• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Feb 22, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 163 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 10 out of 163

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  1. jimmyjimonejim
    Feb 22, 2005
    Don't listen to some critics who obviously haven't really listened to this record! Easy listenening and yet artistically very ambicious, the beekeeper proves that Ms. Amos is still at her best. The songs are very diverse from the groovy sweet the sting to the powerful barons of suburbia, very melodic (as usual) and the lyrics prove again the poetical talents of the artist.
  2. KevinB
    Mar 16, 2005
    The best Amos to date! What a wonderful return!
  3. CatherineM
    Mar 22, 2005
    Some critics are afraid of Tori. I believe this her best album to date! She is the most underrated female musician. I have been a devoted Tori fan since Little Earthquakes. No one writes music like she does. With the, shallow, undeveloped music that has been on the radio and well reviewed albums of artist who couldn
  4. PaulaK
    Mar 25, 2005
    I have been following Tori for years. This album is fabulous. The only down fall is that it doesn"t have any big new edge to it. But she has done that for years! I like this album because it is lyrically Beautiful. He vocals are sharp, moving, ON KEY and full of life and every emotion she feels. That is what I love about Tori. I am always transcended to a new place when I give her a listen!
  5. Mike
    Mar 9, 2005
    For the first few days I only would have given this a "4" but then it TOTALLY grew on me and I think it is a masterpiece. The expanded version with the DVD of Tori explaining the influence for many of the songs is a must. Marys of the Sea is really the centerpiece of the whole thing.
  6. DavidHatfieldTheHallowmoniumGuy
    May 8, 2005
    Tori! Tori! Tori! She's the Bomb.
  7. jyotirmayad
    May 9, 2006
    Thhis is a wonderful effort by Tori Amos who has been at it for over a decade. A rare feat for any band/artist. It is a very enjoyable listen.
  8. gavs
    Jul 2, 2006
    fabulous, one of the best albums ever for lyrics, it touches on british cornish legends, and as extreme as legendary tales of down and outs, while singing about a painting in the midst!!, and everything in between, this album is now in my car as it effects me in a nice way everytime i listen,
  9. TonyW.
    Aug 5, 2007
    At it's worst, on this album Tori's voice is beautiful and the songs have attractive melodies. At its best it makes my hair stand on end. If she has 'sold out' here then i for one am grateful, cos i didn't get a lot of the obscure other stuff; but i don't think we've seen everything yet.
  10. AdrielA
    Feb 22, 2005
    This is Tori's best album since "from the choirgirl Hotel."
  11. ScottM
    Feb 22, 2005
    Tori Amos is a true artist. Her ability to incorporate the changes happening within her soul into her music is extraordinary, as is her unbelievable ability to write heartbreakingly beautiful melodies. Like all of her albums, this one takes a few listens before you get hooked in. I think basically this is because of the complexity of her writing. Once you're hooked, though, Tori Amos is a true artist. Her ability to incorporate the changes happening within her soul into her music is extraordinary, as is her unbelievable ability to write heartbreakingly beautiful melodies. Like all of her albums, this one takes a few listens before you get hooked in. I think basically this is because of the complexity of her writing. Once you're hooked, though, you're hooked in a big way. I find that her lyrics here are the most straightfoward they've ever been -- even more so than on Little Earthquakes. It's a relief to listen to her music and not be distracted by thinking "why did she just say 'if i lose my cracker jacks in the tidal wave i've got a place in the pope's rubber robe??'". Especially moving are "The Power of Orange Knickers (which i think should have been titled either "terrorist" or "kiss", so as not to alienate all of the critics and most of the would-be fans), Ribbons Undone, and Witness. The music has an etheral, smoothed out vibe to it. In her new book Amos talks about marrying the sacred and the profane through her music, and from the sound of it, that's what's happened within her own wild, unique, sensual being. Expand
  12. MatthewM
    Feb 22, 2005
    I have spun this album for over a month now and for anyone rushing to call this mammoth masterpiece anything else, I say only to give it time. Beguiling chanteuse and kooky-creature labels aside, this is an intricate piece of work with songs that, unlike the disposalbe rubbish flooding MTV and Top 40 radio, takes repeat listens to engage fully. Organs humming, gospel choirs surging, I have spun this album for over a month now and for anyone rushing to call this mammoth masterpiece anything else, I say only to give it time. Beguiling chanteuse and kooky-creature labels aside, this is an intricate piece of work with songs that, unlike the disposalbe rubbish flooding MTV and Top 40 radio, takes repeat listens to engage fully. Organs humming, gospel choirs surging, pointed lyrics about terrorism and how our relationships are a magnification of the world at large Expand
  13. ArmenS
    Feb 27, 2005
    Beauty is evident here in many layers.
