• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Feb 19, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Apr 4, 2016
    Maybe his previous effort, 2013's I Am, flowed better and came with more of a sense of purpose, but this loose LP is still well above satisfying and features highlights that stand with the man's best.
  2. Mar 7, 2016
    The Art of Hustle is about more than misleading filters, though: it’s a thorough testament to how and why Gotti has carried the banner for Memphis since 2005: “Law,” featuring E-40, is superbly ageless.
  3. Feb 29, 2016
    The Art of Hustle finds Yo Gotti sticking to his roots. His street-acclaimed catalog is what got him here in the first place and the project doesn’t veer off course.
  4. Feb 29, 2016
    Aside from its individual weaknesses, as a whole, The Art of Hustle doesn’t feel very intentional; it’s a collection of songs more than a body of work.
  5. Feb 29, 2016
    Unfortunately, The Art of Hustle is mostly forgettable as a major-label rap record, but it bears out a teachable truth about Gotti's career: sometimes showing up is more than half the battle.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 5 out of 13
  1. Feb 17, 2017
    This is terrible. The beats are 90% all the same and extremely predictable, it's like I'm listening to just one long song. The features onThis is terrible. The beats are 90% all the same and extremely predictable, it's like I'm listening to just one long song. The features on this are extremely weak, from Lil' Wayne's efforts to get into mumble rap and failing miserably, to Future's embarrassing completely off-key singing, to 2Chainz's unmemorable verse (I wouldn't even notice that he was on the record if it weren't written in the title of the song), and finally towards the "good"-old Nicki Minaj **** **** completely boring verse. Even if Gotti had good intentions or ideas his performance is utterly bad. Lyrics are bad, delivery is non-existent, and flow doesn't exist in the realm of this record. Apart from that, there are two good songs, the opening track "My City" which features great vocals by K. Michelle and almost spoken word poetry form Gotti. Also the title track "The Art of Hustle" is a good one, with a nice beat, but I was always on the edge of my seat waiting for Gotti to **** up this track as well but surprisingly he didn't. Overall, I have nothing against trap or even mumble rap but I do have a **** of things against simply bad music. Try harder! Full Review »