
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Nov 1, 2023
    In stark contrast is the self-indulgent hero worship of “The One And Only (Van Dyke Parks).” However well-intentioned, the track is too cute by half, but its juxtaposition with the “Back In New York (Electric Mix)” redeems the conclusion of The Great Escape as crisp electric guitar figures echo through the jaunty tone of the Modrec Horns.
  2. Nov 1, 2023
    The Great Escape shows that Chris Stamey still has a faultless touch as a songwriter, vocalist, producer, and arranger, and it gently but confidently sees him adding new colors to his palette and using them well.
  3. 80
    An excellent example of a sound served up on a vibrant and expressive musical palette. It bears an air of familiarity that could easily lead one to believe these songs have been lingering in the ether forever.

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