
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Deeply individualistic, dark and woebegotten, one can’t help but root for his continued presence seemingly regardless of his efforts.
  2. There’s a certain kind of magic going on here and it needs to be accounted for.
  3. Overall, Texas Rose, the Thaw, and the Beasts is a good mood record, a midnight opus that sounds great while it's playing but doesn't much travel with the listener beyond its runtime.
  4. Texas Rose, The Thaw and The Beasts is the closest Raposa has come to a straight country record. But he doesn't come that close, as all these players steer him further out on tangents rather than towards the middle. And the record is all the better for it.
  5. Texas Rose is moody and layered, and Raposa is adept at creating a world that is deep, enveloping, and enticing.
  6. Plaintive, spare, and narrative in approach, these songs--which seem to bookend the album--are among Raposa’s most affecting.
  7. Uncut
    This fifth album is an abstract fuzz of Floydian oddness and gothic not-quite-country. [Nov 2009, p.102]
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Jun 28, 2019
    I love every Castanets album, but this one is special. I’ve always said that Raposa makes records in which no hair is out of place; even onI love every Castanets album, but this one is special. I’ve always said that Raposa makes records in which no hair is out of place; even on Cathedral—spacious, open, spare, a little ramshackle—no snare kick or cymbal hit, key pressed or chord strummed, sounds as if it could exist in any other configuration (despite the often-wildly different arrangements Raposa and his rotating band members play during live shows). Texas Rose is a lush, full record, different Full Review »
  2. Ben
    Feb 1, 2010
    I'd written off Castanets a few albums back, but randomly gave this a listen. And I'm SO glad that I did. It's an excellent I'd written off Castanets a few albums back, but randomly gave this a listen. And I'm SO glad that I did. It's an excellent bunch of songs, and one of the most underrated albums of 2009. Full Review »