  14. IanR
    Mar 14, 2005
    The tracks just floated by me for the first three plays. However, the songs grow on you. There is little of the turbulance of earlier material collections, but is that a sin? Not to these ears. You can still feel a searching spirit in her songs and the beautiful melodies and tricky time signatures remain with,perhaps a litle added simplicity. Wonderful.
  15. ConnyG
    May 18, 2005
    I think is one of the best albums of Tori, I can notice an evolution without being a "rare experiment", Tori is a godness!
  16. JakeP
    Jan 17, 2006
    Tori Amos is a living goddess. Only those who have a very high understanding of art can comprehend or accept her new album. It's not as bad as you think! Just because Tori has mellowed-out doesn't mean she has lost her edge! Read between the lines of her songs!
  17. ianm
    Feb 22, 2005
    This album is a beautiful, tender and thought-provoking essay on current events and how they affect us all. Love, loss, anger and dissappointment are nothing new to any artist, and certainly not for Tori, and still she finds a new voice, a more mature voice than the petulant, angry, young goddess of years passed. This grown woman still has much to say, but she has now realized that a calm This album is a beautiful, tender and thought-provoking essay on current events and how they affect us all. Love, loss, anger and dissappointment are nothing new to any artist, and certainly not for Tori, and still she finds a new voice, a more mature voice than the petulant, angry, young goddess of years passed. This grown woman still has much to say, but she has now realized that a calm voice will go farther than a scream. Be advised, the sting may be sweet, but it is still a sting, nonetheless. Expand
  18. StephenC
    Feb 28, 2005
    I long awaited album. I love it.
  19. shawns
    Mar 11, 2005
    I just have to say one thing ...Tori I love this cd
  20. JamieH
    Mar 23, 2005
    This could be my favorite Tori album over-all. Song for song, I think this is her strongest outing. She has individual songs on other albums that are stronger, but just slightly. "Jamaica Inn," "Parasol," "Sleeps with Butterfiles"--they are all positively amazing, top-notch songs! I didn't know if she had another album like this in her.... Wow!
  21. MikeH
    Apr 22, 2005
    Art is art whether some people approve of it or not. Being able to create music is complicated enough. This album is really beautiful, all of the songs with one exception (hoochie). I suppose though, Tori is an acquired taste. I just don't understand why some people are so violently dissapointed. Even if it doesn't appeal to you, you can't deny that it is real, complex, and Art is art whether some people approve of it or not. Being able to create music is complicated enough. This album is really beautiful, all of the songs with one exception (hoochie). I suppose though, Tori is an acquired taste. I just don't understand why some people are so violently dissapointed. Even if it doesn't appeal to you, you can't deny that it is real, complex, and original. Expand
  22. Taylor
    May 17, 2006
    I'm a Tori fan and from listening to almost all of her songs I think that this is one of her better albums. I like all of her music, but I think this album has exceptional melodies and if you're a huge fan its easy to read into the lyrics (which is what listening to Tori is all about!). There will always be the lovers and the haters, but this album is definitley worth taking a I'm a Tori fan and from listening to almost all of her songs I think that this is one of her better albums. I like all of her music, but I think this album has exceptional melodies and if you're a huge fan its easy to read into the lyrics (which is what listening to Tori is all about!). There will always be the lovers and the haters, but this album is definitley worth taking a listen to! Expand
  23. Aug 15, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Underrated as Hell. It’s so soft and relaxing... I like this vibe and don’t understand the hate on this record Expand
  24. JasonW
    Feb 22, 2005
    Yes, it could be a little shorter. Yes, she could have rearranged it to make it less messy. However, this album is going to be hours and hours of entertainment. And like all Tori albums requires patience to cozy up to her multi-dimensional approach to songwriting.
