• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2013

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
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  1. Oct 17, 2013
    Carve out the ultimate party EP, or consider the highlights too high to miss, because this is Dizzee at his breeziest and is best taken in little bits.
  2. 40
    Generally though, The Fifth‘s “dance” tracks--‘Bassline Junkie’, ‘Something Really Bad’, et al--just seem too limp to succeed as radio hits, and they’re certainly not good or interesting songs in any other capacity.
  3. Mojo
    Oct 1, 2013
    Mills' slightest work by some distance, The Fifth is evolution in reverse. [Oct 2013, p.88]
  4. Oct 4, 2013
    The list of guest stars includes Jessie J, Robbie Williams and will.i.am, and the album is as overproduced as those names suggest. Worse still, on The Fifth Dizzee Rascal succumbs to the worst stereotypes of rap music.
  5. If only the rest of the album was as inventive [as 'Spend Some Money'], instead of a derivative box-ticking exercise that features Dizzee going on about his "willy" a lot.
  6. Q Magazine
    Oct 16, 2013
    The Fifth sounds like half a dozen different [albums] squashed onto one record. Not good. [Nov 2013, p.115]
  7. Oct 15, 2013
    Not so much a victim of his own success, but an unwillingness to take risks in the name of music.
  8. 60
    The fairly routine nature of the backing tracks means that The Fifth lacks some of the distinctive berserker spirit that characterised its predecessors.
  9. 60
    The Fifth sees Dizzee dropping his aitches between generic, anthemic, autotuned American choruses.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 31 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 31
  2. Negative: 23 out of 31
  1. Oct 5, 2013
    I am extremely disappointed with this album. It is too commercialized and it is certainly not grime! It is a trashy pop album and shows thatI am extremely disappointed with this album. It is too commercialized and it is certainly not grime! It is a trashy pop album and shows that Dizzee Rascal wants to make a breakthrough in America which probably will happen because it is commercialized. I loved his first 3 albums and the fourth was okay but this does not even come close to his first three albums. I love Dizzee but this is bad. Full Review »
  2. Sep 21, 2014
    Because of tracks like "I Don't Need a Reason", "Bassline Junkie" or "H Town" this album is going to receive a 4/10 rating. So americanised,Because of tracks like "I Don't Need a Reason", "Bassline Junkie" or "H Town" this album is going to receive a 4/10 rating. So americanised, so commercialized and so overhyped, that's why "The Fifth" could be called "The Worst". Full Review »
  3. Aug 18, 2014
    Along with many other brilliant British artists, Dizzee Rascal has turned to the money-obsessed, commercial side of music. Leaving his grimeAlong with many other brilliant British artists, Dizzee Rascal has turned to the money-obsessed, commercial side of music. Leaving his grime roots behind, 'The Fifth' is an auto-tuned, tacky display of horrifically artificial pop music. The 'album' kicks off with the disappointing 'Superman', which features very poor lyrics which are overly manufactured and auto-tuned, making for a disgraceful, plastic track. However, the bouncy bass and playfulness of its follow-up, 'I Don't Need A Reason', is a welcome track to the album, showcasing brilliant lyricism, reminiscent of his musical glory days.

    Within this extremely disappointing record comes one stand-out letdown. The utterly dreadful 'Something Really Bad', featuring whiny, off-key vocals from the untalented yet ever-successful will.i.am. 'Love This Town' is yet another atrocity, with poor vocals and plastic production. Dizzee returns to his urban roots on the less inadequate 'H-Town', which boasts impressive production from A-Trak, yet still fails to come anywhere near the standard of Dizzee's first two solo records.

    Following 'H-Town', the album continues to stay tantamount with the track, with the more impressive 'Heart of a Warrior' and 'Life Keeps Moving On'. However, the bonus track, 'Bassline Junkie', featured on a previous DirteeTV mixtape, is, without a shadow of a doubt, the highlight of the album. Harking back to Dizzee's finest hour as a grime MC, the bass-heavy promo single, produced by none other than garage legend M.J. Cole, impresses throughout and embraces the sheer enjoyment brought about by a powerful bassline.

    Overall, 'The Fifth' is a total disappointment. It seems 'breaking America' and grabbing all the money he can get his hands on comes way before sticking to his roots as a grime artist. Since the award-winning 'Boy In Da Corner' and 'Showtime' - arguably the best grime albums of all time - Dizzee has continued to worsen with time, failing to produce or write the majority of his own music. Considering he has the talent to produce tracks such as 'I Luv U' and 'Graftin'', it is a total shame that he hands over production duties to tedious pop producers with an eye for millions. With a few improvements towards the end, 'The Fifth' is a shocking album and is not worth a listen.
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