
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. 80
    No-one actually ever put out a request for an indie Pet Shop Girls, but thank goodness The Blow decided to do it anyway.
  2. Magnet
    Oct 18, 2013
    The Blow is full of those breathy moments, minimalist percussive and vocal stimulations that send shivers and sparks from the headphones to the brain to the heart to the feet. [No. 103, p.53]
  3. Oct 14, 2013
    The self-titled album is Maricich’s wobbly reboot after a seven-year absence, and if nothing else, she’s certainly learned the power of the bass.
  4. Oct 4, 2013
    This sixth, self-titled album shows a noticeable maturation.
  5. 80
    Cheap and bloodless electronic pop is too easy to imitate and score points with these days. Someone’s been studying how to transcend that problem; this album is always both intelligent and sentimental.
  6. Oct 4, 2013
    Song for song, The Blow is arguably a more consistent set of songs than Paper Television was, but its aloof wit ultimately makes for slightly smaller pleasures than what came before it.
  7. Oct 4, 2013
    Where these songs once demanded a whole lot of Northwestern indie-boom attention with their coy appraisals (both inward and outward), in today's context they tend to melt backwards, into the songs we already know.

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