  25. PJ
    Oct 30, 2005
    I was really very impressed by The Beekeeper. In light of some of the reviews in the press, it's true that some songs could perhaps have been dropped from the final cut to make an all round tighter set of songs, but that isn't to say that what's here isn't worthwhile. In fact, contrary to a lot of reviewers I think that despite running to 19 trakcs and nearly 80 I was really very impressed by The Beekeeper. In light of some of the reviews in the press, it's true that some songs could perhaps have been dropped from the final cut to make an all round tighter set of songs, but that isn't to say that what's here isn't worthwhile. In fact, contrary to a lot of reviewers I think that despite running to 19 trakcs and nearly 80 minutes of music, this album of striking, intellegent songs holds together extremely well. Musically, it's probably Amos' most immediately accessible album, with great melodies and choruses, intriguing but not impenetrable lyrics and a light, relaxed, jazzy mood maintained throughout. Her musicianship is, as ever, superb. All in all, I think this is one of her best albums to date. Expand
  26. JessicaB
    Feb 28, 2005
    I purchased this CD last night, and I've already listened to it five times. Usually, each cd that she creates is a separate entity, but in this album, I see glimpses of LE, Pele, etc. etc. There are a couple of songs that actually make me feel stupid for listening to them, Hoochie Woman, for example. But for the most part, I think this is a beautiful album. I enjoy a happy Tori. The I purchased this CD last night, and I've already listened to it five times. Usually, each cd that she creates is a separate entity, but in this album, I see glimpses of LE, Pele, etc. etc. There are a couple of songs that actually make me feel stupid for listening to them, Hoochie Woman, for example. But for the most part, I think this is a beautiful album. I enjoy a happy Tori. The title song, The Beekeeper, in my opinon makes the album worth purchasing in itself. And to all of those who say Tori should give it up... If Ashlee Simpson can have a record and a following, then by God, Motherly Tori can continue to put in her two cents! Expand
  27. MandyL
    Mar 30, 2005
    Not enough moaning and groaning in my opinion. Not Crazy enough, but a great ablum in and of itself. I just expect Tori to be more passionate. I hope she hits it more on tour. If this was the first Tori album I ever heard I would like it but I expect more from her! I still love her though, and she is forgiven!!
  28. AndyS.
    Apr 29, 2005
    Another solid, very pleasant effort from Tori.
  29. JyonahJ
    Nov 3, 2005
    Tori is my all time favourite artist - I know her work well. I rate this as Tori's best album since Venus and Back in 1999. Though less dramatic to Tori's earlier masterpiece albums, Bee Keeper is equal to all her best albums, except the immortal Boys for Pele. This album reflects her maturity after 12 years as at the top. Great work Tori, we've waited 6 years for this. Jyonah
  30. AndreaN
    Oct 14, 2005
    Metacritic's collection of reviews for this album suggests that it received soemwhat lukewarm reviews in the press. All of the press reviews I read seemed to be universally congratulatory, and in fact the only negative reviews I've heard come from her fans. There's no question that this album sounds different from other Amos albums, and I can see that some people might Metacritic's collection of reviews for this album suggests that it received soemwhat lukewarm reviews in the press. All of the press reviews I read seemed to be universally congratulatory, and in fact the only negative reviews I've heard come from her fans. There's no question that this album sounds different from other Amos albums, and I can see that some people might consider her music on this album to be "mellow", but I don't know that there is a "typical" Tori sound. She has been experimenting with her music since her first album, and one of the things I love about her is her ability to challenge herself and experiment with each new album. Her albums can be challenging, and sometimes her experiments don't succeed, but there is no question that overall her songwriting and production improves with each album. Unlike some other singers-songwriters who came out in the 90s (I'm thinkign of people like Sarah McLachlan), you get the sense that Tori Amos isn't afraid of trying new things and perhaps alienating some of her fans in the process. I'm looking forward to see what she produces on her next album. Expand
  31. Ben
    Feb 22, 2005
    A mature, sweeping album full of beautiful songs. Tori at her most toned done, yet most lush and intriguing.
  32. clocklear
    Feb 22, 2005
    Great Album! The best thing she's done in a while! This album really surprised me.
  33. KevinD
    Feb 22, 2005
    This is at times a staggeringly beautiful and unexpectedly sharp-layered album with a philosophical undertone. "The Power Of Orange Knickers", "Ireland" and the title track are immediate highlights!
  34. DavidV
    Feb 22, 2005
    Lyrics are back in top form, even if the album is long. While it wouldn't play into her concept for the album, three tracks could have been cut to improve the overall album.
