
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Aug 17, 2016
    Closer “Let’s Get Worn Away” manages to be more anchored with its sonic goals, able to shift through six or seven different phases to make it clear that Fec is aiming for a collage-like final product. Elsewhere though, Sweatbox Dynasty is mostly just composed of individual pieces of a collage, a mashup, a pastiche, whatever you want to call it.
  2. Aug 12, 2016
    Overflowing with gnarled pop melodies and stuttering beats, Sweatbox Dynasty may be decidedly askew, but the manipulations and distortions simply add character to what is in fact a very listenable album.
  3. Aug 5, 2016
    You need big dollops of generosity to accept that the numerous one-to-two-minute tracks here are anything more than sketches, but even if you’re willing, the likes of Wipeth Out and Dimensional Hum are still ugly--and worst of all, conservatively so.
  4. Aug 16, 2016
    It's doubtful Sweatbox Dynasty will make it into anyone's regular rotation, but Fec has no doubt carved himself out a cozy little corner of difficult trash music, and a visit now and then is worth the effort.

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