is. Full of great melodies, lyrics and vocals. No band should be writing songs this good 40 years into their career. Bono sings like a 20 year old on this record. The Edge does a great job of holding the songs together with some very neat and minimalist guitar parts. The rhythm section sounds very solid, specially the bass parts. All in all I would say this ranks as one of their best. One of the few albums I have liked on just the first listen. Stand out songs for me are the breathtaking "Little things that give you away" which I cannot get out my head right now. Some other highlights are "Love is all we have left", "Red flag day", "Landlady", "Summer of love" and "Lights of home". Expand
  18. Dec 4, 2017
    Awful from start to finish. The lyrics are hilarious (unintentionally of course), the hooks and melodies are lifeless and derivative, and the overall messages are equal parts trite and insufferable.
  19. Dec 8, 2017
    U2 have been treading water for a long time now but with Songs Of Experience I think they've finally gone under. Maybe all they care about now is filling stadiums and making money from the unwavering 'faithful' content to listen to anything they put out; even rubbish like this.
  20. Dec 14, 2017
    Is like a "Guilty Pleasure" U2 Album, seeing the Standard of U2 Albums, and before others U2 Fans criticize me, i'm not even talking about U2 Very Famous Standard Quality albums like The Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby.

    Because for me "All That You Can't Leave Behind" & "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" is two U2 Masterpiece for 21st Century. But talking on the good side of this record, me
    Is like a "Guilty Pleasure" U2 Album, seeing the Standard of U2 Albums, and before others U2 Fans criticize me, i'm not even talking about U2 Very Famous Standard Quality albums like The Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby.

    Because for me "All That You Can't Leave Behind" & "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" is two U2 Masterpiece for 21st Century. But talking on the good side of this record, me like "an old U2 fan" i see A Slight improvement against the last album SOI that for me and my family that also is huge old U2 fans is almost U2 "Rock Bottom", Songs Of Innocence is half saved of a total disaster thanks to 4 or 5 good songs what to make worse is basically on the first side of album.

    SOE is Slight improvement to SOI, and is almost on the Standard of NLOTH, But in Resume U2 still can not return to their his time of glory.

    Doesn't need to make another TJT or AB, like U2 most new fans wrongly thinks that "We Wanted" We that are U2 most critics fans of recent years and equally critics of their last albums.
    i clearly know that U2 still can not reach the High Standard that they reached in All That You Can't Leave Behind 2000 and How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb 2004 albums.

    Apart for great lyrics of course tracks like "American Soul" "Lights of Home" "Raised by Wolves" "Volcano" "This is where you can reach me now" "Sleep Like a baby Tonight" is some of U2 "Worst songs of recent years". Very bad awful and uninspired melodies.