  35. BradleyM
    Feb 24, 2005
    beautifully crafted, soul baring, a great album, one of her best
  36. MathewT
    Feb 27, 2005
    When i first heard Scarlet i was dissapointed by, what i originally viewed as Tori's decline into the dreary world of "adult contemporary". Where had the edge gone? Why weren't Tori's words and music summoning up the same level of emmotions in me her early work had? But i gave it a chance and slowly the layers sperated and the hidden beauty was revealed. It is now my single When i first heard Scarlet i was dissapointed by, what i originally viewed as Tori's decline into the dreary world of "adult contemporary". Where had the edge gone? Why weren't Tori's words and music summoning up the same level of emmotions in me her early work had? But i gave it a chance and slowly the layers sperated and the hidden beauty was revealed. It is now my single favourite Tori album. Already i feel the same happening with TBK. Tori has matured. She no longer communicates with the brash, overflowing emmotions of youth, but rather with a more defined and insightful voice that is enabling her to examine larger, more universal concepts. There are some brilliant songs on this album; my favourites being Parasol, orange knickers, sleeps with butterflies, barons, beekeeper and ginger, and as a whole the album is cohesive and beautiful. Expand
  37. DavidRE
    Mar 1, 2005
    As a Tori fan for more than 10 years -- middle-aged, straight male, too! -- I am always willing to listen, then judge. I have to say, when 'Boys for Pele' first came out, I was bitterly disappointed by the jarring dissonance and anger. It took time to love that album, and I do love it. So, of course, 'Beekeeper' is immediately loveable. I have long wondered what a As a Tori fan for more than 10 years -- middle-aged, straight male, too! -- I am always willing to listen, then judge. I have to say, when 'Boys for Pele' first came out, I was bitterly disappointed by the jarring dissonance and anger. It took time to love that album, and I do love it. So, of course, 'Beekeeper' is immediately loveable. I have long wondered what a happy Tori would sound like, and this is it. Her music is interesting because it is raw emotion, and if the emotion is happiness, so be it. Years ago, I cried at the bitter sadness of 'Playboy Mommy' and cried again today at the sweet, sweet joy of 'Ribbons Undone.' Tori is a work in progress -- a total original. I'm just a witness, and I am certainly eager to continue the trip. 'Beekeeper' is awfully sweet and kind, gentle to the listener. I'm happy for Tori. Let it last! And we will see how this album grows on us. I think it is an excellent work. Expand
  38. Lesli
    Mar 7, 2005
    Tori sounds wonderful on this album. Her voice has never been better! I really like the title track and Barons of Suburbia. Some of the lyrics in the songs draw me back to some of her earlier work including LE and UTP. I love the funky undertones of Cars and Guitars and Hoochie Woman. Definitely an album worth listening to. Even if you haven't been a fan of Amos in the past, I think Tori sounds wonderful on this album. Her voice has never been better! I really like the title track and Barons of Suburbia. Some of the lyrics in the songs draw me back to some of her earlier work including LE and UTP. I love the funky undertones of Cars and Guitars and Hoochie Woman. Definitely an album worth listening to. Even if you haven't been a fan of Amos in the past, I think you can take something from this conceptual work and its many gardens. Expand
  39. siljes
    Apr 17, 2005
    grows at you for every listening
  40. TomT
    Jun 13, 2005
    Of course, she must be a different person now. The ones who slam the new album seem mostly to object to this change and how it's refelcted in the music, but I think it's reasonable. Her new sound is more "accessible" but I don't think that was her goal. Nobody slams Led Zeppelin's last album for being too mellow. She did mix down the bass though (and mixed up the bass Of course, she must be a different person now. The ones who slam the new album seem mostly to object to this change and how it's refelcted in the music, but I think it's reasonable. Her new sound is more "accessible" but I don't think that was her goal. Nobody slams Led Zeppelin's last album for being too mellow. She did mix down the bass though (and mixed up the bass drum). Not sure why she chose this. For a female singer/songwriter, deep full bass like she allowed was a rare luxury. Not sure if it was her idea, but I liked it. Now we have kick drum o-plenty. The bass is there, but much quieter - clearly a conscious desicion that she at least bought off on - I'd ask her why if I could. Anyway, I love it. Expand
  41. yiyayo
    May 24, 2006
    this album is great. Martha' s foolish ginger maybe one of the best songs she has done.Ribbons undone is sweet. 15 tracks on this album so far great.
  42. HeidiN
    Mar 14, 2005
    I've been an admirer of Tori Amos since the beginning. This album starts off seeming less gripping than her earlier music - but it grows on you. I particularly like Mother Revolution, Sweet the Sting, Marys of the Sea, and General Joy . I disagree with others here in that I don't think it's a particularly happy album, but it is less dramatic and angst-ridden than her I've been an admirer of Tori Amos since the beginning. This album starts off seeming less gripping than her earlier music - but it grows on you. I particularly like Mother Revolution, Sweet the Sting, Marys of the Sea, and General Joy . I disagree with others here in that I don't think it's a particularly happy album, but it is less dramatic and angst-ridden than her previous work. The only song that's really about her duaghter is bittersweet in its recall of her mother and the idea that she still watches both of them from a distance. In any cae, the conceptual and aesthetic spaces of the music fill in on a second or third listen. There are a couple of songs that I think are intentionally bland enough to be on pop charts, but other than that I have no negative criticism at all. Next time she offers a DVD, though, I hope she gets a better producer and director - it could have been much better than it was. How about a Tori Amos video again someday? Expand
  43. RockyC
    Feb 25, 2005
    Tori is unfortunately delving into grooves that could be more suited to AC radio rather than an Alt. College station. I am unhppy about this yes, but not entirely dissapointed. Maturity and motherhood have certainly mellowed out our fire-haired "feline queen", but the lyrics are no less scathing and introspective as they were in previous work. Another reviewer noted that this is a Tori is unfortunately delving into grooves that could be more suited to AC radio rather than an Alt. College station. I am unhppy about this yes, but not entirely dissapointed. Maturity and motherhood have certainly mellowed out our fire-haired "feline queen", but the lyrics are no less scathing and introspective as they were in previous work. Another reviewer noted that this is a soul-baring work, but I don't find that to be the case. She did that best in LE and Pele. Her later works have been the result of her so-called chronicling as you can read in her new book "Piece by Piece". She is taking her own experience and the experience of others to weave a stories throughout her sonic landscape. The Tori we see now is a documentor of emotions. She uses a framework of mythology and archetypes to to create her songs and it takes some effort to glean meanings or intent. But thats the fun of being a Tori fan. Her work may lack ferocity, but beauty is abundant. Expand
  44. JoyB
    Mar 10, 2005
    I did not like this "happier Tori" at first, but giving this album, as well as Scarlets Walk, a chance was the best thing I've ever done. I love Barons of Suburbia.
