
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Sep 19, 2014
    Ballet School is an indelible entry into the synth-pop genre, and are at least taking the approach somewhat differently by using guitars.
  2. Sep 11, 2014
    After its auspicious start, The Dew Last an Hour tries to convey similar sentiments amid agreeable, midtempo synth-pop that skimps on the pop and piles on the twinkling, harmonized guitars and vaporous melodies. What begins as a cooling blast of fresh air dissipates into pleasant ambience.
  3. 75
    An adventurous artistic growth is surely on the horizon for this blossoming young band, but on The Dew Lasts An Hour, Ballet School quickly found out what technique works for them and where their creative strengths lie.
  4. Sep 5, 2014
    The Dew Last An Hour is a record that's very easy to become smitten with. [Sep/Oct 2014, p.73]
  5. Uncut
    Sep 4, 2014
    It's '80s pop, but not as you know it. [Sep 2014, p.69]
  6. Sep 3, 2014
    They know their way around a captivating (if not subtle) hook, so whilst it sounds bigger than the sum of its parts, there are enough great songs to justify this super-stylised and fearless approach to pop.
  7. Q Magazine
    Sep 2, 2014
    Ballet School update and enhance, rather than copy or clone their '80s forebears. [Oct 2014, p.103]
  8. If there's a quibble, it's an avoidable tendency to let songs drift into overtly tasteful territory, but on point, Ballet School do their heroes proud.

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