• Record Label: PIAS
  • Release Date: Apr 6, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
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  1. Apr 30, 2018
    It feels like a career-straddling greatest hits collection in which all the ‘hits’ are brand new.
  2. Apr 17, 2018
    It’s a--for the most part successful--attempt to reach across divides in a world which seems more confusing by the day, a battle against the increasing entropy which seems to be seeping in at the edges of all our existences.
  3. Apr 9, 2018
    E's gifts as a songwriter and vocalist are still sharp, and if you've ever been partial to Mark Everett's slightly skewed but engagingly literate outlook on the world, then The Deconstruction should meet with your approval.
  4. Apr 9, 2018
    Eels don’t do anything markedly different to what they’ve done many times before, but E’s songwriting remains in fine fettle and he still has plenty to say.
  5. Apr 6, 2018
    E saves The Deconstruction from formula by turning his inner turmoil outward.
  6. 80
    Guilt, sickness, depression and death have their haunting power acknowledged. The optimism of a songwriter who sees the world’s love and beauty through his own sometimes deep pain rarely falters.
  7. 90
    The album is somewhat of a musical and philosophical rollercoaster. But that’s all in a day’s work for Everett who adds to his already impressive, uncompromising catalog with another expressive, rugged and diverse gem.
  8. Apr 4, 2018
    Great moments in great songs ('I love you, there, I said it') still seem to be deep enough waters for EELS to swim.
  9. Mar 30, 2018
    It seems ridiculous to describe the new Eels work as "a headphone record," because, in the era of earbuds, most are. Yet here we are, lost in the intricate melodies, arrangements and textures swirling through The Deconstruction.
  10. Uncut
    Mar 29, 2018
    Predictably overwhelming. [May 2018, p.27]
  11. Q Magazine
    Mar 29, 2018
    The Deconstruction doesn't deviate wildly from his trusty blueprint, being a mix of rattling '60s-ish pop songs and lovely, aching ballads. ... As ever, these sweeten the sadness and hard truths of the lyrics. [May 2018, p.108]
  12. Mojo
    Mar 29, 2018
    Another Eels album--the 12th!--to treasure. [May 2018, p.94]
  13. Mar 29, 2018
    A very welcome return.

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