  45. RandyB
    Mar 7, 2005
    It may not be as intricate as 'From the Choirgirl Hotel' or 'Little Earthquakes', but most of the album shines with a prettiness that grows on you with repeated listens. Those who would criticize it saying that it's uninspired are gravely mistaken-'Parasol', 'Mother revolution', 'The Beekeeper', 'Original Sinsuality', and It may not be as intricate as 'From the Choirgirl Hotel' or 'Little Earthquakes', but most of the album shines with a prettiness that grows on you with repeated listens. Those who would criticize it saying that it's uninspired are gravely mistaken-'Parasol', 'Mother revolution', 'The Beekeeper', 'Original Sinsuality', and 'Sleeps with Butterflies' especially are beautiful tracks, simple as they may be. Expand
  46. AndrewC
    Feb 21, 2005
    A very fine album, making up for what it lacks in inventiveness with sincerity and heart. For those despairing about the low score, don't worry: it is well worth your time, no matter what Stylus says.
  47. hcarter
    Apr 29, 2005
    This album shows off a lot of Tori's song-writing ability, which has gotten much better over the years. I do think the album is uneven and several songs suffer from the Sarah McLachlan-like symptom of sounding the same. Her shining moments really are brilliant though and make this album worth owning (Marys of the Sea/Beekeeper/Witness). Out of 19 songs, it's tough to admit that This album shows off a lot of Tori's song-writing ability, which has gotten much better over the years. I do think the album is uneven and several songs suffer from the Sarah McLachlan-like symptom of sounding the same. Her shining moments really are brilliant though and make this album worth owning (Marys of the Sea/Beekeeper/Witness). Out of 19 songs, it's tough to admit that maybe she could've made a tighter album with fewer songs, but that's just me. I still think her stuff is far superior to much of the crap out there. Expand
  48. Dec 2, 2013
    If Little Earthquakes is a perfect 10 album, than this is about an 8. It is a good record, and i am glad i bought it. Toris voice is so nice,and her singing is playful. She makes me compare here with Kate Bush, and i must say she dont stand back from Kate.
  49. Jan 28, 2015
    The Beekeeper is about as close to mainstream as Tori ever gets, but even so, her talent as a singer-songwriter really shines through with her obscure lyrics, impressive piano chops, and unique voice. Even if this album doesn't appeal to most of her fans, I honestly think these are some of her most mature and melodic songs yet. And not to mention that very few artists I know of can pullThe Beekeeper is about as close to mainstream as Tori ever gets, but even so, her talent as a singer-songwriter really shines through with her obscure lyrics, impressive piano chops, and unique voice. Even if this album doesn't appeal to most of her fans, I honestly think these are some of her most mature and melodic songs yet. And not to mention that very few artists I know of can pull off an album with 19 songs that, for the most part, is actually quite enjoyable throughout. Expand
  50. BrandonV
    Feb 22, 2005
    While this is one of Tori's best offerings in recent years, this album is still far from the masterpieces of her earlier days. There are some real gems on this disc, but with the gems come many sinkers. At 19 tracks, and a running time of nearly 80 minutes, this album runs for what seems like an eternity. Had 6 or 7 tracks been removed from the tracklisting and delegated to b-sides, While this is one of Tori's best offerings in recent years, this album is still far from the masterpieces of her earlier days. There are some real gems on this disc, but with the gems come many sinkers. At 19 tracks, and a running time of nearly 80 minutes, this album runs for what seems like an eternity. Had 6 or 7 tracks been removed from the tracklisting and delegated to b-sides, this would be worthy of a higher rating. However, the way it is, this is just a mediocre album, marred by several of its weaker tracks. Expand
  51. LeonardoF
    Mar 7, 2005
    The only problem with The Beekeeper is its duration - too long. If you skip "Jamaica Inn", "Sleeps with Butterflies", "General Joy", "Martha's Foolish Ginger" and "Marys of the Sea", it becomes a GREAT album.
