• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 15, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 57
  2. Negative: 12 out of 57
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  1. Feb 21, 2019
    When I first listen to the G-Eazy's the Beautiful and Damned back when it first came out I remember liking the album back then in 2017. However, looking back at The Beautiful and Damned its save to say that this album is just another generic rapper that made a double album and pretending that G-Eazy is still a big deal in today's hip hop when in reality he's not. He's not even a goodWhen I first listen to the G-Eazy's the Beautiful and Damned back when it first came out I remember liking the album back then in 2017. However, looking back at The Beautiful and Damned its save to say that this album is just another generic rapper that made a double album and pretending that G-Eazy is still a big deal in today's hip hop when in reality he's not. He's not even a good rapper; he's like a hit or miss type of rapper. There are a few good songs though that I thought was dope. I still like the song "No Limit featuring Cardi B and A$AP Rocky" the beat on this song was on fire, and I thought that song was dope in my opinion. I even still liked "The Plan," "Summer in December," "Charles Brown," "No Less" and the last song on the album "Eazy." However there were a couple of song on the album I once liked, but looking back those songs were just stupid, like the songs "But a Dream", "Leviathan", "That's a Lot," "gotdamn", "love is gone", "Mama Always Told Me", and even "Him and I featuring Halsey" were just one of those songs that I once liked when I first listened to them, but today looking back at these songs they were so cheesy. And there are a couple of forgettable songs on the album were "Pick Me Up Featuring Anna of the North," "Legend" and "Fly Away" which by the way is still one of the worst songs of the album. G-Eazy kind of improves his rapping skills and his flow is ok, but he fails to improve his bars from his last album. I honestly don't even know what I was thinking back then when I thought The Beautiful and Damned was an underrated album back in 2017. This album is nothing but another generic album made by a generic rapper with the same generic beats, the same corny bars from his last album, and it didn't need to be a double disc album either. I'm one of those people who enjoyed lyrical rapper who can speak clearly when it comes to rapping, G-Eazy is not one of those Lyrical Rappers that I like. I mean if you somehow a fan of G-Eazy and you loved the Beautiful and Damned that fine, I got no problem against that opinion. So in the end, I didn't hate the album I just figured it could have been a lot better in my opinion. This album is ok; it's not great, it's not terrible, it's ok. 4/10 Expand
  2. Dec 21, 2018
    G-Eazy without his production would be nothing, only two songs can be taken as "good" with Charlie Puth and Halsey. A rapper who may be saturated even without being so successful. The album can be heard, but anyone with a strong rap connection will find it awful.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Jan 4, 2018
    His take on rap’s current go-to themes of drug dependency, joyless sex and the double-edged sword of success feels stale and smug.
  2. Dec 21, 2017
    There are no insights to be found here about prestige, depression, or dependency. The whole thing is unbelievably dour and boring.
  3. Dec 21, 2017
    With an inspired guest list and excellent production, The Beautiful & Damned is a satisfying artistic accomplishment that cautions as much as it seduces.