    Don't forget that U2 reach the Well Deserved slogan "of the Greatest and Best band of world", only because of their Great lyrics but also because of their Great and Beautiful melodies, and are in this last and highly important aspect that U2 Come Sinning Lately.
  21. Dec 12, 2017
    I quite enjoyed the singles that preceded this album, and listening to it through its a cohesive album. The tracks have the classic U2 sound but with some contemporary touches and great tunes. The album rewards repeated listens. Standout tracks for me were "Love Is All We Have Left", "You're The Best Thing About Me", "Get Out of Your Own Way" and "Red Flag Day", but I don't think there areI quite enjoyed the singles that preceded this album, and listening to it through its a cohesive album. The tracks have the classic U2 sound but with some contemporary touches and great tunes. The album rewards repeated listens. Standout tracks for me were "Love Is All We Have Left", "You're The Best Thing About Me", "Get Out of Your Own Way" and "Red Flag Day", but I don't think there are any duds. There have been some negative reviews but from what I've seen they're either people who expected another Joshua Tree or alternatively some completely fresh new sound (unnamed). Listening on its own terms, a very enjoyable album. Expand
  22. Dec 3, 2017
    U2 have reached their Rolling Stones phase, in that it has been a long time since they made a great album, every release has 2 or 3 good songs on it, but the rest is filler. The Kendrick Lamar rap at the beginning of American Soul made me feel embarassed for U2, Its a shame because this was once a great band but now they are a cabaret act.
  23. Dec 2, 2017
    The songs they released as singles are the only good ones, Mediocre album with 2 good songs. A lot of "samey" sounding songs as well. U2 should hang up the guitar straps.
  24. Dec 1, 2017
    After a few lesser albums with NLOTH and SOI, U2 punches back with the late career classic that SOE is. While it doesn't contain any catchy hit single like Elevation or Vertigo, the album is very strong as a whole without any skip track. For me, the track American Soul is the worst of the record, but works well within the context of the album. Get out of your own way reminds of BeautifulAfter a few lesser albums with NLOTH and SOI, U2 punches back with the late career classic that SOE is. While it doesn't contain any catchy hit single like Elevation or Vertigo, the album is very strong as a whole without any skip track. For me, the track American Soul is the worst of the record, but works well within the context of the album. Get out of your own way reminds of Beautiful Day, while the finale of The little things that give you away reminds of the magnificent unreleased Mercy. The biggest winner from the album, however, is 13 (there is a light) which is U2's best album closer since Love is Blindness and is perhaps even better than that one.
    Of course, the album is not an Achtung Baby or a Joshua Tree, but that's something that no one could ever demand from a band that's already 40 years into business. Instead, SOE is a magnificent piece on its own, that should be cherished for what it is: A great cohesive album that 's produced by old rockers who still care about making great music. The many references to Songs of Innocence, some obvious (American Soul recycling parts of Volcano, 13 (there is a light) recycling parts of Song for Someone), some subtle (Lights of home, with lyrical connections to Iris) are very well done.
    When listening to the album, you will realise that the amount of emotions covered on this album is probably the largest U2 has ever covered on any album. And that's a big enough achievement for this album to get rated with 5 stars. Songs of Experience is therefore a truly joyful experience on its own, that should not let anyone with soul unmoved.
  25. Dec 1, 2017
    This is the bands finest collection of songs in 20 years. While it doesn't hit the highest peaks, it also doesn't reach the low points we've seen in albums like ATYCLB, Bomb and No Line on the Horizon. The amazing part is that there are SO many very, very good songs, in fact, its nearly impossible to choose a favorite. And only about 2 songs that I find to be good, but not great.
    Its an
    This is the bands finest collection of songs in 20 years. While it doesn't hit the highest peaks, it also doesn't reach the low points we've seen in albums like ATYCLB, Bomb and No Line on the Horizon. The amazing part is that there are SO many very, very good songs, in fact, its nearly impossible to choose a favorite. And only about 2 songs that I find to be good, but not great.
    Its an emotional album. Catchy songs with dark content, beautiful atmospheres we've not heard before.
    It's a late career classic
  26. Dec 1, 2017
    I was wary of this album based off the first few songs. Seemed slightly too commercial and overproduced. Upon listening to the album as a whole, my fears were unfounded. Coherent. Fresh. A Classic.
  27. Dec 1, 2017
    U2 have crafted their most lyrically, musically and emotionally nuanced album in 20 years.
    The collection of songs doesn’t only gloriously showcase U2’s return to form, but takes a new step forward that sees the band write songs that are deeply personal and musically and lyrically so perfectly married. It evoke emotions and expressions that i haven’t had listening to music in a long time
    U2 have crafted their most lyrically, musically and emotionally nuanced album in 20 years.
    The collection of songs doesn’t only gloriously showcase U2’s return to form, but takes a new step forward that sees the band write songs that are deeply personal and musically and lyrically so perfectly married. It evoke emotions and expressions that i haven’t had listening to music in a long time and certainly not today in the age of over produced synthetic sounding music.

    U2’s finest work this century, after All that you can’t leave behind.
  28. Dec 1, 2017
    Great album. Lots of great songs. Lights of Home, The Little Things That Give You Away and Landlady are superb songs. Album is a joy to listen and one of the best of 2017
  29. Dec 2, 2017
    Very solid Album. Probably the best of the new millennium. Edge is in the background for most of this album which will put out some guitar gunslingers. If you can get past that there are some great tunes here. One of the best surprises for me was The Showman. U2 is the Tom Hanks of rock and roll. What they do seems so effortless we forget how hard it is to pull off.
  30. Dec 8, 2017
    It's probably one of U2's best albums to come out in a while. For the first time in years, most of the songs are quite enjoyable and don't feel like filler. Since the "It's Cool to Hate U2" bandwagon still exists and iPhone users are still whining about freebie album from 3 years back, unfair criticisms are inevitable. There's also some fans that so naive to think a band that's been outIt's probably one of U2's best albums to come out in a while. For the first time in years, most of the songs are quite enjoyable and don't feel like filler. Since the "It's Cool to Hate U2" bandwagon still exists and iPhone users are still whining about freebie album from 3 years back, unfair criticisms are inevitable. There's also some fans that so naive to think a band that's been out for over 30 years will come out with an album on par with "The Joshua Tree" and "Actung Baby." So.... take the negative reviews with a grain of salt & listen to the album with realistic expectations.

    Songs to look out for: Lights of Home, Summer of Love, The Little Things That Give You Away, The Blackout, Love is Bigger than Anything In Its Way

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Jan 5, 2018
    The emotional climax of The Little Things That Give You Away is one of several moments that promise more than the album as a whole can deliver.
  2. Dec 19, 2017
    Songs of Experience, clicks into place more boldly than Songs of Innocence did three years ago. Tempos are alert, riffs punchy, melodies sharp. ... It’s also too bad the album’s second half gets stuck in pensive midtempo mode and never recovers.
  3. Dec 12, 2017
    It may not even share the same ambition as ‘No Line On The Horizon’ however, it’s an undeniable improvement on their two misfiring predecessors, marking this collection as their most cohesive and heartfelt in almost 15 years.