  52. BrandonS
    Feb 23, 2005
    I think Tori Amos fans will generally be satisfied, but I can't see any new folks being won over by this. As far as Amos goes, I'm just always glad when it's not the dreck of Strange Little Girls. I'd love to hear her explore more with the electronic flourishes she started using on Choirgirl and Venus, (and the title track here does so a little), but the main thing for I think Tori Amos fans will generally be satisfied, but I can't see any new folks being won over by this. As far as Amos goes, I'm just always glad when it's not the dreck of Strange Little Girls. I'd love to hear her explore more with the electronic flourishes she started using on Choirgirl and Venus, (and the title track here does so a little), but the main thing for me is this: Any other artist, when they start to settle down, tends to sound like junk - when Tori settles a bit, it's 80 minutes of fine music. Expand
  53. LevisO
    Jun 28, 2005
    A good album but when compard to Scarlet's Walk, it's weak. Standouts, though, include: The Power of Orange Knickers, jamaica Inn, Sleeps with Butterflies, Ribbons Undone, Ireland, Martha's Foolish Ginger and Goodbye Pisces
  54. StefanoR
    Feb 26, 2005
    Maybe too long
  55. MyrrhaL
    Mar 25, 2005
    This album is long and for the most part, sedating. I am a ######## toriphile, but it's my opinion. I do not think that this album is her imminent demise. Just like any of us, Tori can't be bleeding and furious constantly. There is a cycle we all go through in our lives, and I am willing to accept this album as a portrait of where Tori's energies are directed right now. She This album is long and for the most part, sedating. I am a ######## toriphile, but it's my opinion. I do not think that this album is her imminent demise. Just like any of us, Tori can't be bleeding and furious constantly. There is a cycle we all go through in our lives, and I am willing to accept this album as a portrait of where Tori's energies are directed right now. She is still concerned with societal issues and the environment, obviously. But, personally, this albums tells me one thing. Tori is happy. And I refuse to hold that against her. "Parasol" is a standout for me because of the initial dissonance in the track, and underlying tension throughout. "Barons of Suburbia" is bitchin because of the sweet ending..."she is risen, boys." I understand why some may not enjoy this album, but give her a break. She's earned a little tranquility. Expand
  56. HenryG.
    Nov 15, 2007
    I don't own all of her albums yet, but I love all the ones I have (Still need Under The Pink, Venus and Back, Strange Little Girls), and this is no exception. It's different to her other stuff, which people can't seem to get. She is obviously contented, whole and happy. It feels like theres little struggle in this album, which in some ways makes it bad, but in another makes I don't own all of her albums yet, but I love all the ones I have (Still need Under The Pink, Venus and Back, Strange Little Girls), and this is no exception. It's different to her other stuff, which people can't seem to get. She is obviously contented, whole and happy. It feels like theres little struggle in this album, which in some ways makes it bad, but in another makes for a pleasant wholesome experience. Has some some really nice songs on it. It's a change for tori. As was ADP. Expand
  57. johns
    Jan 27, 2007
    use to be a massive fan not so sure lately. loved the controversial lyrics and complex music but now tori is just plain boring. although there are 2 gems on the album . witness and orange knickers. its a pity.
  58. MattB
    Mar 22, 2005
    A mixed bag. Contains some of the most beautiful melodies Tori has ever composed, along with a couple of hideous funk and gospel experiments. A few too many useless tracks that needed to be cut. Standouts: "The Beekeeper", "The Power Of Orange Knickers", "Barons Of Suburbia"
  59. Feb 17, 2015
    Tori amos produced several cakes in his career. In The Beekeeper she took an ingredient of each cake and the result was a reasonable and just nice mix of flavors.
    Small pieces of their albums are present here, making this a record without any grace and quite typical of tori. May be suitable for their old fans. But for those who never heard of tori, we recommend not starting with this
    Tori amos produced several cakes in his career. In The Beekeeper she took an ingredient of each cake and the result was a reasonable and just nice mix of flavors.
    Small pieces of their albums are present here, making this a record without any grace and quite typical of tori. May be suitable for their old fans. But for those who never heard of tori, we recommend not starting with this album, because it has nothing new, just the same voice, the same piano and the same alternative beats, which are very similar to pop this album.
    There are 18 flat tracks, which were certainly not expected of someone as talented as tori, which could easily be better than that.
  60. NickC
    Feb 24, 2005
    If "Little Earthquakes" is the album that helps you connect with Tori Amos, then "The Beekeeper" is the album that, unfortunately, helps you disconnect from her. It is undeniably hard to identify with, even for hardcore 'Toriphiles' like myself. Pieces of her ... now glamorous and happy life fall into place for listeners. It paints a picture of her drinking her tea and eating If "Little Earthquakes" is the album that helps you connect with Tori Amos, then "The Beekeeper" is the album that, unfortunately, helps you disconnect from her. It is undeniably hard to identify with, even for hardcore 'Toriphiles' like myself. Pieces of her ... now glamorous and happy life fall into place for listeners. It paints a picture of her drinking her tea and eating her bisquits, with her long icicle earrings and pink Native American dresses, all while living in Cornwall ... It just isn't the gritty sexy, 90's Kurdt, Trent, and Neil fan, silent all those years girl that we all grew to love and could connect with emotionally. You won't find any works here that compare to anything that can be found on the impressive Scarlet's Walk... or most of her previous works or B-sides. Can Tori be found on "The Beekeeper"? Perhaps. Her voice is there but there's something important missing ... something hard to figure out. It takes a whole lot of digging and listening and re-listening. If you have to do that to an album, there comes a point where you have to ask yourself: "Is it even worth it?" I have tried to figure out what Tori is trying to convey, and honestly it slips away from me every time I try to grab hold. Like an oasis, when the album finally hits the graceful lullabye "Ribbons Undone" midway, you'll find the album's only saving grace: A song about Tori's delightful daughter Tash. This album so often goes far off into unknown deep space, it almost gets frightening trying to follow Amos: You may never make it back home again. Expand
  61. weeannaa
    Apr 18, 2005
    where's the edge? this is sleek, too sleek. where's the pain, where's the goddamn edge? this is just.. ..sleek. not bad, mind you. it's nice enough to listen to, goes nicely in one ear, and right out the other. not like her four first albums, where almost every track was a slap in your face and fist in your stomach, not to mention her (earlier) b-sides and soundtrack where's the edge? this is sleek, too sleek. where's the pain, where's the goddamn edge? this is just.. ..sleek. not bad, mind you. it's nice enough to listen to, goes nicely in one ear, and right out the other. not like her four first albums, where almost every track was a slap in your face and fist in your stomach, not to mention her (earlier) b-sides and soundtrack contributions. love you tori, but can't your family horribly die or something? no, i don't mean that, but.. i want the old tori back. not easy-listening-tori. beautiful, yes, but.. Expand
  62. RobbieC
    Nov 17, 2006
    Better than almost everything else out there today. But the worst Tori record by far.
  63. Apr 19, 2014
    It's a bad Tori album, which means it's only better than 50% of everything else that's out there. Some people really dig this style, but after knowing her earlier more aggressive/dynamic work, it's difficult to appreciate the preciousness on some songs, on others it's just difficult to believe what she's forcing is working in any way... That said, there are a few beautiful songs, OriginalIt's a bad Tori album, which means it's only better than 50% of everything else that's out there. Some people really dig this style, but after knowing her earlier more aggressive/dynamic work, it's difficult to appreciate the preciousness on some songs, on others it's just difficult to believe what she's forcing is working in any way... That said, there are a few beautiful songs, Original Sinsuality, Jamaica Inn, Marys of the Sea, and the bonus track Garlands, if you can find it. A few great songs on a 19 or 20 track tracklist is the reason this is a mediocre record. Expand
  64. Jun 22, 2016
    The unfortunate thing about the Beekeeper is that it brings nothing new to Tori Amos's repertoire. Sadly the album is often too long and not interesting. Download: Sweet The Sting, Parasol
  65. LauraM
    Feb 23, 2005
    This album is not one of the best offerings in years, in fact her best offerings stopped after Choirgirl.. I am no longer buying anything related to Tori Amos, instead I rather remember her in her glory days..
  66. EdwardE
    Mar 2, 2005
    'The Beekeeper' misses by not including a single Tori song (which is guaranteed on every album) that grabs you by the gut. Although a flat, overly polished & lacking release, it's still better than most "fine music" being dumped on music fans currently.
  67. ja
    Aug 13, 2006
    Not what she was used to be,shame
  68. Apr 14, 2013
    Not as good as her previous or subsequent efforts. Some of the songs are bland (Sweet the Sting, Parasol), some have tacky lyrics (Barons of Suburbia) and tacky titles (Martha's Foolish Ginger, The Power of Orange Knickers) while the lyrics on others are uninspired and clichéd (Sleeps with Butterflies, Ireland). Still, there are songs that still have the flare and emotion Tori is knownNot as good as her previous or subsequent efforts. Some of the songs are bland (Sweet the Sting, Parasol), some have tacky lyrics (Barons of Suburbia) and tacky titles (Martha's Foolish Ginger, The Power of Orange Knickers) while the lyrics on others are uninspired and clichéd (Sleeps with Butterflies, Ireland). Still, there are songs that still have the flare and emotion Tori is known for. The beautiful ballad Toast is an incredible closer, while the, unfortunately, bonus track Garlands comes 2nd place to Toast, and has more quality than every other song on the album. Expand
  69. Dirk
    Feb 22, 2005
    Where are the pianos? Where is the ferocity and the sublime harmonies? This is a flat out BAD Tori Amos record and that's a real shame because as much as I love Tori I've lost all anticipation and excitement that comes with a new album. Call this one the Kate Bush Red Shoes slump I guess.
  70. JoeN
    Mar 2, 2005
    Tori is in sharp decline. The truly obsessed fans will deny that the new album is anything less than her best - but those people not looking through Tori-colored glasses can see this album for what it is - mediocre, uninspired, and irrelevant to the lives of most.
  71. EthanP
    Mar 5, 2005
    It's been more than 10 years since I first heard Tori and was blown away by "The Waitress." I've greatly enjoyed most of her journey, and I've even been one of those people who've bought all her singles just to hear the B-sides. I can dismiss Strange Little Girls as a great experiment that just never resonated with me (but at least I can love "Enjoy the Silence"). It's been more than 10 years since I first heard Tori and was blown away by "The Waitress." I've greatly enjoyed most of her journey, and I've even been one of those people who've bought all her singles just to hear the B-sides. I can dismiss Strange Little Girls as a great experiment that just never resonated with me (but at least I can love "Enjoy the Silence"). She's been bombastic, electric, heartbreaking, delicate, subtle, and a million other things. But are there any good songs on The Beekeeper? I can't find any. Meandering melodies without any hooks. It's like all the cuts that didn't qualify for Scarlet's Walk. The design of the cover image pretty much sums it up: weak. Poorly conceived. Lacking character. Boring. 2 points for being well played and at least not formulaic. Maybe it'll hit me in a couple years. But hopefully she'll have released something new by then and I can just forget this album altogether. I'm glad others have enjoyed it--because at least that means this won't end her career--but I think it's pretty poor. Expand
  72. GregL
    Mar 19, 2005
    Suffice it to say, "The Beekeeper" has quickly found a home on the floor of my car's backseat. Not only does this album suck it spells the end to the career of a legend. I have followed Tori religiously since her second start in the early 90s when i was in highschool. When word came a few years ago that she had a daughter, I thought, this is the end. Sadly I am now faced with the Suffice it to say, "The Beekeeper" has quickly found a home on the floor of my car's backseat. Not only does this album suck it spells the end to the career of a legend. I have followed Tori religiously since her second start in the early 90s when i was in highschool. When word came a few years ago that she had a daughter, I thought, this is the end. Sadly I am now faced with the fruition of that prediction. The angry, hellish, go F*ck yourself style of Tori has given way to a watered down something else. Not sure what that something else is, but I pray that more fans like me speak out so that maybe, maybe, Tori might again come back to dazzle us all again. Expand
  73. GabbyW
    Sep 16, 2006
    I really find it hard to see how anyone could like this. As was nastily said about Katharine Hepburn, Tori's passion runs the gamut from A to B. She is flat, boring, and devoid of life. Anemic is the word for this CD. Parasol is a weak version of Crucify; the Beekeeper and Toast, while meant to be moving, are zzz-inducing because Tori sings them in a tuneless drone. there's no I really find it hard to see how anyone could like this. As was nastily said about Katharine Hepburn, Tori's passion runs the gamut from A to B. She is flat, boring, and devoid of life. Anemic is the word for this CD. Parasol is a weak version of Crucify; the Beekeeper and Toast, while meant to be moving, are zzz-inducing because Tori sings them in a tuneless drone. there's no life here, no melody, and these songs are boring as hell. she's beyond coasting; she's melodically absent. Not even good muzak. The tuneless ramblings of someone who, it seems, can't sing on key anymore. Expand
  74. Zentherapy
    Aug 23, 2008
    I used to be a huge fan before this mess of an album. After the quiet energy of Scarlet's Walk... this, and an eyelift. Tori became the parody of herself, and things didn't get better with ADP, unfortunately.
  75. [Anonymous]
    Aug 2, 2006
    tori amos has broken my heart. a once brilliant artist has now reduced herself to that of singing waitress on your birthday.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 21
  2. Negative: 1 out of 21
  1. You can delve as deeply into the lyrics and musical brain-teasers as you like, but there's plenty of surface allure for anyone who just fancies a superficial graze.
  2. The Beekeeper returns the quirky singer to the same whimsical terrain of 1992's Little Earthquakes, but with much stronger storylines, and a much more assured and nuanced voice.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    The Beekeeper is the Tori Amos album for those normally freaked out by Tori Amos. [25 Feb 2005, p.99]